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Watching others masturbate and your experiences

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Re: Watching others masturbate and your experiences

Postby Tazz41 » Wed Jan 30, 2013 4:00 pm

To me its not a gay thing, enjoying seeing another doing what I do.
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Re: Watching others masturbate and your experiences

Postby Thick Kahuna » Sun Feb 03, 2013 5:55 pm

Right Tazz, not a gay thing, just a horny and want to watch somebody get off thing. I just love to jerk off and love watching other people doing the same.
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Re: Watching others masturbate and your experiences

Postby Tazz41 » Sat Feb 09, 2013 2:26 am

I would again if the opportunity presented itself.
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Re: Watching others masturbate and your experiences

Postby Gwendolyn » Sun May 19, 2013 9:16 pm

Oh I love it! I always tend to think about a guy touching himself when I am masturbating as well.
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Re: Watching others masturbate and your experiences

Postby fuzzyt » Thu May 23, 2013 5:24 am

Before my wife became my ex-wife, there was nothing better than watching her masturbate. I was always masturbating in her presence, but I always had to "suggest" it, except for one time, in order to get her to masturbate for me. Sometimes I would just hand her the wand and she would go at it. Other times, while fucking her, with cock or fingers, I would just say, "rub it for me." Sometimes she would resist and shake her head no, but I would just take her hand and place it on her pussy and move it around. She always obliged and even though she may have been against it in the beginning, she never failed to get into it and give me a good show.

The one time she offered to masturbate for me was shortly after I had discovered she had been having a three-month-long affair with Bill, one of the instructors at our taekwondo gym. Having broken off the affair, she was trying to get back in my good graces and make herself desirable to me again. In our conversations of reconciliation, I had asked her to tell me all the details of how, when, and where she had had sex with this clown. One thing that I held dear was watching her masturbate. I had asked her if she masturbated for Bill and she had answered yes. I was very hurt and told her that was the one thing she hadn’t done with anyone in the past, except for me, and it made me feel like I was robbed of something very important to me. So one night, she walks into the living room, stone-cold naked. Her nipples were all perked up and hard so I knew she must have been tugging on them right before she walked in. I was sitting at one end of the sofa.

She walked over and tossed some pillows against the arm of the sofa at the other end. Then she turned on the lamp and sat down with her back against the pillows and pulled her feet onto the sofa, tucking her toes under my leg. Then she spread her bent knees apart as wide as she could and exposed a cleanly shaven pussy. I said, “What’s going on?” as my cock was twitching inside my pants. Her answer was, “I’m giving you back what was stolen from you.” Then without hesitation she started rubbing her clit in circles with one hand while fingering her wet pussy with the other. She not only got herself off for me, but she edged herself at least ten times while getting there. Of course, somewhere along the way, my clothes had come off and I was kneeling on the floor next to her, watching her rub herself while I too masturbated.

On a few occasions, we would “role-play” and I would tell her to lie naked on the living room floor and rub herself while I would stand on the staircase, pretending I had walked in on her and caught her in the act. While watching her, I would open my pants, take them off and start stroking. Eventually I would walk on down the stairs into the room and say something like, “What’s going on here?” She would stop rubbing and try to cover herself. That’s when I would move over her, “revealing to her” that I was already getting off on watching her. I would say, “Don’t stop…I like it!” Then I would watch her rub those little circles until her body would jerk around on the floor while she squealed. Of course, once she went off, so did I, all over her bare stomach and chest!

A couple of times, while driving home after a foreplay filled date, I would have her open her blouse, unsnap her front-hook bra, pull her panties or pantyhose down, and lift up her skirt. Then I would watch her play with her nipples and rub her clit while we drove down the road. It’s a good thing I was a good “one-handed driver!” I always took a lot of detours to make sure she finished before we got home and had to pay the baby-sitter.

One time, we went out to dinner at a really upscale joint and she wore a sexy little black dress that barely came to the bottom of her ass. Her legs were tanned and bare and “sexy-hot” in her black, strappy high heels. She had ALL the other husbands and boyfriends wanting to lick her luscious bare legs as we walked in. I saw more than one neck stretch when her dress pushed its way off her “panty-less ass” as she was scooting into that horseshoe-shaped booth. A few husbands even got a firm shoulder punch from their wives!

