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group sessions and the like

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group sessions and the like

Postby adx7 » Sat Dec 19, 2009 9:33 am

so this is for all of you who've tried to organize a group masturbation session. co-ed or not. how did you get people to attend? who did you ask (friends, strangers, etc)? what worked or didn't work? and so on and so forth. :D

if you wonder, i'm hoping to hold a co-ed group session sometime in the future with a few of my peers if i'm lucky. we'll see what happens. ;)
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Re: group sessions and the like

Postby Jack Makokov » Sun Dec 20, 2009 9:22 am

Before I got married, I tried to set it up with several online friends and it never came to pass. People couldnt work it into their schedules, couldnt make the drive to the meet (which was often a fair distance), or just plain chickened out. Never could get it to work. After I gave up, a guy I was talking to in North Carolina tried to give it a shot, but he had largely the same problem..... and then I couldnt make that one.

Now that I'm married, its next to impossible for me to get to a "group party".....

Good luck with it. I've had it happen before, but it was never planned. Just a spontaneous thing that happened with friends and we were watching porn.... but we were also teenagers and pretty open. I still know some of those guys and they wouldnt do it now even if forced.
Jack Makokov
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Re: group sessions and the like

Postby Conran » Mon Dec 21, 2009 11:52 am

I think 99% of the time these things fail because guys like the idea, but as soon as it's a real possibility they chicken out. Fear of strangers, the unknown, the risks...

You have the existing clubs in major cities, usually hosted in actual venues and with a long history. They only work because guys usually get their friends and partners involved in the group. So they might start off meeting one or two guys one-on-one and then move on to a group scene. Also, they have a real community involvement, a closed club, secrecy... And guys know the venue is a business and has a need to keep customers happy.

I would say the group thing mainly comes from partnerships and friendships combining, more so than guys all just deciding to be in the same place at the same time for a group tugging session. If you have a jacking buddy, chances are he has another one or two, and so on... That's how the groups are made; through introductions.

That's my take on it anyway. :wink:
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Re: group sessions and the like

Postby airgun » Tue Dec 22, 2009 9:58 pm

would love to find a group session in louisville ky. anyone know of one please post.
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