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Moderators: WaccoMan, BigBob, Alan, Zipgun, Wanker023, nj_stroker2002

Guys, do you ever have a "minigasm"?

Yes, any time I want
Yes, frequently
Yes, but not often
No, never
Total votes : 88


Postby ilikeitalot » Fri Dec 22, 2006 6:56 pm

OK, I think I kinda coined this term. I googled it to see if others had a definition for the word...but none of them totally matched mine. Here's my definition of it:

minigasm: orgasm-like sensations and contractions but on a much smaller scale than a full-blown orgasm AND without any (or very little) ejaculation

My poll question is for THAT definition because that's what I have sometimes. And I'm interested in finding out if this happens to other guys. FYI, here's a couple of definitions that I found when researching this:

minigasm: that little orgasm you get sometimes when peeing
minigasm: a bit more than a ripple of pleasure, but not quite a full blown orgasm (this was a girl's definition)

I'm figuring girls have these "minigasms" frequently... but guys, probably not so much. With guys, it's typically all or nothing. I only recently started having these... at first, by accident. But now, I can usually have them at will. Maybe guys that edge for long periods have lots of these? Since I've never been an edger, I'm not sure. Anyway, here's how it typically goes:

I'm going at it the usual, male, jerking way. Depending on my horniness, I can get there in less than a minute... or it can take a bit longer. When I feel that I'm right on the verge of cumming, I relax a bit. Sometimes I can continue to jerk... other times I have to slow down or stop. I just have to put some kind of internal "limiter" on it to keep from going all the way. When it happens, I get the usual pulsing and contracting (about 4-6 contractions), but they're only about 25% as strong (and as pleasant) as full-blown-orgasm contractions. Usually, there's no cum at all, but if I push out strongly -- like um... trying to shit (sorry) -- then contract strongly, I can usually get a bit of cum. (Uh oh, I sense a video opportunity here. To see how much cum I can get without a full-on orgasm.) After the minigasm is over, I can have another one soon after... sometimes within seconds... on and on, again and again. Or... I can go ahead and finish er off.

They're not nearly as satisfying as a real orgasm... but they're very pleasant. And the good thing, it's not over. To me, there's just something sad when an orgasm is over. It's like, damn, I wanna do that again... but I can't. I guess that's why I don't masturbate "all the way" very much now.

So, guys, is this something you ever have happen? If so, do you TRY to do it? Or does it just happen sometimes?

Postby jamiegirl » Fri Dec 22, 2006 7:26 pm

hmmmmm...very thought provoking.... I would have to say I only have minigasms sometimes after a clitoral orgasm. Normally while the hubby is fucking me, which is different than my g-spot I'd have to classify them as minigasms! I know sometimes in my dreams I have minigasms and then sometimes I have full blown orgasms!!! Gotta love those dreams!!!! :lol:
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Postby Maddog42 » Fri Dec 22, 2006 8:30 pm

yea, I have mini-gasms especially in the shower.. a quick wank to a short orgasm and very little cum.. Still feels good and is a great way to start the day.
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Postby leo » Fri Dec 22, 2006 8:47 pm

Hmmm, if I am following your descriptions, I would say yes, I do sometimes. I am not a "hurry up and finish" masturbator. I enjoy it and want to prolong it as long as possible. I am definitely an edger. Sometimes, when I am edging for a while and I am controlling riding that plateau really well, I can get something like what you described, but hold off on the full blown orgasm. Those are the best sessions for me because I can get a lot more of the good tingling on the verge of an orgasm feelings which are, for me, almost as good as actually cumming.
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Postby ilikeitalot » Sat Dec 23, 2006 8:51 am

Jamie, that's interesting about your orgasmic dreams. Wifey had one awhile back where she was touching herself in a dream (the ONLY time she'll touch herself lol), then woke up experiencing a real, full-blown orgasm. Hey, I think this topic deserves a thread of its own.

Yeah maddog, I do that a lot too. Many of my showers include a minigasm or two... or three. Either with the shower spray hitting my frenulum... or by hand... or a combination of both. I usually do the minigasms so I'll still be charged up in case wifey is suddenly interested lol.

