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Mystified Soviet Reflecting Mechanism Rediscovered on the Mo

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Mystified Soviet Reflecting Mechanism Rediscovered on the Mo

Postby Bunliseesse » Wed Apr 28, 2010 4:04 pm

A want lost spill reflector that was hand on the at first glance of the moon nigh the late Soviet Mixture has been rediscovered aside a line-up of American physicists after all but 40 years using lasers beamed from Earth.

The French-built laser reflector was sent aboard the unmanned Soviet Luna 17 profession, which landed on the moon on Nov. 17, 1970 and released a robotic vagabond that roamed the lunar surface and carried the sought after laser reflector.

The Soviet lander and its vagrant, called Lunokhod 1, were pattern heard from on Sept. 14, 1971.

"No at one had seen the reflector since 1971," said Tom Murphy, an associate professor of physics at the University of California San Diego. Murphy leads a link up of scientists in a long-term elbow-grease to services laser reflectors to richter scale the form of the lunar cycle and look for the purpose deviations in Einstein's Theory of General Relativity.

"We routinely say the three hardy reflectors placed on the moon on the Apollo 11, 14 and 15 missions, and again the Soviet-landed Lunokhod 2 reflector – though it does not labour understandably enough to resort to when illuminated by sunlight," Murphy said. "But we yearned to ascertain Lunokhod 1."

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