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Homemade sex videos

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Moderators: WaccoMan, BigBob, Alan, Zipgun, Wanker023, nj_stroker2002

Have you ever made a homemade sex video?

Yes, openly, many times
Yes, openly, a time or two
Yes, secretly, many times
Yes, secretly, a time or two
No, but I'd like to
No, I have no interest
Total votes : 279

Postby Harphunter » Sat Jan 13, 2007 5:19 pm

I would love to but it would have to be open because i wouldnt want to have ilikes situtation
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Postby terrycloth » Mon Jan 22, 2007 5:13 pm

if u like 2 trade, tell me - at least the wanking ones I'll show
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Postby Ringo69 » Tue Jan 23, 2007 12:07 am

I’ve done it a few times. You have to have exactly the right woman. I had one girlfriend that let me take a few nude stills of her. That was back in the Polaroid days. It took some coaxing but, in the heat of the moment, she could be persuaded to pose. I think she always felt guilty about it afterward.

I had another girlfriend who was very eager to be videotaped. She even wrote the “scripts” of what we were going to do and let a buddy of mine come over to run the camera. When we split up, there was some disagreement about what to do with the tapes. She wanted to destroy them all and I wanted to keep mine. In the end, I think she destroyed her copies, and I kept mine.

My current girlfriend is pretty camera shy. She let me take a few nude stills, but so far that’s all. She’s clearly not comfortable in front of the camera. I don’t think that’s going to change, either. Like I said, you have to have exactly the right woman.

I've done a few scenes on my own, but those aren't nearly as fun.
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Homade sex video

Postby wally4 » Sat Jan 27, 2007 10:44 pm

I have made several masturbation videos, all solo, my wife will not allow me to photograph any of hers or our sex acts. I have a new DVD recorder that records to disc, I had used VHS in the past. I recently made a DVD of me jacking-off and using an anal dildo. It started with a close-up of me fingering and lubing my asshole, followed by insertion of a 8"X2" flexible penis-like dildo. After working it in and out for a few strokes, I adjusted the camera to a show me jacking-off in the chest-knee position on the couch while fucking my anus with the dildo, finishing with the cum shot. I show the DVD on a 36" TV and masturbate watching it.
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Postby obieone » Sat Mar 10, 2007 12:37 pm

I have made plenty of them I just dont know how to download it to my computer, email me with instructions if you know how. thanks.. The videos are on tape.
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wife vids

Postby northcag » Tue Mar 13, 2007 3:08 pm

Recently saw vid of wife going at hubby with a dildo. She gave him a prostate massage to the point of ejaculation.
Would like to see more of this type video. Does anyone know where I can find videos like this?
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Postby bksox3 » Wed Sep 05, 2007 3:46 am

I've made many videos of me jacking off, then watch them to jackoff again. One time i secretly taped my buddy and i jacking off...till this day i haven't told him. We were teenagers then.
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Postby Jizzo » Wed Sep 05, 2007 5:03 am

I've never had sex yet (look at my sig), but I've recorded myself jacking off and cumming. It's amazing to look at yourself on video.
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Postby footman » Wed Sep 05, 2007 3:14 pm

I tried on several occassions to make covert sex tapes of me and the wife, but though I was able to successfully conceal the recorder, was never able to get a good angle or get close enough to suit myself. She has never allowed me to photograph her much with clothes on, so nude or semi-nude is totally out of the question.
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Postby Much2Fun » Fri Nov 28, 2008 5:06 am

I had just bought a camcorder and decided I wanted to do something "special" to show my woman. I was working a different shift than her and hadn't gotten laid in a month. I had found a porno and was sitting around stroking it. I pulled out the tripod and camcorder and set it up. I stroked it for a long time, edging myself. Then when I did cum, dang...the most I have ever came. I was later able to slow it down and watch at least 15 shots of cum land as far as 3 feet away on the headrest of the chair I was sitting it.

Prior to this, she had never seen me masturbate or knew I did. I later played it for her and she made me masturbate for her twice that night. Little did she know, I came 5 times that jacking off of course.
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Re: Homemade sex videos

Postby jaypierpont » Wed Jun 17, 2009 11:51 pm

My girlfriend were curious how we would respond to a video of us making love, if it would turn us on as much as Internet porn. I set it up and turned it on and voila! We had our lovemaking tape. Did it turn us on? Not very much, to tell the truth. It probably has a lot to do with the editing, lighting and the camera work. I just sat the camera on a tripod and let it run. The best part of our doing that was how excited it made both of us while we were fucking. Oh, so nice.
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Postby rrunnz » Thu Jun 18, 2009 3:00 pm

gpmgsf wrote:Never made any sex vids but have taken 100s of photos of the wife over the years in various locations and stages of undress etc even have a semi-nude pic of her as my mobile phone screen saver! :wink:

This I have done also, nice memories to fall back on.
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Re: Homemade sex videos

Postby Bellend » Mon Jul 13, 2009 5:45 am

I made a few with my wife when we first met, but they never really worked out to well, so we havent bothered in ages.

Theyd work out ok at the start, wed do little strip teases for eachother, take turns filming the other one wanking, and a little POV of oral sex, but neither of us could hold a cam while we were fucking, and if we set a tripod up, no matter how we tried to angle things it always ended up with a screen full of hairy man-arse and not much else.

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Re: Homemade sex videos

Postby wrus » Mon Jul 13, 2009 11:25 pm

i've done few mostly solo ones, would love to make few in pair with someone
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Re: Homemade sex videos

Postby smexylucy » Tue Jul 21, 2009 9:59 pm

ive done 5 sex tapes with a person in all, in 2 of them i was dead drunk and horny. 1 of them i had with a 'fuck buddy' and the other two i had with my ex boyfriend of 2 years.
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