Leo, not sure if that's exactly it... although maybe I didn't completely understand you. I guess it's hard to describe and relate all the uniquely personal masturbatory/orgasmic sensations lol. I know the "tingling on the verge" feeling you're talking about. Although for me, if I get that feeling, it really, really makes me want to finish with a full-blown orgasm. Really hard to hold back when I get that. With the minigasm, there's not really that "tingly on the verge, almost point-of-no-return" feeling per se. But there IS an orgasmic buildup, like a normal orgasm is coming. Sometimes, I even feel the cum building up, getting ready to spurt. But when I hold back a bit, I just get the less-powerful orgasm contractions instead.

I played around with this today. It's funny... it seems I can almost tell what's going on internally now... like I can somewhat voluntarily control my prostate (or something in there). With a combination of rectal contracting, pushing, breathing and/or thrusting, I can feel some cum (or prostate fluid) release internally. Then with a penile contraction or two, I can make a small amount come out. And after repeating that some, I can get quite a bit of cum. I'm thinking my brief period of trying to figure out the Aneros got me familiar with all the different types of contracting and pushing. There's rectal, anal, penile, etc (something like that, I can't remember all the names). Anyway, LOL, this is FUN! And FYI, this kind of cum doesn't taste bad... for me anyway. I had about a spoonful today for an afternoon snack lol.

Postby justsomeguy » Sat Dec 23, 2006 4:14 pm

With me, it happens every now and then. Unfortunately, I don't feel as though I have much control over it. Sometimes, I'll get very close to orgasm and stop stroking, which occasionally results in a small orgasm with a little bit of semen ejaculated. Then, I'll go for a couple more strokes and shoot the full load. I actually was lucky enough to capture one on video a while back.

Here is the link:
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Postby LoveThyself! » Sat Dec 23, 2006 6:03 pm

Most of you guys know me well enough to know my answer to this question... I don't edge for hours without something happening down there! Quite honestly, though, I've studied and practiced tantric-type exercises for the past few years and can now seperate climax from orgasm (climax being the part where you cum) and while i wouldn't say the orgasms are necessarily 'mini', there are indeed 'many' during the course of my typical 3 hour edge. Glad to see others are learning how, too.. great post, Ike!

Postby ilikeitalot » Sat Dec 23, 2006 10:30 pm

Hey, I tried this again last night. I'm not quite sure why, but I couldn't do it. I got almost to the point-of-no-return... and I could tell it was gonna be all or nothing. About 4-5 different times, I felt the internal surge of cum, then held back... and nothing. I got a little cum (not precum -- REAL cum) to ooze out... but no minigasm contractions. So I guess it's back to the drawing board. I'm just not sure what makes it where sometimes I can do the minigasm and other times I can't. But I DO think it's easier for me to have them if I've cum recently. Maybe when I'm super-horny, my cock just wants to go all the way with it lol.

I guess I need a different name for when you get one or two little spurts -- but no full-blown orgasm. Maybe I should call that "minicum"? ("Minijaculation" is too long... but maybe "minijac"? LOL, before I'm done, I'm gonna have a whole new vocabulary. How come this isn't common knowledge? Doesn't science care about these things?) I'm thinking minicums will be a lot of fun to play with too. This is probably closer to what edgers experience. I ALMOST feel like I can control it now. Take it right to the edge, then hold back at the PERFECT moment... where you get one or two spurts, but no orgasm. I'm gonna be practicing this a lot now lol.

justsomeguy, yes, you're vid is EXACTLY what I'm talking about with the "minicum". Just one or two spurts, then you can keep on going. Hey, when this happens, you should try to do it again and again. See how many times you can do it before you finish it off properly. Hey, if you do it enough, you'll probably have a "dry" orgasm (no cum) at the end lol.