The day before, I had bought her a little remote-controlled "bullet" vibrator at the local sex toy shop. Right before we got out of the car in the restaurants parking lot, I pulled it out from under the seat and gave it to her. She had never seen one before and I told her it was just something to poke up in her pussy and it would make us both hot just knowing she had something in her pussy while we were eating dinner. She didn’t understand the point so I added that it was designed to shake around when she moved and that it would just give her a new sensation, especially if I was to slide my finger inside with it and tap on it. Of course, I made no mention of the remote control which was in my pocket!

I knew she would probably be OK with that explanation. Normally, she liked it when I would finger her pussy in public places because she knew how much it turned me on. She also knew that at some point she would get to cum, and probably more than once! She was a little resistant though because she was afraid it would fall out while she was walking. I assured her it would stay in the same as a tampon, and held it up by the string to show her there was an easy way for her to get it out. So after I opened her door for her, she put one foot out onto the pavement, which naturally made her dress ride up as her legs spread, and she shoved it up her pussy. I quickly reached down, shoved my middle finger inside of her and gave it a couple of taps. She smiled and said, “Ummm,” so I knew things were going according to plan.

Once we were inside, seated, and all of the other gentlemen were busy trying to explain to their wives and dates why their eyes had strayed, we were served water by the “water-boy.” He told us the Sommelier, or sometimes called the Wine Steward, Wine Master or Wine-Guy, would be with us shortly to discuss our choice for the evening. That’s when I took opportunity to slip my hand, the one opposite to my wife, into my pocket and grab the remote for the bullet. I pulled it out and put my hand in my lap so I looked more natural.

The “Wine-Guy” showed up and introduced himself with the normal pleasantries. He then asked my wife how she was doing this fine evening. That’s when I hit the button on the remote and held it down for about 3 seconds. My wife’s eyes got all wide and she turned her head slightly in my direction. “Mam?” the Wine Master asked inquisitively. “What!” my wife answered, almost shouting. He repeated his question of how she was doing. “Oh…I’m doing…” and that’s when I hit the button again. “Fiiine!” He just smiled at her and said “Ooo-Kay!” I figure he just thought she’d had a little too much to drink at the bar!
Asking me the same question, I responded, “GREAT! Thanks for asking!” and smiled at my wife who was burning a hole through me with her fiery eyes. After taking our wine order, the Sommelier went to go fetch it from the cellar. That’s when my wife asked, in a fairly firm manner, “What the hell was that?” I just smiled at her and said, “SURPRISE!” Our waiter walked up to the table before she had a chance to say anything else and started telling us about the night’s specials. As he was explaining how things were prepared, I placed my inside hand on my wife’s inner thigh and pulled it all the way up until the heel of my hand was resting against her smoothly shaven pussy lips. I pressed the button again and felt her hips press forward. Let me tell you, for her, it was one big roller coaster ride from that moment on.

She grew to expect that every time someone would come to the table, whether it was for water, bread, or just checking up on us, she was going to receive a burst of internal shockwaves. By the time the entrees were served, I had incrementally increased the duration of the vibrations to a point where she was having a hard time not squirming around on the seat.

I let her eat her $75 lobster in peace while I described her various expressions, and also the reactions from the different waiters and such. I also told her my observations of the other men, and some of the women, who found it necessary to “adjust themselves” when she walked through the restaurant and even though she was “red as a beet” from embarrassment, she kept glancing around at the different people and giggling under her breath. I knew this was turning her on.
When we had finished our dinner and our table had been cleared, I asked her if she wanted dessert. She replied, “Well…I think I deserve dessert after what you’ve put me through tonight!” “Well then, let the dessert begin!” I said, with much gusto, and pushed the button on the remote and LOCKED IT to the on position.

She said, “FUNNY!” and started to squirm a bit. Then when it didn’t let up, she looked at me and said, “OK, that’s enough!” With a smirk on my face, I just shook my head back and forth. She then tried to reach into my lap and grab the remote. I pulled it away and said, “Uh-uh, not until you finish your dessert.” She bore down on me with those fiery eyes again and said, “I’ll just go to the ladies room and take it out!” I said, “Go Ahead.”

