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first time you ever saw the opposite sexes private parts

A Potpourri of Masturbation

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Postby footage » Fri Aug 10, 2007 6:48 am

Pinkbunny could you see the dick on his thigh or was it actually visible through the hole? tell me what happened.
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Postby footage » Wed Aug 15, 2007 9:31 pm

The post are all good but ladies I want to hear more from you? Everyone has a way they saw there first dick or pussy.Everyone join in
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Postby drench_me_ladies » Thu Aug 16, 2007 3:55 am

well up close and personal, when I lost my virginity at age 14. I still remember it well! It was great, the girl I was with was a virgin too and 16. We had fooled around before, like she'd jerk and suck me off and I'd finger her. She had a nice large breasts which I love. We both got nude and she jacked me off for a little bit and I cummed. Then she laid back and slowly got on top of her (I was pretty nervous at this point) and we robbed each other's innocense and virginity. She was real tight and I can still recall that moment my cock was all the way in, an indescribable feeling. We both instantly looked each other in the eye when I started to push it in and out, suprised at just how great it felt = ) Like a gentleman I didnt cum in her and I played with her flopping tits afterwards.
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Postby footage » Mon Aug 20, 2007 1:38 am

thatll work too drench.
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I think I was there!

Postby navital » Sat Sep 01, 2007 12:38 pm

drench_me_ladies wrote:well up close and personal, when I lost my virginity at age 14. I still remember it well! It was great, the girl I was with was a virgin too and 16. We had fooled around before, like she'd jerk and suck me off and I'd finger her. She had a nice large breasts which I love. We both got nude and she jacked me off for a little bit and I cummed. Then she laid back and slowly got on top of her (I was pretty nervous at this point) and we robbed each other's innocense and virginity. She was real tight and I can still recall that moment my cock was all the way in, an indescribable feeling. We both instantly looked each other in the eye when I started to push it in and out, suprised at just how great it felt = ) Like a gentleman I didnt cum in her and I played with her flopping tits afterwards.

Sounds very familiar, except in my case, she was also 14, like me. Big breasts. She could have passed for 18. Her parents were divorced and she lived with her mom. After school, went to her apartment and we explored each other on her bed, with ELO playing in background. To this day, I think of her when I hear "Mr Blue Sky".
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Postby NightShadow » Sun Sep 02, 2007 4:00 am

My first time was when I was with the neighbor up the road's daugther doign some work tryign to earn money to pay off a debt. we got bored and her older brother and mom went into the woods to go wood cutting to gehter wood for the comign winter. we slipped off into the barn and decided to do a "You show me I'll show you mine" thing. I was a little turned on eventhought i was young. She was 3 years older than me, but it was all good. I goto touch her there and she touched me but nothing major sexdual went on.
To this day I wish it had. :) she was just as good looking then as she is to this day.
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Postby footage » Sun Sep 02, 2007 8:34 am

nightshadow.the same goes for my old friend's older sister that I peeked in on. She was probably 18 when I was 12. I think she is married now but I recently learned she was 34 and she is still looking good. At least I got to peek but I kinda wish that something more couldve happened even though I dont think it ever couldve. I was a kid and now im grown. It was an age gap then and what older teenager is looking at a middle schooler. Now we are old enough that it doesnt matter and he compliments my looks now. So whos eyeing who
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First time seeing other sex

Postby topcat9876 » Sun Sep 02, 2007 5:43 pm

The first time I saw a girls bits I was 9 or 10, a friend and his sister (she was a year or two younger) were playing truth or dare. To get her to agree to show I had to agree to show mine too. She was still completely hairless and all I really saw was a small slit where a willy would have been on a guy.
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Postby gideon » Sun Sep 02, 2007 9:40 pm

My gran used to care for 2 girls who's father was at war in the desert, WW2. I used to visit, I was 7 and they were 7 and 9, We used to go behind the very large sofa and they would pull down their knickers and show me their pussies, I used to open my fly and show my cock but they said I had more and they wanted to see my balls as well. I often wander where they are now and if they still remember those days.
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Postby footage » Thu Sep 06, 2007 6:52 am

Gideon I would go with yes. 7 and 9 are memory collecting ages.Those are the early memory stages. So hopefully they do remember
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Postby Jizzo » Thu Sep 06, 2007 5:42 pm

I can't quite remember. The first time I saw a pussy is when I was around 3 or 4 years old and I though that girl got her penis cut off :lol:. The first time I saw another guy's penis, my dad in the shower :? I saw my mom's later, accidentally.

The first time I saw a woman's pussy other than my mother and that girl I thought she had his penis cut off was in a porno at the age of 6 years old. I saw a real one at the same age under a skirt of some girl.

The first time I saw a guy cum (besides me) was my neighborg who was 12 years old. I was around 14 years old at that time. Since I'm straight, but open to try new things, my neighborg and me decided to masturbate together and we did some sort of jacking off race to see who cum first. Obviously, since I was more developed than him, I came first. After 10 minutes later, he came, but in small quantity (because he just hit puberty and could barely see pubic hair on him, so I thought his semen production was that small). He's 18 years old now and we still do it, but very ocassionally. We've never done anything sexual like fucking each other, that's not our style.
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Postby footage » Sat Sep 08, 2007 5:27 pm

i dont know about jacking off together but the pussy thing about it being cut off was ok. If your going to elaborate on anything let it be a pussy story. like your moms or another girls. I dont really want to hear about another guy. this is opposite sex here
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Postby footage » Tue Sep 25, 2007 7:12 am

everyone share. i want to hear from everyone. everyone has a first time and can participate on this.
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Postby Bellend » Thu Oct 04, 2007 6:14 am

I was about 12. Was playing 'ill show you mine....' with a cousin (yeah, i know :lol: ).

It was actually kinda cool, we both got naked and just checked each other out, was a very casual, but pretty thorough exploration, and real good fun.

As far as non IRL, it wouldnt have been much earlier, checking out porno mags with a friend whi found his brothers stash.
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first time seeing opposite sex's private parts

Postby jackoffnow » Fri Oct 05, 2007 3:44 am

my family,as i was growing up,was nudists,so i saw the opposite sex's private parts,early on,until early teens
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