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Guys, do you ever have a "minigasm"?

Yes, any time I want
Yes, frequently
Yes, but not often
No, never
Total votes : 88

Postby Amsel » Wed Jun 20, 2007 6:03 pm

Hi there, first time poster (not a native english speaker, please bear with me).

I've got a different take on the "minigasms". First off, the term "minigasm" is a good choice (never heard it before) and your definition "orgasm-like sensations and contractions but on a much smaller scale than a full-blown orgasm AND without any (or very little) ejaculation" seems fitting.

My experience with "minigasms" is a bit different from your descriptions though - and they have been bugging me for a long time now, to the point were i was starting some "research" on it, which led me to this forum.

I'm having these kind of minigasms all the time, so often, in fact, that sometimes they get really annoying and distracting and i just want my dick to be quiet and peaceful.

The thing is, generally, i just need to gently touch my dick and focus for a second on it (without being horny at all) and i get a (sometimes quite strong) contraction exactly the way the ejaculational contractions are - but without an orgasm prior to it and with out any ejaculation (or sometimes just a bit of precum). For this the dick doesn't need to be stiff at all. (In fact as a youth i was having lot's of real orgasms with a non stiff dick - i was preventing it from getting stiff by lying on the floor - this doesn't work so well anymore since it hurts).

The only time these minigasms don't work are in the ~15-20 minutes after an actual orgasm. But of course i'm not having them *all* the time, since i still need to focus on them to happen. What bugs me though is that sometimes i get a sort of 'tingling feeling' in my dick and i just *need* to try for those minigasm. This tingling sensation is particularly strong ~12-16 hours after an orgasm. The urge to touch my dick can be really strong then and i need to do so even if i am in public.

The really frustrating thing is that after a while of constant minigasms (like 20-30 in a matter of a few minutes) they start to wear off and they get more seldom - but the 'tingling' remains (and even increases) and sometimes gets really distracting. Often enough i then just need to jerk off just for it to be quiet again (which doesn't always work after i've 'spent' all the minigasms, to make matters worse).

So, i've got quite some mixed feelings towards minigasms as i experience them. Usually they give a nice feeling and the sensation of the minigasm can be quite strong, if only very short lived - and often enough minigasms can drive me horny (and i continue to have them and 'play' with them when i'm nearing an actual orgasm) but i wish i could control them better and not get distracted quite so much (which only ever happens when i need to focus on important matters like writing...).

Until now i thought this would be something everybody experiences, but apparantly this is not the case. Or are people just not talking about it?
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Postby ilikeitalot » Wed Jun 20, 2007 7:10 pm

Welcome to the MP forum Amsel. That was a very intelligent and interesting first post. To answer your question: No, I don't think many guys experience these "minigasms" in the way that you do. I'd say that's extremely rare. But on the positive side, I bet lots of guys WISH they could. Even though it's sometimes distracting, you're able to quickly and easily get a lot of "little orgasms" that most guys never experience... at least, not without some effort and some control. Actually, I find it quite amazing that you can have these just by "gently touching your dick and focusing on it for a second". If I may ask, how old are you? And how often do you have sex or masturbate? I'm wondering if frequency (or lack thereof) of stimulation and/or orgasm has any bearing on your situation. Thx for sharing your problem (talent? lol) with us.

Oh, just thought of one other thing regarding minigasms. Amsel, you made me think of it when you mentioned your "orgasms as a youth". Back when I was between the ages of 5 and 13, I would sometimes lay on the floor and rub back and forth. This felt good... and it would usually culminate in a what I now know was an orgasm. There was no ejaculation of course, but there was a very pleasant tingling. THAT is what my minigasms are like now. And hey, maybe that's what these ARE! Maybe I'm still capable of having the non-ejaculatory orgasms of my early youth.

Another factoid about these minigrams... they do provide some relief from horniness. But not a whole lot. If I want, I can go on having them 'til my arm falls off lol. Or... I can just turn it up a notch and have a proper orgasm.

