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anyone ever been to a group jack off session?

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anyone ever been to a group jack off session?

Postby monkeyspunk » Sun Jan 29, 2006 8:34 pm

anybody ever been to one? im just wondering what it is like because i am considering going to one for the first time and im a bit nervous.

any "etiquette" involved? how does it work? where do usually whack off into? any supplies to bring?

also the person putting it together is thinking of having it at a hotel. is a monetary donation given for the room? and if so, is this considered "illegal" or "prostitution"?
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group j/o

Postby clevelandbiguy » Sun Jan 29, 2006 8:58 pm

good questions. i've been a member of a j/o club before, and i enjoyed it thoroughly! i would advise you to contact the organizer about the details, though. each 'club' is set up differently. the 'cleveland jacks' supplied lube and towels, although many brought their own. etiquette is usually the same........strictly j/ oral or anal play allowed. solo or group is a matter of permission. some prefer solo, or one-on-one, others like large groups. some are even strictly voyeurs and like to stroke on their own and just watch. ask about a donation for the room may be mandatory, voluntary, or not required at all. ask ahead of time, though, so you can be prepared. above all...............enjoy yourself!
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Postby monkeyspunk » Mon Jan 30, 2006 12:05 am

thanks. im a bit nervous since ive never done this with other people. maybe cuz everybody is naked and doing something so private in the presence of everyone else.

any suggestions on getting ready.

how long do these get togethers typically last?

what about body fluids going all over the place. are condoms usually worn or is it aiming for a towel or tissue?
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Postby cemtralpamale » Tue Jan 31, 2006 12:35 am

i've gone to the one in philly, pa .. Thier rules are the same as stated above. altho they rent a loft like space (multi purpose use ) i think they use it for other things as well .. they ask members with thier card 8$ and non -members 10$ and u get a card with that 10$ u loose that card - then ur stuck cause the next time you have to pay 10$ again . so keep the card if your gona go back alot - they do NOT keep any record of members . their loft that they use they have hardwood floors so mopping up is easy - they recommend keepin your shoes on - nudity ok . ... at the one i go to they have couches and tables with sheets on em for easy clean up .. And lots of lube- and towels .... They have visual stimulation of videos with volume off .. and as above option of solo - or group fun .. Ages range from 18 -60's ..EACH time you go its a different mix -- one time you go it may be all older guys - the next time its younger crowd .

Guys using hotels for jo group fun -- i.m.o isn't nice -- considering you figure a hotel is gona know something is going on when they see a bunch of guys coming in who aren't guests . sooner or later they're gona send someone to follow (esp if a group of 5 or more guys walks together to 1 room) also think about when everyone cums -- u have carpet -- unless you bring in couple sheets to lay on the floors it would be pretty messy . Ppl who rent rooms usually ask for donations of around 15.00 each -also depends what the room rate is for the nite.i honestly don't get how they know for a fact that the room is gona cost x amount - and then be able to tell others before hand what the donation is . Example -- if a room is 69.95 *no pun intended* it would be a donation of 7.00 each But i've seen ppl askin for donations of 15 each . they're makin a profit off the jo activity . ( unless they're buying mass quanity of lube , and condoms then i can see why they're askin 15) But i guess everyone is out to make some money.
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Postby Bill » Tue Jan 31, 2006 1:31 am

nope never been in one
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Postby spurtz » Sun Feb 12, 2006 7:35 pm

I think I am the guy who organized the group jack that monkeyspunk was considering attending. I am not sure if he was one of the guys who attended. If so, he had a different name than monkeyspunk. As usual on these deals, a lot of guys committed to being there but only four showed up counting myself plus I had a gf of mine there. We did have it in a hotel room. There is no way the hotel has the slightest clue as to what is going on. The attendees do not all arrive together and this is a large hotel. Nobody is watching who goes into the room. And even if they were, who is to say we weren't having a legit meeting there? And on top of that, the hotel doesn't give a damn what their guests do as long as they don't break anything up.

As far as making any money, that's the biggest joke yet. The three guys each tipped my lady friend $20 and I paid the $140 room fee. Plus I supplied towels and lube. So I don't see too much profit potential.

My lady friend took turns jacking each guy's cock. She would do it four about five minutes per guy and move on to the next one. She went around the room about four or five times and the guys would jack their own cocks and watch her stroke each guy's prick. After about an hour of this, we each took turns laying on the sofa (the hotel room was two room suite) while she got between our legs and jacked each one of us off all over our chest and belly. And she did the clean-up on each guy's cock.

She was 23 with a perfect little body and very, very attractive. She was very nervous before things started but once everybody was naked she figured out very quickly that she was totally in charge. Everybody, including her, had a really terrific time. She got a kick out of pulling the guy's cocks down and letting them slap back against their bellies. She also liked to watch us flex our muscles and make our cocks dance. She asked us to all give her a demonstration of how we could do that.

If you have never done one of these before, I can understand being nervous. But the truth is, once everybody has their clothes off and their dicks are hard, you basically just relax and lose all your inhibitions. And everybody has a ball. This is the fourth one of these I have been to, three of them I organized.
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Postby ilikeitalot » Mon Feb 13, 2006 7:38 am

Wow, spurtz.... that sounded like a lot of fun! I would've attended that in a heartbeat. I'd say having a girl there to do handjobs makes it 100 times better. If anyone can organize something like that in middle TN, please do. I'd help out with the expenses.


Postby goldeneagleone » Mon Feb 13, 2006 3:42 pm

Sounds like a great time. I wished there was one in Mid TN also, espicially with at least one lady involved.

