I've been looking up on how to make masturbation much more pleasurable, I'm 16 and look must guys I just do the deed in a minute or 2 and that's it.
I've read that you have to go slow, take your time, talk dirty, use lube, and one main one was "sexual fantasy".
I don't have a sexual fantasy, I'm not really sure what they are, I've thought it might do with having sex with someone, but If I imagine that I would have to have the same thrusting etc stimulation or male sex toys, too make it realistic, because sex is not just having your penis stroked.
I would really like help here on people guys who have long pleasurable times, and use sexual fantasies.
How do I find them?
What are they meant to do?
How do I incorporate them into masturbation?
All information and help I will appreciate alot!
28 minutes ago - 3 days left to answer.