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Masturbating in a Hotel room

A Potpourri of Masturbation

Moderators: WaccoMan, BigBob, Alan, Zipgun, Wanker023, nj_stroker2002

Postby Zipgun » Thu Mar 22, 2007 6:28 am

OMG, Zip... is that Conker fresh from battle with the Mighty Poo?

LOL yup one of my daughters turned me to the wackyness, dude always gives me a chuckle.
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Postby Dixon » Mon Apr 02, 2007 11:07 pm

I was staying in a hotel a few years ago. Woke up late one morning and started to stroke, and then heard a maid out in the hall. I laid down on the bed where she wouldn't be able to see me until she got all the way in the room.

When she came in and saw me lying there, naked, with my cock in my hand, she put her hand over her mouth and left.

That was fun, but would have been nicer if she'd stayed to watch. :wink:
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Postby LoveThyself! » Tue Apr 03, 2007 12:40 am

Classic game, Zip... never tried it online yet.

As far as the thread, I just booked a hotel room for a conference in mid-April. Plan on doing EXACTLY the same thing as I did last time (see previous reply on first page of this thread) and maybe this time with bit more noise... I'll post the results later!

Postby Alan » Tue Apr 03, 2007 7:48 am

LoveThyself! wrote:Classic game, Zip... never tried it online yet.

As far as the thread, I just booked a hotel room for a conference in mid-April. Plan on doing EXACTLY the same thing as I did last time (see previous reply on first page of this thread) and maybe this time with bit more noise... I'll post the results later!

Just a suggestion, bring lube with you and you will probably get an audience. The noise that a guy makes jerking off (bed shaking, etc.) is rather obvious. However, I think masturbating with lube indicates that there is sex going on, but it is not so obvious if it is cumming from a male, female, or even a couple having sex.

Just for fun, make sure the bed and pillows are not touching the wall and masturbate trying to be quit so no one can hear you. TV volume off. Listen carefully to see if your neighbor gets out of bed and put their ear against the wall. I am curious to hear if your results are similar to mine.
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Postby hot&sexy » Tue Apr 03, 2007 7:53 am

i have never done it in a hotel but i live in a dorm and wonder offten if they can hear me
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Postby pleasure42 » Sat May 12, 2007 4:09 pm

Hotel rooms are great places to have sex knowing other people have fucked there before. When by myself I like to test out the perfectly made big bed by getting naked and getting the springs moving as soon as I'm in the room and shut the door. I like to draw the blinds so I can see people walking past as I masturbate. I feel relaxed and more at home in new place with cum running down my belly and legs as I explore the new surroundings. Then I clean up the mess by having a shower.
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Postby Alan » Mon May 14, 2007 8:53 am

LoveThyself! wrote:Classic game, Zip... never tried it online yet.

As far as the thread, I just booked a hotel room for a conference in mid-April. Plan on doing EXACTLY the same thing as I did last time (see previous reply on first page of this thread) and maybe this time with bit more noise... I'll post the results later!

Well.......any good hotel stories to share from the conference?

I did stay in a hotel a couple of weeks ago and had the pleasure of listening to a woman in the room above me get the hell fucked out of her. It was a cheap hotel so the walls were thin; I could hear her moan with every thrust. I jerked off listening to her get fucked and I did not care if they heard me or not.
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Postby Alan » Wed Sep 26, 2007 9:34 am

Considering I am in a hotel right now, I thought I would bring this thread back to life.....
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Postby Tazz41 » Wed Sep 26, 2007 5:14 pm

I stay in a hotel at least once a month for bizness, and spend several hrs a nite stroking, and yes every so often I here people in the next room gettin it on. I always get off listening.
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Postby ilovetojilloff » Thu Sep 27, 2007 7:39 am

This isn't the exact same. But i just got back from vaction a few days ago and i was lucky enough to get a hotel room alone. But i swear the people in the room next to me where trying to get me to masturbate. They seemed to have had sex alot and where very loud. But if they where trying to then it worked well. I looked forward to it every night i was there. Now sadly i don't get to hear them having sex.
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Postby unibet » Fri Sep 28, 2007 12:48 am

I occasionally share a hotel room with a friend, and it's always fun trying to masturbate without him noticing...!
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Postby Genpool » Mon Oct 01, 2007 6:35 pm

i masturbated a few times in hotel rooms, but i don`t think that anybody heared me because i`m very quiet while masturbating
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Postby Dan the Man » Sat Oct 13, 2007 12:00 am

I love hotel rooms for jacking off. It's a new place, there are strangers in the next room, the hotel staff could walk in at any moment, there are big mirrors everywhere, and, possibly my favorite, you can cum anywhere you want. (For the record I always wipe up the "evidence" with a towel, but it's nice not have to worry about leaving a stain. I would never cum on my carpet at home.) Regarding the original post, being heard by a stranger (that wants to hear) is nice, but on the other side of the coin, hearing someone in the next room is also exciting.

Especially nice is a hotel with a pool view on a warm afternoon. :)
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Postby strk88 » Sat Oct 13, 2007 2:34 pm

Masturbating in a hotel room is definitely hot! I'm not quite sure why, but there is a certain "charge" I get from this. Maybe it's the unfamiliar surroundings, etc.
I travel a lot, and something about kneeling on the bed and masturbating before sleep (or whenever) is always a turn on.
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Postby Alan » Thu Oct 25, 2007 10:45 am

I stayed in a hotel last night that had very thin walls (yes, it was a cheap hotel). I am not big on staying in sleezy hotels, however, several years ago a friend of mine mentioned that this particular hotel had two free channels of hard core porn; so it has become my hotel of choice when I am in the area.

Anyway, last night I was laying in bed and just starting to fall to sleep. I had already jacked off twice watching the porn, so I was done for the night (or so I thought). Around 1:00 a.m., the people in the room next to me started to fuck. The head of our beds were only a few inches a part, seperated only by a non-insulated dividing wall. In short, I could hear everything just as if they were laying in bed next to me and fucking.

I lubed up and started slowly stroking myself, trying very hard not to make any obvious noise because I wanted to listen to the woman get fucked. They were whispering and trying to be quite, but I could hear her every breath with each thrust of cock in to her pussy. For some reason, the fact that she was trying to make sure that nobody could hear her get fucked made listening to her intense.

I stroked my cock with her every breath, and came long before my dick even had a chance to get hard. Pretty damn exciting.
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