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Green Semen; My First Ejaculation

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Green Semen; My First Ejaculation

Postby OnSexuality » Sun Jul 27, 2008 11:37 am

This story is a cut and paste from my blog and for those of you that don't read it, I wanted to share this story of my first ejaculation. I'm sure all of you remember yours as well as I do, it's a hard thing to forget not that I'd ever want to or would. Please enjoy.

So I have already told you how before I was old enough to ejaculate I was already enjoying orgasms. Not knowing that this feeling played any part in sexual activity, certainly not even knowing about sex and not having a name for this warm feeling that I could make spread through my body. As I got older however and started to read things on my own I realized that what I was experiencing must have been what the textbooks were talking about when it described orgasm. Eventually I started the practice of putting my hand "down there" to see if anything would come out.

I remember the day that I had my first ejaculation very well. I was 13 and it was the Summertime and I know that it was within the first six weeks of Summer vacation because I was still in Summer School. My cousin was visiting from Mississippi and I was in my Mom's room trying to finish my homework. I have to tell you that Summer School was no joke when it came to homework because if you were behind like I was then you were basically making up everything you missed or got an unsatisfactory grade on during the school year. Unfortunately 7th grade was my worst year academically so I was trying to make up for a bad school year within a six week span.

Anyway, I was trying to do my homework and I was being distracted by many things including an erection. I don't have to tell you that of course at age 13 I had had an erection before but this one was different. It was harder, it was more persistent, it was bigger than I had seen. I got up several times just to go in the bathroom and look at it in the mirror. My penis was hard and bigger than I had seen it up to that point and it had veins going through it and it seemed to have a pulse. Up until then the only time that I really examined my personal area with such awe was when I started to see the signs of my first pubic hairs coming in.

I would go back to trying to do homework and then a few minutes later get up and go back into the bathroom because I couldn't sit down, it was as if my penis was screaming at me not to be ignored. I got up and went into the bathroom and decided subconsciously that I was going to give my male part all the attention it wanted. I really examined it from every angle that I could. I looked in the mirror to see how far it stuck out from my body and I traced the veins on my blood engorged pecker with my finger. Then I sat on the toilet and looked at the head of my penis that clearly had changed color and it seemed like the hole on it was opened wide. On either side of my penis it felt like it had ribs and i ran my hand up and down a few times but I was not necessarily masturbating, I was exploring. I don't know how long this was going on but I do know that my cousin had knocked on the door and asked me why I was taking so long. Then finally as I explored myself, I got this familiar feeling. I was no stranger to the feeling of orgasm but this was more intense. This time I was not laying down as all the other times, I was sitting on the toilet. Although I had previously tried to catch whatever it was that came out of my penis (and nothing ever came out) this time I did not want to see what was going to come out. I could literally feel something coming up my shaft and I hustled to get my pants up before I had to see what this stuff looked like.

Then it was too late, before I could get my pants even halfway up, a large glop of greenish, brownish (as I remember it) thick liquid came out of my pee hole like a volcano and it flowed like lava on to the toilet seat. This was followed by a few less copious emissions that joined the first one on the toilet seat. I felt a mixture of guilty and disgusted as I got up and quickly wiped the toilet seat off and flushed the toilet paper down the toilet. I often wish that I would have examined the semen a little bit more back then just because I remember it being that odd greenish color that first time. Anyway as soon as I cleaned up, I put my pants back on just in time to greet some visitors that came by. When one of them went to use the restroom, I was scared that they would know what I had done or find some evidence that I forgot to clean. A few minutes later checking my now back to normal penis I saw that I still had some of this liquid sitting on the tip. This experience had pretty much scared me away from masturbation... temporarily that is.
Corporal Cum-dumpster
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Joined: Wed Dec 19, 2007 5:21 am

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