by ilikeitalot » Thu Mar 30, 2006 6:58 am
Good question. I've put a lot of thought into this myself (as most ppl in the chat room know lol). I'm always suspicous until a supposed female actually shows herself on cam. And, of course, any imposters either "don't have a cam" or "their cam is broken". A few weeks ago, I would outright ask them... prove your a girl, then procede through a bunch of rapid-fire questions. After some of these "girls" turned out the be real girls, I've kinda backed it down a bit... as I really don't like being rude and annoying to a girl. But I think I'm gonna go back to my old ways, because....
A few weeks ago, one guy in the chat was pretending to be a girl. He got nailed because he accidentally stated that he had a hardon upon waking every morning. A few days ago, a "female" newcomer to the forum (j) made a few posts, then started PMing me and another guy wanting us to go on cam with them. S/he didn't have a cam. After a few PMs back-and-forths, I felt pretty confident that this was an imposter... and dropped the whole thing. Today, another female newcomer (kg) was on the chat site. She didn't cam... but her warmth and intelligence wowed me and I feel pretty confident she was for real. Later, I encountered *yet another* female newcomer (nlg). Didn't have the time to question her in detail, so I'm not sure yet about her. Actually, although I may be way off base, I'm thinking that you (Sasha) may be her. Care to fess up?