As far as your lady liking playing with it in general, my wife is that way. She was totally amazed we can flex it, and she loves pulling it back for it to slap me. When I am soft she likes to squeeze it, or sometimes she will pretned it is a puppet and make voices for it. She finds my dick very entertaining to say the least.
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Postby cemtralpamale » Tue Feb 14, 2006 1:13 am

spurtz wrote:I think I am the guy who organized the group jack that monkeyspunk was considering attending. I am not sure if he was one of the guys who attended. If so, he had a different name than monkeyspunk. As usual on these deals, a lot of guys committed to being there but only four showed up counting myself plus I had a gf of mine there. We did have it in a hotel room. There is no way the hotel has the slightest clue as to what is going on. The attendees do not all arrive together and this is a large hotel. Nobody is watching who goes into the room. And even if they were, who is to say we weren't having a legit meeting there? And on top of that, the hotel doesn't give a damn what their guests do as long as they don't break anything up.

As far as making any money, that's the biggest joke yet. The three guys each tipped my lady friend $20 and I paid the $140 room fee. Plus I supplied towels and lube. So I don't see too much profit potential.

My lady friend took turns jacking each guy's cock. She would do it four about five minutes per guy and move on to the next one. She went around the room about four or five times and the guys would jack their own cocks and watch her stroke each guy's prick. After about an hour of this, we each took turns laying on the sofa (the hotel room was two room suite) while she got between our legs and jacked each one of us off all over our chest and belly. And she did the clean-up on each guy's cock.

She was 23 with a perfect little body and very, very attractive. She was very nervous before things started but once everybody was naked she figured out very quickly that she was totally in charge. Everybody, including her, had a really terrific time. She got a kick out of pulling the guy's cocks down and letting them slap back against their bellies. She also liked to watch us flex our muscles and make our cocks dance. She asked us to all give her a demonstration of how we could do that.

If you have never done one of these before, I can understand being nervous. But the truth is, once everybody has their clothes off and their dicks are hard, you basically just relax and lose all your inhibitions. And everybody has a ball. This is the fourth one of these I have been to, three of them I organized.

first things first . I was not tryin to insult you spurtz . I WAS going by the impression i was given - Honestly - how was i to know you had a room for 169.95 ? I 've never talked to you b4 so i can't make that judgement. From what i know of most rooms go for 60-70 a nite - - depending if your in the burbs or its higher in the city (Atleast in philadelphia) I'VE Heard of ppl doing those bukkake parties doing the same thing renting a hotel room - and asking for donation Actually i've heard donations for those parties are WAY more -- like 150 or so . i've read where ppl had parties such as yours and had 15 -20 ppl show up - lets say that the room is 169.95 and you have a RSVP'D list of 20 who ARE going to show up - at 15$ a person thats 300. minus room cost that leaves 130.05 $ paper towels and a couple jars of lube- probably run you 40-50 $ still a profit . thats IF you get 20 to actually show up. Hey each to thier own - you make money great for you- If You have a party in Philly /nj area with a female to provide handjobs . I am game i'll pay the 15.00 .. post here to inform ppl . later.
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Postby spurtz » Tue Feb 14, 2006 7:22 am


first things first . I was not tryin to insult you spurtz . I WAS going by the impression i was given - Honestly - how was i to know you had a room for 169.95 ? I 've never talked to you b4 so i can't make that judgement. From what i know of most rooms go for 60-70 a nite - - depending if your in the burbs or its higher in the city (Atleast in philadelphia) I'VE Heard of ppl doing those bukkake parties doing the same thing renting a hotel room - and asking for donation Actually i've heard donations for those parties are WAY more -- like 150 or so . i've read where ppl had parties such as yours and had 15 -20 ppl show up - lets say that the room is 169.95 and you have a RSVP'D list of 20 who ARE going to show up - at 15$ a person thats 300. minus room cost that leaves 130.05 $ paper towels and a couple jars of lube- probably run you 40-50 $ still a profit . thats IF you get 20 to actually show up. Hey each to thier own - you make money great for you- If You have a party in Philly /nj area with a female to provide handjobs . I am game i'll pay the 15.00 .. post here to inform ppl . later. QUOTE

I didn't think you were trying to insult me. You were just expounding on a particular situation that you had zero first hand knowledge on. I am not sure where you came up with the $169.95 room rate since I said I paid $140 for the room. It was a suite at a hotel adjacent to LAX. You won't get anything there that's decent for anybody's 60-70 a night. I am not into staying in dumps. Frankly, the room was too small so for the next one I am looking at a larger suite in a more expensive around $250 per night.

You don't know me as you said. If you did, you would know that I don't need to be making pocket change by charging guys. A couple of the guys offered to chip in for the room and I thanked them for the thought but told them to give it to my lady friend.

I have one purpose in putting these things together and it sure as hell isn't for a few is strictly to have some fun and we sure did.
Love to jack.....
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Postby Vegas Bill » Tue Feb 14, 2006 10:10 am

Would love to orgainze one of these in Vegas... I would even pay for the room... the problem would be finding the female. Although "professionals" are easy to find here it is technically illegal; I would want the thing to be on the up and up and not break any laws, so the gal would have to be doing it for her own pleasure. If anyone is interested and has any ideas about organizing it let me know.
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Postby big_spider » Sat Aug 04, 2007 3:43 pm

I'm heading to Philly Jacks for the first time this month - I hope. Usually hit ABS and like to do it in groups.
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