Thursday could be a maybe. Genuine.
... I will be down for a Friday meeting, staying overnight Thurs right at the corner of Tottenham Ct Rd and Oxford St ... right the other side of that new construction next to the Dominion Theatre - you should know the hotel I am referring to. You could bring porn to go through together if you want, the hotel's porn channel is piss poor and a waste of £££s.
Prefer however if you're up for splitting the cost of having an escort back to the room for an hour we can have her tease and undress while we watch/touch her and wank ... fuck her and get sucked ... wank together and cum on her tits ... whatever, really depends on how the moment goes. Can wank again when she's gone maybe, talking about it.
Done similar a time or two .. straight, just interested in having wank fun. Would hook up late-afternoon somewhere first - Soho Sq maybe, might get a Wasabi and go there as weather's supposed to be good second half of the week ... if you need to buy some porn to wank to before hooking up then that works for there too. For a girl to wank over reckon on £75 ea - I can make an arrangement ok .. £100 isn't guaranteed to avoid girls with something against them - bad attitude, drug problem, whatever - but by £150 you can be happier about looks, attitude and more ... split that and it is way cheaper than a lapdancer plus you won't get slung out or worse for wanking looking at her, lol!!
PM or rply here if interested ... travelling rest of today up to N'castle, coming down from there Thurs ... check back when I can, though with one of my favourite N'castle escorts tonight so could be busy