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girl wants me to cut down my bush

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girl wants me to cut down my bush

Postby footage » Wed Jun 20, 2007 4:52 am

This girl I met on wants me to cut down my bush some so it wont be hair in her mouth or so she wont loose the mood. She said if its too much she wont be turned on. I love my bush its my manliness and Ive had it since before middle school. Its like shaving your mustache or something you just dont do it to often. I dont want to be all itchy. She asked me how I like her's and I said anyway even if its all natural. I dont get any ofter so as long as its a nice pussy then it works for me. Shes going to teach me how she like to be eaten. How much should I cut off. she keeps her's low and trimmed. Should I do the same
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Postby Bill9661 » Wed Jun 20, 2007 11:38 am

Footage, there's something about women that we all need to bear in mind...... THEY have ALL the pussy, and half of the money....... (sometimes more)...... It sounds like if she wants your pubes trimmed and you want some pussy you might want to use the small scissors..... :lol:
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Postby luvheels » Wed Jun 20, 2007 1:32 pm

If it turns her on and you get hotter sex because of it then why not try it? You might also like it too. Once you've enjoyed the extra sensation of sex without pubic hair it's hard to go back.
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Postby LoveThyself! » Wed Jun 20, 2007 3:30 pm

Yeah. It's just hair and it will grow back. I wouldn't suggest shaving bald (like I do) when you start off, but if you pick up a beard/personal trimmer, you can use the little adjustable combs and gradually trim closer and closer until you both find something that you can agree on. I'd have her there when you do it... make it a part of the foreplay. And if she's demanding it of you, it's only fair that she reciprocate, so you two can have fun with this. Let us know how things went.

Postby ilikeitalot » Wed Jun 20, 2007 3:43 pm

Two things:

(1) Shave your balls. Why? Girls are more likely to lick and/or suck your balls that way lol.

(2) Trim the rest + shave around the shaft. Why? Makes your cock look longer, which is always a good thing. Plus, most girls like it better when giving blowjobs... no hairy forest, no hair in their mouth.

And like LT said, if you don't like it, it'll always grow back.

Postby Zipgun » Thu Jun 21, 2007 7:25 am

Just a question from moi,

Do you like fur in your mouth?

If ya say nay then give the gal a break and trim those bushes.

If you say yay then your one strange puppy :wink:
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Postby seekerrhl » Thu Jun 21, 2007 11:05 am

I say it depends on whether she shaves her pussy or not. My girlfriend does not shave her pussy, just trims it.
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Re: girl wants me to cut down my bush

Postby guinner » Thu Jun 21, 2007 11:26 am

footage: ....I love my bush its my manliness....


Its like shaving your mustache or something you just dont do it to often.

wait, wait, who told you that?
you should do it often (that way you'll get rid of the itchy feeling in no time, lol)

anyway, don't complain, just shave!! (and while you're at it, shave that mustache too footage ;) )
or trim, or whatever, don't just let it grow
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Postby footage » Fri Jun 22, 2007 6:47 am

I trim my mustache and shape my gotee. Some times I trim the mustache and dont connect the gotee. I was just saying that a guy feels naked without his mustache can look totally different also. I dont want itchiness thats for sure. I could just trim it some. I talk to her every night and she has a webcam. Im just trying to arrange meeting her but we are getting closer. I dont know what feelings are there but we enjoy talking to each other. Anyway, no one told me about the mustache thing and I dont know how much I'll shave. I have shaved the balls before but never anything else. I have cut some of the length off though. Well all I know is she doesnt want a total bush. She asked me how I wanted hers and I dont really care. She keeps hers trimmed though.
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Postby 3535 » Fri Jun 22, 2007 7:50 pm

Not giving advice here because I think whatever way you feel most comfortable is the way you should have it , but after years of shaving and trimming I have gone a step further this week and tried to remove all my pubic hair (front and back) completely , through electrolysis and wax strips..
I think having it completely smoothe makes for a much better experience with a woman and from my own point of view it's much easier to keep clean..
I expect it will all grow back and I'll have to start shaving it again but right now Im feeling smooth without any rash and thats the way I prefer it..
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Re: girl wants me to cut down my bush

Postby luvheels » Thu Jul 05, 2007 1:51 pm

footage wrote:This girl I met on wants me to cut down my bush some so it wont be hair in her mouth or so she wont loose the mood. She said if its too much she wont be turned on. I love my bush its my manliness and Ive had it since before middle school. Its like shaving your mustache or something you just dont do it to often. I dont want to be all itchy. She asked me how I like her's and I said anyway even if its all natural. I dont get any ofter so as long as its a nice pussy then it works for me. Shes going to teach me how she like to be eaten. How much should I cut off. she keeps her's low and trimmed. Should I do the same

My biggest question is how did you actually meet a real woman on That site is a huge scam. Almost everyone there is a fake trying to lead you to other pay sites, etc. I think they have a few paid shills creating thousands of profiles and some don't even bother to change the messages they send out. Supposedly different users send messages with the exact same wording. Coincidence? Not likely.
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Postby cyrushkcurtis » Thu Jul 05, 2007 6:17 pm

On some older men, footage, I've seen some bushes that need a little trimming -- can't even see their little dickies. But I'm with you. I like my bush. It's part of my manhood. I remember being in the seventh grade and seeing the ninth (and a few seventh) graders in the showers with full bushes. At the beginning of seventh grade, I had maybe two pubic hairs. As more downy hairs started to come in, I'd place my hand in my boxers and rub them. Made me feel I was becoming a man. Have a memory when I was 15 and every day I could tell that my pubes were covering a greater area.
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trim with mustache trimmer...

Postby dicklion » Fri Jul 06, 2007 3:27 pm

I trim my bush with the clippers when I trim my beard and mustache. :D

I am very hairy and the bush getsto looking lik the hedges and the back edge of the garden :shock: if I let it loose.

I have a nice sized dick but some distraction with the bushes and the Tree.....
Not shaved but down to about a 1/3 inch or curlies. :wink:
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Postby footage » Sat Jul 07, 2007 10:59 am

its over. she started talking shit to me on the website well i never meet her but for some reason the stuff she said she liked she talked about later. she said wasnt independent I was too old for the job I have like I wouldnt amount to anything. well its her lose. she was mad because how I started off conversations and because I was showing my dick on cam or so it seems. then the shit talking started and she said she used me or whatever. I dont get it. but thats how it is according to her she never wanted me . oh well whatever. I have ass coming my way from two other females from that site. I just hope I can perform well. I got on webcam and both of them liked my dick and that was yahoo.
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