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First Ejaculation

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First Ejaculation

Postby OnSexuality » Wed Dec 19, 2007 5:37 am

I don't know but I remember having orgasms long before I even knew what they were, I'd lay on my stomach and sort of rock back and forth until this great feeling went through my body. I'd do it at least once every day I may have been in First Grade or even younger when I started doing this. I remember that when I was 13, I had went into the bathroom and I had an erection that just begged for me to "inspect" it further so I felt the "ribs" on my penis and looked at the color of the head. When after a while this feeling started to come over me and by then I knew a little about sperm and when I felt that familiar feeling taking over my body this time I knew it would be different. I just knew something was going to come out of my penis and I didn't want to see it so I tried to pull my pants up. Before I could get them up this greenish (as I remember it) goo came out of the head of my penis and dribbled down onto the toilet seat. I wiped it up quickly and looked down at my penis and saw a little bit of this gooey stuff left on the tip. After that I was freaked out, grossed out, scared and avoided touching my penis for a few days, except for urination and cleaning. However I saw a friend ejaculate during a game of Truth or Dare and and after that I figured it wasn't a big deal even still for a short while after I started masturbating to orgasm again I was afraid to pee right after having an orgasm because I really believed that I was peeing the sperm out and I'd see them swimming around in the toilet. I'd pee and avoid looking down and then I'd flush the toilet as quick as possible.
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Postby bugleone » Wed Dec 19, 2007 12:10 pm


As I posted in another thread, I was mastubating nightly from the age of 10 but was about 13 before I first ejaculated. By that time I knew what was happening and that it would indeed eventually happen. However, the conditions were particualrly memorable and in a way significant as the event conincided,...or was inextricably linked, to the death of my grandfather, fact both happened on the same night.

After the emotional events of that evening with the whole family in a state of grief and turmoil, the fact that I had not been able to masturbate for about 5 days, became an urgent need in the early hours of the next morning and the grief over the loss of my grandfather became mixed with the emotional need to release my young sexual tension and the resulting messy deposit of semen was not the happy blessing it perhaps should have been.

Strangely enough, the production of semen is not the best part of sexual activity for me, as apart from the above I also had some early girlfriends who were horrified and disgusted by any trace of semen,...I think the modern American term is 'grossed out' descriptive! I unfortunately learned to hide my ejaculation and to have negative feelings about the semen.

It's only been in much later years that I conciously re-programmed my responses to accept seeing my semen 'shoot' and even now I go thru periods of negative feelings about 'the mess' of cumming.
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first time

Postby jtxxxjt » Wed Dec 19, 2007 5:14 pm

im pretty sure i was 10 at the time, but the funny thing is that i didn't know what i was doing. i had been hearing the dirty jokes and the like at school for a couple of years, but nobody ever said 'jacking' or masterbation, just 'beating off.' anyway, i used to play with myself some when i would get erect for whatever reason, but never had any kind of method. so this one time i decide to go for it, so i am 'beating' myself by having my fingers and thumb on either side of my penis and moved my hand back and forth vigorously so that it was basically getting rattled back and forth. its difficult to explain but i was never actually holding or gripping it in any way. eventually i did ejaculate and it spattered everywhere thanks to my unorthodox method...both legs, both arms, all over my stomach and chest, some on my face and on the wall at the head of the bed. lol
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First ejaculation

Postby teplus » Wed Dec 19, 2007 8:24 pm

My first ejaculation was quite a surprise to me. I grew up in an era and home where sex just wasn't mentioned. About age 14 I had salvaged some old nylon stockings from the trash as I always loved the way they felt. I was fooling around with them in bed and for whatever reason put a couple over my erect penis and the feeling was beyond anything I had ever felt before. I kept rubbing and that feeling kept building. It reached a point I couldn't stop and thought I urinated on myself. I carefully turned on a light to see the damage and realized that thick fluid wasn't urine. I had heard a littlle about the term "wet dreams" and assumed this was it. Later I learned from younger guys it was called "beating it". I wish someone had taught me sooner.
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Re: First Ejaculation

Postby Much2Fun » Mon Mar 02, 2009 5:15 am

My first was from rubbing a blanket on my nude penis. I came after only a few minutes.
Last edited by Much2Fun on Thu Jun 13, 2013 5:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: First Ejaculation

Postby bos.guy » Mon Mar 02, 2009 2:56 pm

This is an interesting thread, not only to hear about people's first ejaculations, but their ages as well.

I had mine two weeks (or so) before my 13th birthday. My family was getting ready to move, and had already moved out of our house, so we were staying with my grandfather in his house (the house my mom grew up in).

Now, I had been "inspecting" my penis and rubbing it against my undies or the bedsheets for at least a year at this point, and knew what cum was, but had obviously never seen it, or experienced it, in real life before.

Well, this one day I had stripped naked after I got back from school and was dry humping the air and the carpet in the den...when I hear someone come home. "Oh shit," I on went the clothes again. But at that age, I was obsessed with thoughts of "that feeling" (oh, wait, I'm still obsessed with thoughts of jerking off and sex), after dinner, I decided to go up to my uncle's old bedroom (now a storage room) and explore some more.

I preceded to strip naked again and admire how big my hard cock looked in comparison to my scrawny pubescent boy body. Well, I was touching, prodding, twisting, poking, rubbing, flicking, etc., when all of a sudden I decided that playing with my balls might be a cool thing to do.

So, there I am really getting into fondling my balls. I decide to sort of arch my back, with my head and shoulders against the wall and my legs and butt up in the air, and really start to stretch and massage my them a little squeeze and a little pressure.

Well, that was all it took. I felt like I was going to pee, and even though I thought piss was going to come out, the feeling was like a "WOOSH...WOW" feeling that I just let it happen and thought "well, I can clean up pee." Instead, gobs of this very gooey (and what I thought was smelly) whitish-yellow stuff came squirting out of my dickhead and onto my stomach. Needless to say, I I got dressed (with the cum dripping down my stomach onto my shirt and shorts at this point), ran to the bathroom and cleaned up. I think I ended up throwing away the t-shirt, cause I figured my mom would see the mess and find out what I had been up to.

It wasn't until after we moved that I thought back to that night in the bedroom and decided to try that again. Funnily enough, I've never been able to replicate that first orgasm...meaning, I've never been able to JUST massage my balls to orgasm. Instead, however, I discovered the joys of humping toilet paper rolls to "simulate" a fake vagina. Haha, the joys of masturbation in the early teen years!
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Re: First Ejaculation

Postby dickguy » Mon Mar 02, 2009 4:31 pm

I vividly recall using the toilet paper rolls as a substitute vagina when I was a early teen, I wonder if there are any guys that did not do that. This was usually in the outhouse at my grandmas house in the country. I recall one time, I went in the outhouse with the 12 year old girl I was playing with, I was 13 I think. It was a 2 holer privvy and as we both sat there peeing, I took the paper roll and showed her how I could poke my thingey innto the tube. We laughed about that for quite a while.
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