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Masturbation experiences

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Masturbation experiences

Postby Cocknhand77 » Tue Nov 08, 2011 12:28 pm

Like most young kids who discover it, I love to masturbate. I did it everyday several times. I even stayed home from school just have the house to myself and jack off naked. I would roam the house ass naked all day. I would cum all over myself several times throughout the day and be covered in sperm. I went through a spell of guilt. I became so guilty I tried to stop but barely held my urges at bay. Eventually I came to terms with it believing it to be natural and once again indulged whole heartedly. I believed this without any actual proof. Anyone go through anything similar???
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Re: Masturbation experiences

Postby Tazz41 » Tue Nov 08, 2011 3:51 pm

There was plenty of guilt, growing up in a strict religious household,but soon found out most boys my age were doing it, and continued to indulge.
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Re: Masturbation experiences

Postby Cocknhand77 » Tue Nov 08, 2011 3:55 pm

Despite thinking most did I had a hard time finding them and I was
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Re: Masturbation experiences

Postby Blennie » Wed Nov 09, 2011 10:49 am

I think I may have felt guilty when I first started masturbating when I was around 5 years old, but I very soon decided to just enjoy it. When I was a teenager I would often take days off school so that I could spend the day masturbating. I'd stay naked all day and start wanking as soon as I had the house to myself in the morning. I really don't know how many times I must have cum on an average day but I do remember my penis would be sore and my balls would ache. Funny thing is, that made me want to wank even more. I'd only stop and get dressed just before my sister was due home. Sometimes I'd carry on and let her watch. Often I'd go to my room and do it some more in the evening and certainly did when I finally went to bed. What a great way to spend a day!
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Re: Masturbation experiences

Postby Filip » Tue Nov 22, 2011 2:56 pm

I felt pretty guilty about it in high school. I though I was the only pervert doing it and I tried to stop, but that never worked. I certainly heard the message that it was healthy and normal, but none of my peers were admitting to it.

In college some people were more open, but I still was shy talking about it, but at least I didn't feel guilty any more. That was also when the Web got big and I discovered this forum. I've met so many people that are passionate about masturbation. Also whatever crazy perverse thing I've tried, someone has already done something even crazier.

Now I know that masturbation is my right and no one's prudish opinions can take it from me.
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Re: Masturbation experiences

Postby Otis D » Wed Nov 23, 2011 11:14 pm

Ive never felt guilty, I loved it so much when I was younger that guilt was never an issue. I've had plenty of sick days from school where I'd spend all day in bed wanking.

I also had plenty of sick days from work when I was in my late teens when was able to buy porn advertised in the back of The Sunday Sport. I'd get a new magazine or video through the post and the next day I'd be wanking away pretending to work that I had a cold of some shit.
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Re: Masturbation experiences

Postby bingo » Fri Dec 30, 2011 12:11 pm

Got to say that I've never felt guilty about masturbating at all!

This is despite spending my teens and early twenties pretty much
Cocknhand77 wrote:covered in sperm

I feel deeply sorry for anyone who feels guilty for masturbating - if anyone reading is amongst those people, do NOT feel guilty about it! Enjoy it and love the pleasure you can give yourself!

For me, finding others on the internet who also loved to masturbate wasn't so much something to tell me I wasn't doing anything wrong, more just a massive turn-on that others felt the same way. I'd always thought I was much more interested in masturbation than anyone else, but I actually felt good about this! Finding others just made it even better.
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Re: Masturbation experiences

Postby hard-curve » Thu Oct 04, 2012 7:15 pm

I wasted a lot of energy and opportunities for pleasure, by feeling guilty when i was in my teens.
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Re: Masturbation experiences

Postby Slivers » Thu Nov 01, 2012 9:52 pm

I never felt guilty. I always enjoyed masturbating.
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