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How long since you last had sex?

A Potpourri of Masturbation

Moderators: WaccoMan, BigBob, Alan, Zipgun, Wanker023, nj_stroker2002

How long since you "did the nasty"?

1-5 days
6-10 days
11-15 days
3 weeks
6 weeks+
Total votes : 72

Postby Dark Seraph » Wed Oct 25, 2006 10:39 am

kelly wrote:Wow, I couldn't have put it better myself. I definitely fit into that category, and have no intention to become sexually involved outside a meaningful (if not lasting) relationship.

Since you asked... the man of my dreams is 12 years older than me, and is intelligent, funny, interesting, and extremely handsome. He has a great job, and the two of us get on well. His drawback is that he's shy with women. A genuine heterosexual 40 year old virgin. Over the years I've known him he's revealed that he's inexperienced, but that his dream is to have a wife. But he's never even asked a girl out. I've made a move on him three times (once a year on average, lol) and the result has made me feel terrible, because instead of lapping it up like a normal man, or fobbing me off in some way, he turns from an incredibly sweet, friendly guy into a panicking, blithering mess. He looks at the floor, gets his words tangled up, blushes a nice shade of beetroot, and becomes unable to say anything spontanously. So I've stopped chatting him up, and I just treat him as a friend and let him know I think he's great.

Sounds like he had one or more tramatic experiences in his youth which is continuing to effect his life.

I know as a child I thought I was ugly, nerdy, booring, etc. and that no women would ever go out with me when they could go out with someone beter looking, smarter, a beter conversationalist, etc. And because of that I had never developed relationship skills with women. So when I was in a situation with a woman I was attacted to, I would become very paniky, like a deer in the headlights. I figured that I would grow up to be a 40 year old virgin. So with the pressure of not wanting to be a virgin forever and haveing failed so miserably with my previous atempts at relationships I had realy set myself up for failure.

When I was 23 and still a virgin, I went to this party. Fortunatly, due to drinking way much and flirting with a promiscuous woman(I later found out), I had sex. I moved in with her, as I needed a place to stay and she needed a roommate, (and I was very nieve)and we dated for a month. It wasn't great, but it allowed me to relax about sex and understand what kind of woman I was (and was NOT attracted to).

Doing that allowed me to meet other women without the worries of what MIGHT happen. I've have 3 girlfriends since, and the sex and the relationships have been much better. So even though I was alot like your friend, kelly, It's not impossable for him to get over his fear of sex. Ofcouse he's much older then me and it might be harder for him to go through.

Anyway, he sounds like the guy from the movie 'the 40 year old virgin' a nice guy, just never learned how to meet women. It's a great movie by the way, very funny and may help both of you understand and deal with his fears and anxieties about sex.

Another option is for him to see a therapist. He'll probably resist the idea, but he could look at it like this: If he had a toothache that was so bad, it kept him up at night, he'd go to the dentist right? If something is interfiering with your life, you get it fixed. You don't ignore it until it becomes a bigger problem. That's advice everyone should lissen to when dealing with there fears or worries. If you could have fixed it by now, you would have. So maybe it's time you talk to an expert instead of letting it get worse. anyways sorry about the rant, I had to get it out of my system :p

Anyway, I hope this will help. :)
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Postby Niagra » Wed Oct 25, 2006 4:18 pm

Darkseraph, I don't know about Kelly, but you writing all of that has really touched me. thank you for trusting all of us enough to share such intimate things with you. I totally agree with you on the therapy. The one thing i would like to point out is that I don't necessarily believe it is simply a fear of sex. He lacks the interpersonal skills all together when dealing with woman. Its not that he won't do it ... he simply can't. I think he needs to be pushed with reassurance that he won't fail. If after doing that one of two things will happen for him internally. The first thing would be that something inside of him clicks and he realizes that that was not near as bad as he had imagined it would be and is able to do more asking and actually finds himself looking for things to ask!!! That would be the ultomate scenario. It is possible that this one is what actually will happen because it seems as though he is able to be in a group setting and converse quite normally with those around him. Sometimes we make these mountains actually as big as continents! Once faced and conquered the problem literally dissoves on there own in that instant. The 2nd thing that may occur and regrettably is more likely is that he will do it and be very glad he did but really be unable to be himself and nerves will cause him to do or say things that are not appropriate or do nothing at all. Which would hurt his chance at keeping our lovely Kelly. So depending on which way it turns out we will then move in the direction which best fits his reaction. If it is the second scenario he will need to build a bit of trust that kelly will indeed stiick by him and then approaching the therapist will be an absolute necessesity in the relationship. It would be needed in many areas. I wonder if he has prepared himself for a relationship. ie: read books like men are from mars woman are from venus. That would save a year in therapy right there!! I just hope she gets this man she loves and has the patience of a saint. I would so love to see and be apart of the fairy tale love she is looking to achieve. Wow... gives hope to so many of us still waiting or looking for that prince or princess to ride off into the sunset with.

Postby kelly » Wed Oct 25, 2006 7:19 pm

Thanks for the replies here and the PMs I received on this issue. I'm really grateful for everyone's thoughts (probably more than people realise!)... but I don't want to say to much on the issue before it's even gone anywhere. But when something DOES happen, I'll be sure to let everyone know :D
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Postby ilikeitalot » Wed Oct 25, 2006 11:34 pm

Kelly, I think you've received excellent advice here. Hopefully now, you can take some initiative and get things moving in the right direction. I think this guy just needs a push... someone who can gently guide him in how to be with a woman. Tell him that it's OK to be uncomfortable, to stutter, to blush... that you understand... that you still care for him regardless of that. If he loses his fear of rejection or failure, maybe he can turn himself around and gain some confidence.

