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cumming before sex. does it make a difference

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cumming before sex. does it make a difference

Postby footage » Sun Aug 26, 2007 6:21 am

I was wondering if guys keep themselves from cumming if they know they are going to have sex. Do they stop masturbating when they know sex going to occur within a day. Is it possible for you to cum in the same day or the day before and still cum during sex. I havent cum during sex and im wondering if I stroke to often and my dick is used to my hand or is it that I came without giving enough time to bust a nut/cum during sex. Whats keeping me from cumming. Is there a strategy like holding off on cumming? Im sure guys still masturbate even though they get sex but how is it they cum during sex if they came the day before or inbetween sex sessions?
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Postby muzik360 » Sun Aug 26, 2007 11:43 pm

i love jacking off. . its definately a fetish. . . but. . i cant cum when im having sex with my bf. . he hates it. . . he thinks its coz of him . . i dunno. . . i think ive screwed myself by getting used to the feeling of my own hand on my cock. . . .
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Postby dicklion » Mon Aug 27, 2007 12:54 am

I have not had a problem- I can cum 4-5 times a day so hopefully when I think or know I will have sex I will only jackoff once that day before the event

I know some friends who have had the problem and they talk with partners and masturbate together and share and soon can do it both ways....
masturbate 1-3 times a day ( occasionally I will do it 5+ times)
Have relationships and have regualr frequent sex and this makes me jackoff more.
write to : [email protected]
Love to jackoff in front of a group of ladies, outside anywhere
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Postby Zipgun » Mon Aug 27, 2007 12:58 am

When my wife and I have sex and if she happens to see my load. She can always tell if I had j/o that day ;)
Its all for the fun of it. Image
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Postby footage » Mon Aug 27, 2007 6:21 am

I know the more you jerk off the less cum you have each time you cum. Dicklion what do you mean by both ways. Do you mean they can cum during sex regardless of jerking off? Dicklion lets get up sometime so you and I can have some jerk off sessions with girls. Bring some around this way when you get to richmond or maybe I can make that way but its less likely. To the person talking about cumming with your bf are you gay?Are you a guy? Dicklion let me know what you wanna do. We can get some stories created. im not bi or anything but I think we can get a couple of moments going with others or in front of them.
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Postby footage » Sun Sep 02, 2007 8:48 am

Does anyone else know if jerking off daily can mess up your cum cycle during sex? does your dick get to used to your hand or could it be nerves. Do you have to save up some cum you can release it when its time for sex? Im pretty sure not everyone has to keep from cumming because they dont knw when they will have sex next but does anyone know what causes non cumming during sex.
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Postby Alan » Sun Sep 02, 2007 12:03 pm

footage wrote:Does anyone else know if jerking off daily can mess up your cum cycle during sex? does your dick get to used to your hand or could it be nerves. Do you have to save up some cum you can release it when its time for sex? Im pretty sure not everyone has to keep from cumming because they dont knw when they will have sex next but does anyone know what causes non cumming during sex.

Just my opinion......

A person's ability to cum (man or woman) is because them have allowed themselves to be stimulated mentally. Unless you are constantly beating off, your inability to cum during sex is probably a result of what is going on in your head. I realize that everybody is different, but for me......

.....whether I am masturbating or having sex; if I am turned on, there dosn't seem to be a limit on the number of times I can cum in a day or even in an hour.
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Postby SAVANNAH » Thu Sep 06, 2007 11:07 am

I've noticed that all guys are differant. Some are good for only one orgasm a night. Others can recover for one or more encore performances. The guys age, physical condition and sobriety can all be a factor in his abilities. Certain females are capable of exciting their guy to higher levels of activity also.

I can only imagine that masturbating prior to intercourse would degrade the amount of ejaculate and the intensity of the orgasm that occurred during coitus. As to the length of time it takes to fully recover from an orgasm I have no idea. Once again I am sure it varies widely from man to man.

Trouble ejaculating during intercourse can be attributed to any of a number of things. It can surely be rectified if your able to orgasm during masturbation. In that case it could be as simple as practice makes perfect. :D
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Postby Baato » Thu Sep 06, 2007 3:14 pm

i got some things to say here, hold on. i'm jerking off for my 3the time today. here i cum. That was nice.

anyways After an ejaculation the recovery can take from 10minits to 7days.
Age,stress, physical condition, Love, passion. A lot of them make the difference.

My maximum was about 7 times i came on a day. after that, rubbing could even hurt.
Jerking of is healthy. it reduces stress, burns fat, keeps condition good ,etc.
Cumming is good for men because our semen is refreshed. good new healthy spunky sperm ready to swim on.

if you did't jerkoff for a day or longer. you'l be loaded full. After 3days i believe, your soldiers die and there are made new.
If you Cum with a full load, ill be plenty of goo. If you get aroused and come again, it will be less. etc. in the end you'll be empty. at this point you won't even be able to stroke your private because he NEEDS rest, he is tired en if you keep going it hurts.
How ever the amount you cum doest really affect your orgasm(for the man).
If you have e big long load it can feel really great.
If you have loaded the big load already. Your wanne come again. oke fine, it feels a bit less good.
but 3de time (sometimes the 2de already). I want to cum but its kind of hard. you have to be slow sometimes to keep him hard. fast te bring on the ejaculation. again slow to maintain hardness. (this is possibly the best moment for a girl to have MORE orgasms). Its hard to cum but you want it so badly. At this point your Orgasm will be very intensive. and i mean "intensive". It can even be a little drop of will FEEL GREAT. (and of course because it was hard to cum and needed to do variations in speed and technicks to maintain erection. the girl will most probably already have some orgasm and i do mean 'some. '

to jerk of a lot of time's can also give extra to your sex.
every time you cum there is a little Muscle that gets trained.
It makes it intensive. the load will shoot var etc.
.If you are aroused. But don't jerk of. the man's brain has a lot of testrogeen(don't know the English name for it).
It a chemical of some sort. you'll produce more cum, you'll really want to ejaculate etc.
If you are really really hot. your balls will produce semen fast.

if your young. you'l have a lot of.....whats it called... Hormones.
these ill have a lot of effect to.
(pills that arouse women and for men viagra etc...have male hormones. ..."THE PILL"(to prevent girls form getting pregnant ofcourse....) is also a Male hormone

And ofcourse
"Love" this has many forms. to much to type
But is has a positive effect.
for girls mostly, as the girl feels more relexed aroud a loved one. the mucle's of the vagina or more relaxed.
end in the end. if you realy love her, sex WILL be better.

Enjoy yourself. Cum as you like. load of
it'l always be good for you !!!!

as long as you have enough load left to give your girlfriend here needed attention (given with pleasure ! :d)
It always be good four you !!!!
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Postby footage » Tue Sep 11, 2007 4:42 am

i cum all day from jerking off when i have enough time. But my sex life is different. Im not sure whats causing my inabiilty to cum. I dont get drunk I dont do really anything but jerk off. I beleive its has to do with the recovery time. Especially since guys have sex daily or weekly and still cum even if they have already jerked off. But i just dont know. I love jerking off so I do it. has got me addicted to jerking more so but I dont like that sight anymore. I just let the girls see me on yahoo. Anyway Savanaah if you have yahoo let me know what the addy is. You could be right it could be a matter of practice makes perfect.
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