Postby sivraj494 » Wed Jun 20, 2007 8:27 pm

I get them while i am jacking, but before I have my main orgasm. They are pretty cool, and they feel like they are going to be the real thing.
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Postby Amsel » Wed Jun 20, 2007 8:53 pm

Thanks for the quick reply. To answer your questions: I'm 25 now, so i consider myself still to be in the process of continually exploring myself and my own sexuality (of course this process never stops, i hope. I've read interesting posts from folks aged 60+ here). I'm having an orgasm approximately once a day, but not every day (sometimes several in a day to make up for it). I only twice conciously tried to not have an orgasm for 10 days, but i found holding it back for so long not to be worth it, since the actual orgasm then (and always when not having one for several days) was a rather lame one. I also could not "edge" as controlled as i usually can. Besides, i like the thought of keeping my little buddy "in shape" by "working out" regularly, as stupid as that may sound (even though, sadly, i have not been seen in the vicinity of anything that even remotely resembles a member of the opposite sex for more than 6 months, as a good movie once put it).

I try to remember when i first started to notice about these minigasms. Thinking back it actually was the first experience of this kind i had, back as a kid, rubbing against the ground (exactly the way you did). I remember having this pleasurable experience and getting my brother to do the same thing (lie on the ground, rubbing) when i was as little as ~7 years old. We even gave the whole thing a name, knowing nothing about it (we called the sensation of the tiny orgasm a "huengerle" (German) which would vaguely translate to something like a very small appetite). Only at some point these turned into real orgasms, quite to my surprise. The minigasms i nowadays have came back to me at the age of 16-18, as far as i remember. I'm not sure exactly, because it was one of many "transitional things" going on at that certain age, that also quickly felt very natural to me.

Anyway.. i spent a lot of time in exploring my own "capabilities" and i am always curious to enhance my experience of pleasure, ever since i discovered the whole sensation. I maintained the lying-on-the-ground-rubbing as long as i could, up to the age of 17-18 i think, when i was still able to have a real orgasm like that. I have tried to relive it for a couple of times but i always failed miserably, because it hurt too much (you have to put up quite some pressure to prevent your dick from getting stiff). Perhaps i'm gonna try it again soon, with the help of a large and flat book as a way to balance the pressure with my hands against the ground.

Btw. even if one doesn't reach an orgasm that way (which could be considered hard work ;D) - this is a great way to try to have a minigasm - by just applying some pressure (or a lot of pressure) and very gently rubbing back and forth on the ground while focusing on the incoming sensation. I think this is the way i first experienced it (I did that *a lot* when i was younger). Yep, i think that's the way.

Btw. I never before talked to anybody but one girlfriend about masturbation. Somehow it never seemed appropriate. All hail the internets. ;)
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Postby Zipgun » Thu Jun 21, 2007 7:36 am

Get em sometimes if jacking or having sex too long if there is such a thing as too long ;)
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Postby footman » Thu Aug 23, 2007 4:17 pm

Sometimes, when I am edging for a while and I am controlling riding that plateau really well, I can get something like what you described, but hold off on the full blown orgasm. Those are the best sessions for me because I can get a lot more of the good tingling on the verge of an orgasm feelings which are, for me, almost as good as actually cumming.
I've had them on occassion too, while edging. It's when you go just a little too far, but not far enough to trigger a full orgasm. On one or two occassions I got almost as much cum as when I actually had my full orgasm. It's very arousing for me to continue stroking myself while seeing lots of pre-cum and a semen on and around my cock.
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Postby str8mate » Tue Apr 29, 2008 5:44 pm

Eric wrote:If I go without masturbating for a long time, I will usually get a minigasm in which a large amount of precum oozes out of the cock tip. Sometimes small drops of it will squirt out.

This happens occasionally to me as well
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Postby Smartie » Fri May 16, 2008 5:56 pm

I kinda feel this sensation when I wake up after just having an erotic dream. I think it's it that wakes me up. It's surprising and feels nice, one doesn't expect it.
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Postby str8mate » Fri May 23, 2008 12:43 pm

i just had one

i stroked to the point of climax, then let go, eased back, and stopped touching my cock.

a little cum came out, which i used for lube, and within a few minutes i was jerking again

still edging at the moment, and enjoying it ;)
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