Hey LoveThyself, you seem to have a wealth of knowledge and experience regarding this. If there's any more details you can give, it would be greatly appreciated -- and put to good use... by ME anyway lol. I've looked at the tantric stuff a bit. It looks well worth learning. Stuff like ejaculation without orgasms, orgasms without ejaculation, full-body orgasms, etc. I think learning how to have a tantric orgasm will be one of my New Year's resolutions lol.

Finally, here's an old vid I happened across last night. Not sure if I got it from someone here... or from elsewhere. This guy cums 4 TIMES in less than 3 minutes! How? I have no idea. 2.2MB, 2:57

Moving this thread to the Techniques forum.

Postby ffolkes » Fri Dec 29, 2006 6:43 am

I have to agree with Lovetheyself. I can have an orgasm, sometimes multiples, prior to ejaculation. Read a book a while ago, think it was The Multi-Orgasmic Male or something like that which talked extensively on the subject. I can achieve this both with intercourse and with solo action, and let me tell you they are usually anything but "minis". They may not be mind blowing but they rock me. These occasionally lead to pre-shot oozing, but when the time comes to shoot, they are the best feeling climaxes I have.
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Postby Dr. Hermes » Sat Jan 13, 2007 4:44 am

i have a mini orgasm right befora huge orgasm. I usualy have a huge orgams if i havent masturbated or had sex in a long time
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Postby BigBoy80 » Tue Feb 20, 2007 6:52 pm

I really try to figure this out, but I don't really get it.

When I have an orgasm, it is a real orgasm, with the tightening, great feeling that ends with release of spurts of cum a few seconds later. There are no other kind to me.

I can have several of real orgasms in a row however, because it seems my "refractory period" (or however its is spelled) is really short. I can start jerking again, being a little less sensitive than before the first one, but getting hard and cumming all over again with the cumming feeling and the cum. Usually within 1-2 minutes. But just regular orgasms, no "minigasms".

The closest thing I've come to a minigasm must be when I'm jerking and I'm really excited and I almost cum before stopping the stimulation and a little precum oozes out. However, I don't think that count as a minigasm, because to me that is just stopping at the last moment when it feels great.

I guess I'm just differently wired than you. I don't doubt what you have, but I have simply not experienced it.
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Postby onan_42 » Tue Feb 20, 2007 10:01 pm

I think there are a lot of different ideas about what a minigasm is...

Like a quickie in the shower I call a bleeder as in "bleeding off a little pressure".

I often jack off in the mornings right after getting up since it's about the only
quiet and personal time I get during my day. I usually wake up with a massive
boner and horny as hell but my dick is almost always a little numb, sometimes
I even have a little trouble getting it hard. Most of the time I have what I call dry
orgasms, Things will peak like I'm about to cum and then drop off quickly just like
I came, however there is no ejaculation. Usually after regaining my cumposure I
can start back up again after a half a minute or so. This usually happens two or
three times before I actually have an ejaculation.

It's much different after I've been awake an hour or two. The senstions are much
more pleasurable and my ejaculations are much more forceful and have more cum.

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Milky Precum

Postby Andy P » Tue Apr 17, 2007 3:00 am

Yes these don't happen often, but when they do, it is great!

I know how good it feels when I get really close, then just sit for a few moments on the edge, sometimes I get just a few contractions, and sometimes just a little milkiness to my precum. MMmmmmm, I like it when I find a pic of someone with a drop of precum that is getting a little milky, cause I know just how good they are feeling at that moment.
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Postby azpierced » Wed Apr 18, 2007 2:56 am

I have minigasms all the time. Most of the time I like to edge for at least a few hours and the intensity builds up and gets released with orgasmic 'waves' that feel like they go up and down my body. I've also notices a large amount of energy around my hands and feet - feels like electricity coming out of my hands! Oh yea, I'm moaning pretty loud too! Usually I don't ejaculate during these, but sometimes I get a drop or so. It's so intense that I just lick it up. The great thing about these minigasms is that I just keep on going for more.

Sometimes, I'll reach a place where after a series of minigams I'm satisfied and don't feel the need to shoot the whole load. Other times I feel like letting it all go. It just depends.
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Postby Eric » Tue May 29, 2007 1:40 am

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