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porn dvd's missing :(

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Postby Davesthename » Thu Apr 19, 2007 7:59 am

LoL interesting dilemma you have yourself here...

Write a note and place it in the draw next to a tin (which you obviously have to place in the draw) and in the note simply explain that they are more then welcome to borrow your dvds when they are needed so long as they put $2 in the tin per dvd they borrow. :) LoL
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Postby perthm18 » Sun Apr 22, 2007 2:39 pm

Well, after the house being empty most of the weekend, i've done something i havent done in yrs .....
I raided both my sis's rooms and found all my dvd's, as well as some that they own too
and other things that i wont mention .... lol

so it appears they were both 'borrowing' my porn lol
im not gonna confront them ..... i really dont mind, i just glad it wasnt my mum!
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Postby sex_vector » Mon Apr 23, 2007 3:57 am

darn! You found out... now you ruined all my fantasies about this.... :)

Guess I just imagine if your sisters swapped among themselves and other such fantasies...

In any case, I am glad you brought the topic up in this thread.
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Postby stikle » Mon Apr 23, 2007 7:18 am

I raided both my sis's rooms and found all my dvd's, as well as some that they own too
and other things that i wont mention .... lol

It might just be me, but I want to hear about some of the "other things" you found. Yeah, they're YOUR sisters, but they're not MINE so it's ok. ;)

And hey, if they were going through your room snooping, I definitally wouldn't feel bad about going through their rooms. So...are they hot? :twisted:
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Postby LoveThyself! » Mon Apr 23, 2007 4:05 pm

I think you should borrow their porn, too - they obviously don't have a problem with the whole privacy issue. What's good for the goose is good for the gander (and I wasn't talking about Niagra, either!)

Postby perthm18 » Tue Apr 24, 2007 8:47 am

yeah of course i borrowd 1 or 2 of theyre vids .... im not stupid lol
the older one had 2 dildo's and some sexy underwear n stuff ... not stuff she'd wear around the house
also found some lube, handcuff's and edible massage oils

Im not gonna confront them over this ... who knows, they might get better porn than me!!

I guess this is kinda like payback for when i 1st started masturbating ... i used to pinch all theyre girly mags lol
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Postby perthm18 » Tue Jun 12, 2007 3:58 pm

ok last night while i was asleep i awoke to find one of my sisters going through my bottom draw and looking through stuff
i asked her what she was doing and she became pretty embarrsed, but then again so was ...

she admitted to taking a few of mine and returning them the next day, i told her it was cool i was just worried that mum was taking them hahaha

i told her she can borrow them anytime as long as im not using them, and if my door is shut to leave me alone ... but she already knew that and advised me to keep the volume down as she's heard me a few times (yes very embarrasing)!

all in all we had a good chat about stuff ... sex ... porn ... masturbating ... girls n stuff :)

no need for those cameras haha
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Postby YanksTodd » Tue Jun 12, 2007 7:16 pm

Zipgun wrote:2 Words....

Hidden Camera :wink:

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Postby perthm18 » Fri Jul 06, 2007 3:33 pm

Well now it seems i have a new dilemma, my dvd player decides it dosent want to open so i cant watch anything :(
and a dvd belonging to me sis is stuck in there :(

and a mate has just given me 8 new dvd's i want to watch :(

and idea's ?? lol
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Postby SAVANNAH » Sat Jul 07, 2007 8:08 am

Perhaps at your age you should be considering getting your own place rather than about who is trifling with your pornographic DVD's. That may sound a bit extreme to you but your things will be fair game for as long as you reside in someone elses home. Your sisters and of course your mother are all adults so no harm is done except to your sense of privacy and perhaps your male ego. Leaving them in view is not a bad idea. Maybe you could put a sign out sheet next to them so, at least, you know where to find them if the need arises. Oh, and by the way, if this is the largest sexual issue you have to deal with during your life you will indeed be fortunate. Basically what I'm saying is; don't sweat the small shit. It will make you old before your time.
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Postby perthm18 » Sun Jul 08, 2007 6:40 am

SAVANNAH wrote:Perhaps at your age you should be considering getting your own place rather than about who is trifling with your pornographic DVD's. That may sound a bit extreme to you but your things will be fair game for as long as you reside in someone elses home. Your sisters and of course your mother are all adults so no harm is done except to your sense of privacy and perhaps your male ego. Leaving them in view is not a bad idea. Maybe you could put a sign out sheet next to them so, at least, you know where to find them if the need arises. Oh, and by the way, if this is the largest sexual issue you have to deal with during your life you will indeed be fortunate. Basically what I'm saying is; don't sweat the small shit. It will make you old before your time.

At this stage i cant afford to move out, u havent been very helpful :(
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Postby Niagra » Sun Jul 08, 2007 7:20 am

Hey perth .. typically there is a small round hole somewhere around the dvd drawer on those units. Its there so you can manually open the drawer by puting something like a paperclip (opened up) into the hole and triggering the lil button inside. Check around for this tiny round hole ... hopefully that will open up that drawer. If not you'll have to figure out how to open it up. Try the manual. You can always get that online if you have lost it. Good luck.

Postby perthm18 » Sun Jul 08, 2007 7:37 am

Niagra wrote:Hey perth .. typically there is a small round hole somewhere around the dvd drawer on those units. Its there so you can manually open the drawer by puting something like a paperclip (opened up) into the hole and triggering the lil button inside. Check around for this tiny round hole ... hopefully that will open up that drawer. If not you'll have to figure out how to open it up. Try the manual. You can always get that online if you have lost it. Good luck.

Thankyou for that Niagra, but new dvd players are pretty cheap im going to buy a new 1!

Will definantly have to try and get the disc out as its not mine, want to get it back to its righful owner asap before she notices lol

But im sure she'll understand my explanation :oops:
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Postby SAVANNAH » Sun Jul 08, 2007 11:07 am

Not being able to afford to move out doesn't help your situation much does it? How about something as simple as a deadbolt lock on your bedroom door? That too simple? Not enough drama in the remedy? Failing that then and the inability of you to persuade your siblings and mother to honor your privacy you must then just learn to accept those personal invasions that most assurdely will occur.

As for your "locked DVD player" situation, a clever change of topics I might add, I suggeest you address it to whatever electronics outlet web sites that exist whereever you happen to be located. Last time I checked this was a masturbation forum rather than a "how to do it" culumn for boys that can't make their "thingees" function correctly.
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Postby LoveThyself! » Sun Jul 08, 2007 11:28 am

Miss Savannah is right, boy. You've been dragging this thread out for nearly three months now. Time to move on in your life. Or get one.


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