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Homemade sex videos

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Moderators: WaccoMan, BigBob, Alan, Zipgun, Wanker023, nj_stroker2002

Have you ever made a homemade sex video?

Yes, openly, many times
Yes, openly, a time or two
Yes, secretly, many times
Yes, secretly, a time or two
No, but I'd like to
No, I have no interest
Total votes : 279

Homemade sex videos

Postby ilikeitalot » Fri Dec 22, 2006 8:16 am

Almost 20 years ago, after I'd been married a few months, I secretly videotaped me and wifey having sex. Afterwards, I looked it over, the promptly forgot all about it. About two years later, wifey's sister was babysitting and was watching some videos we had. Well, she happened to find and watch our sex video. She then told wifey and her mom all about it. Boy, was I in trouble. That was one of the worst moments of my life. Wifey ripped every inch of the tape out, then cried for days.

The really sucky thing about it (beyond our almost unbearable embarrassment and wifey's profound distrust toward me) was that I felt that wifey never liked the combination of cameras and nakedness anymore. Before that, I would sometimes video or snap some sexy pics of her in the shower or naked in the bedroom. After that, I was too afraid to even think about it. Anyway, what brought this all into my mind was this... today wifey had on my favorite, tight jeans. I grabbed my cell phone and told her to pose for some pics. After a few of those, I told her to bend over for some better shots lol. After that, we both looked at the pics, commenting on how good her ass looked lol. I'm sure she'd never go for any kind of all-out sex video... but possibly-maybe-hopefully, she'll eventually let me take some more provocative pics of her. I'd truly enjoy looking at hots pics of her more than any other girl.

Anyway, I'm curious about what homemade sex vids others have participated in. So take the poll, then chime in with any interesting stories you have to share.

Postby ilikeitalot » Sun Dec 24, 2006 6:08 am

No comments or stories? C'mon! The results so far are interesting though. Out of 12 responses, 50% have never been in a homemade sex vid, 50% have done it secretly, and 0% have done it openly. The fact that everyone who's done this has done it in hidden-camera mode is surprising. Surely there are some stories to go along with those. I'm waiting....

Postby MegaBigMan » Tue Dec 26, 2006 5:43 am

The GF and I made one once. She knew I was making it since I had the camera in my hand at the time.

Mainly, she didn't want me to record us fucking, but she was curious what it looked like when she squirt. So I taped us for about an hour. Very little of me, only fingers, and only really her pussy. I ended up filming the best, clearest, hardest squirt she has ever managed. She thought it was great to watch. I burned it onto an encrypted CD so only I can see it.

Actually, come to think of it, I'm moving in with her soon and she told me not to forget my camera....
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Postby mac_46_46 » Tue Dec 26, 2006 7:00 pm

I made a homemade vid of me jackingoff and cumming. I guess that would qualify as a sex video. Sometimes I watch it to see myself jackoff while I jackoff.
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Postby touchofmyhand79 » Wed Dec 27, 2006 10:17 am

Ive done it before, for mine and his pleasure.. Were not together anymore, but we do hang out and watch them still..
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Postby ilikeitalot » Wed Dec 27, 2006 9:51 pm

Mac, I meant homemade sex videos with you and SOMEONE ELSE. Sorry for not being more clear. The reason for my limited scope? Anyone can video their solo action easily. I'm more interested in someone who's partner was OK with it... or if you took the sneaky and dramatic step of secretly taping it.

Postby leatherhead » Wed Dec 27, 2006 10:01 pm

My gal and I have done a couple of vids. In the first one, she danced for me and then we got down to some serious love making. The second time I didn't know that the camera was there -- suffice it to say, I didn't mind. Heck, I hope we do it again tonight
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Postby leatherhead » Wed Dec 27, 2006 10:03 pm

*she* not he -- doesn't really matter, but i want to keep the story consistent.

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Postby jaypierpont » Sun Dec 31, 2006 1:29 am

mac_46_46 wrote:I made a homemade vid of me jackingoff and cumming. I guess that would qualify as a sex video. Sometimes I watch it to see myself jackoff while I jackoff.

I often do exactly the same thing.
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Postby Maddog42 » Sun Dec 31, 2006 3:44 am

I used to wotk for a company that installed video cameras and security equipment. We often found porn mags while out on the job and had a collection in the office.. One day I was there alone and looking through them and decided to fire up a camera and a vcr.. jacked off on the camera while I was looking through the mags.. Looked at that tape a few times.
On that subject though, we often put in hidden cameras, it's amazing what people do when they THINK that no one is watching... really wish I kept some of those tapes...
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Postby PlumpLvr » Sun Dec 31, 2006 5:11 am

My wife and I have made several videos together, she also loves to pose for me, I have tons of pics of her.

I have to wonder about your situation, your sister in law finds the vid, and instead of being discreet goes running to the entire family to blab about it? And YOU are the one in trouble? Give me a break.

Maybe it's just a outlook thing. My wife told me she was very flattered when I wanted to take naked photos of her, she thought it was cool I thought she was sexy enough to want naked shots to jack off to. Of course at first she was a bit shy and nervous, but now she loves it and shows off for me easily.

Now I just gotta replace my damn camera, my 1000 dollar sony died just before the holidays. Arrrgh. :cry:
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Postby Maddog42 » Sun Dec 31, 2006 5:20 am

I do have a tape I made in secret, not sure what she would think of it if she ever found out.. I enjoy it from time to time. She thinks her body is not so good and won't even let me take pics when she has her clothes on, let alone off. I think she would kill me, just after ripping herself apart about how she looks. Shame.. I really like it. oh well . . .
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Postby ilikeitalot » Sun Dec 31, 2006 5:25 am

My wife and I have made several videos together, she also loves to pose for me, I have tons of pics of her.

I have to wonder about your situation, your sister in law finds the vid, and instead of being discreet goes running to the entire family to blab about it? And YOU are the one in trouble? Give me a break.

PlumpLvr, yeah, I'd guess a cool sis-in-law would keep it discreet, but wifey's sister is quite literally crazy. She's very impulsive and unpredictable.

That's cool about your wife. Lately, anytime wifey is looking good to me, I'll tell her I gotta get the camera. So far it's mostly when she's clothed, but I did take a pic of a her in a tight little shirt I gave her for Christmas... while she had nothing on below the shirt! I told her I would only take it from the waist up. But she didn't seem concerned at all that I might get her pussy in the shot. Damn, now I wish I had lol. But anyway, I like that she seems comfortable with a camera even when she's (partially) naked. I'm hoping it's just a matter of time before I get some really good shots of her.

Postby Horny H » Sat Jan 13, 2007 12:19 am

i'd want to it seems fun lol
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Postby gpmgsf » Sat Jan 13, 2007 12:31 pm

Never made any sex vids but have taken 100s of photos of the wife over the years in various locations and stages of undress etc even have a semi-nude pic of her as my mobile phone screen saver! :wink:
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