Anyway, you should do SOMETHING and not keep waiting. If it DOESN'T work out, then at least you can move on with your life. And if you DOES work out, then you'll both be kicking yourselves for waiting so long... for all of those wasted years. I feel like I know you at least a little now... and I know that your intelligent, beautiful and sexy. If you can't get this guy to go for you, I don't think it'll be because of something that's wrong with you. It'll be something wrong with his head. In that case (after giving your best shot), wish him luck... and move on.

Postby LoveThyself! » Thu Oct 26, 2006 3:18 pm

Well said, good man! I had a long letter going to you here, Kelly-Kelly, but these two high-school girls walked into my office to get me to buy an ad for the yearbook and I closed the window and lost it! The quick version is a reiteration of what ilikeitalot says above - you are too very much the total package to be collecting dust up on the shelf, babe! Give him a direct, concise, 'last-chace' sort of offer, then go out and work on your own experiences. Doesn't sound like this guy is going anywhere anyway, and maybe seeing you move on is what he needs to light a fire under his ass. You may find that you discover someone even better along the way - I certainly hope so. Trust me - and this is experience talking here - you don't want to get into a relationship where you have to pull, prod and prompt for what you want... you need and deserve spontainaity and relationships are give and take... if you're always giving, it's just a matter of time. I sure hope things work out for you, Kelly. We're here to support you through this!


Postby Niagra » Thu Oct 26, 2006 4:48 pm

Lovethyself, you continue to amaze me with your sight and your healthy thought processing. Dam that was SPOT ON!! Kelly the shelf thing was an excellent analogy and one every reader could identify seeing you being. What a waste of time.... life is much to short.... it truly is. We will all be waiting to hear... not pushing you away... consider our advise as a gentle prod... kid of like a morning chub poking you in the back to wake you with a smile!! :P 8)

Postby Tazz41 » Tue Dec 12, 2006 5:06 pm

My wife has ungone a transition over the last several months. First off she has lost nearly 40 pounds, so she feels better about herself. She started coming out of her sexual shell so to speak. Now for about the last 3 weeks she has started buying sexy underthings,even thongs which she never would have anything to do with em before. Even shaving her pussy. I have been shaving my nuts for a while now,but I now Im completly shaved,and she luvs it.Well to my suprise we have been very sexual, especially over the last 2 weeks. Sex is exciting and spontanious again. We have even done it with the lights on,and while the kids are still awake, in as many postitions as we can think of, even masturbating in front of the other.I love it to say the least. It doesnt look as if this trend will end anytime soon. Iv'e not had or given oral in a very long time,now im getting it almost everyday. I pinch myself to make sure this is my life.
So to get to the original question, Last nite,and the nite before, and about 7 times last week. I hate to brag,but I have not had much chance to do that in a very long time. As a result of all this, I probably wont visit here as often anymore, I frankly dont have the energy. So to all of you thanks for the chat and posts, it helped me from going insane, keep on keeping on.
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Postby lovingyouhard » Tue Dec 12, 2006 5:45 pm

I've never had and I'm getting old!
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Postby ilikeitalot » Tue Dec 12, 2006 6:48 pm

Wow, good for you Tazz!!! That's excellent news! Just goes to show how important it is for a girl to feel confident about her body.

Postby Les Lover » Tue Dec 12, 2006 8:59 pm

About 2 and a 1/2 hours. I had lunch so to speak.
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Postby bigjim34 » Wed Dec 13, 2006 4:37 am

about a month for me.... hmmm that really sucks.. Guess I work too much. :)
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Postby Buffalo_Connection » Wed Dec 13, 2006 4:45 am

i'm lucky that i've got a girl who really loves me and is almost as ready to do it if not more so than me whenever we get a chance, which is not as often as i would like i must say.
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Postby EasternPaMale » Wed Dec 13, 2006 6:28 am

ya you need to ad 1-2 years :shock: I HAVEN'T had any type of sex in atleast 2yrs min - i can be wrong tho - I'm turning 30 this weekend eek! i should be either in a steady relationship or married by now . I too like the guy Kelly posted about lack confidence in my self to ask a girl out - i did how ever 2years ago go "on a date" if you call it that with a girl to a country western dance place with a girl - Come to find out all her friends were there and she spent more time with them then ME . She didn't like the fact i brought roses for her - maybe the date wasn't ment to be - I just don't have the currage to walk up to any girl any where to even say hello whats your name and be able to get a number out of it .. honestly what guy today only has Guy friends # 's in thier cell phone ? well ok - except gay guys (sorry fellas ) i'm affraid - i'm affraid of rejection , i'm afraid girls won't like me sexually . My view point i've found thus far (don't take this wrong girls on here this is a real life assumption ) girls want a package deal - the good looks , the big cock , the expensive car , the 400k house , money to shop etc . what ever happen to girls just meeting and falling in love - o wait thats the days of leave it to beaver (sorry no pun intended for this one ) Where ppl just fell in love and they had kids etc .

my b-day is coming up - this weekend - sat nite i 'm celabrating silently with my friends who know nothing of my b-day- closest i'll come to boobs and ass is hooters resturant sat nite and perhaps a very embaressing hooters b-day dance in front of 40 or more strangers there .. eek !!
32m pa .
pm if interested in chatting.
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have a cam as well .
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Postby Tony » Wed Dec 13, 2006 4:56 pm

I'm married now and my wife just redeployed to Iraq so..... this will be day three for me. I have about eight months of masturbation to look forward to until she gets back.
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Postby jamiegirl » Wed Dec 13, 2006 9:24 pm

about 16 hours
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