So the last few time's I've masturbated I had an orgasm but didn't ejaculate anything. Thought maybe I was just doing it to much and needed a few days to replenish. waited for I think 4 days, tried again and still nothing. I'd go see a doctor but I don't have any health insurance and since it doesn't seem to be life threatening I guess it can wait. Unless there's some fix I don't know about. There's no pain or anything, and if my eyes are closed I would swear that it feels like I ejaculated so I don't know what's up.
If I have the flu or a bad cold, like I do now, i often can't ejaculate, and may go a week or even two before I can cum. The upside is 2 weeks of edging, and taking it as close to the edge as I want. When I finally am able to cum, the sensation is fantastic! I was able to have 2 orgasm in the last 2+ weeks. Man am i ready for the Big One!