With my hand tucked up against her pussy, I could feel the muscles tighten in her legs as she prepared to scoot sideways to exit the booth. I turned the bullet up to the next speed. Her body sucked back down to the seat as if she had been caught by a big magnet. At almost the same time, the waiter showed up and asked if we were interested in dessert. I said, “No Thanks. We’re already having it…just coffee please!” He looked pretty confused but said, “Yes Sir, two coffees!” That’s when I noticed his eyes lock in on my wife and I think he finally figured out something was going on!

By the time he returned with the coffee, the vibrations had conquered the resistance. My wife was no longer squirming in the seat, but she was grinding the seat! She looked at me, and in a breathy voice, she said, “Make it go slower.” I did as she requested and started rubbing the inside of her thigh with my hand. Her left hand came up off the table and was moving towards her chest. I had seen that motion before. She was getting ready to pinch her nipple! I calmly reached up with my other hand and intercepted hers before she could do something that might get us kicked out. I said, “NOOO, keep it cool. Look at me! Just keep looking at me and ride it out.”

I noticed across the way that an older guy, at one table, was pretty much ignoring his wife and watching our every move. At the table next to his, one of four ladies seated there was also watching us. She leaned into the lady next to her and whispered something and then the other lady looked right at us. Then, from the corner of my eye, I noticed our waiter was leaning against the short wall next to his wait station. He too was watching.

Pretending to be oblivious to everyone else, I focused back on my wife’s body. She was doing her best to stay COOL. In fact, she looked like she was outside in the cold wind. Both her nipples were trying to poke their way through the material of her thin bra and lacy dress. Her body was shivering and her hands were gripping the edge of the table. She was almost there. I looked her straight in the eyes and said, “Good Girl…cum for me.” That’s when I turned the bullet to the slowest speed.

It was such a turn on watching her orgasm slowly creep over her. The slower speed had allowed her to build to an explosive release. I was rock hard and also needing relief, but had no means of execution. Even though I could feel my cock was all wet from precum, I would have to wait until later.

She was doing such a wonderful job keeping her normal squeals contained. The only thing she had let escape up to this point was little short grunts. But as she started up that last steep slope, I could tell by her eyes, which had opened REALLY wide, that she was not going to be able to contain it. So, just as she opened her mouth I grabbed the back of her head with my left hand and swooped in and covered her mouth with mine. Her body started jerking and I gripped down on her leg to keep her in the seat. After what seemed like an eternity, but what was in reality probably only 15 or 20 seconds, she started to calm down and her open mouth turned into a deep kiss as her tongue tried to scoop out my tonsils.

Turning the bullet off, our mouths separated. She was looking at me like I was a god. I had never seen so much satisfaction and gratitude, written not only on her face, but her ENTIRE body. With her still having some aftershocks, the waiter showed up at the table with our bill. I handed him my card and motioned that the bill didn’t matter, just get me out of here. I’m pretty sure he understood why I was trying to speed up our exit!

After signing the credit slip and shoving the remote back in my pocket, I slid around the horseshoe shaped booth and crawled out on the opposite side so I could come around and give my wife a steady hand so she could stand up. She was still kind of out of it and didn’t think to pull her dress down and straighten it before crawling out of the booth. By the time she got to the edge of the seat, her dress had worked its way completely off her ass and was all bunched up at her waist. As she swung her legs from under the table I stepped in close to stop her from going any further and threw her a glance down at her lap. She looked down, saw her predicament, looked back at me and said, “What the hell! The entire place just watched me having an orgasm. What’s a little pussy and ass gonna hurt?”
I smiled at her and said, “You go girl!” Taking her by the hand, I steadied her exit from the seat. She was pretty much exposed from the waist down but she just took her time and pulled her dress back down over her ass. Brushing the front of her skirt, she looked up at me, smiled and put her hand through the crook of my arm. Before walking away, I looked over at the waiter, who was posed at his little wall, taking in the sites of my wife’s bareness, and nodded a thank you to him. As we took our first steps, I let my gaze take me to the two ladies and the one gentleman who had been enjoying the show, and gave them a little nod.
We walked from the restaurant, heads turning from all directions to look at those “killer hot” legs, and summoned the valet to go get the car. We hadn’t used him to park the car but I thought he needed some reward, other than money, for standing out in the cold wind. What better way to warm his innards than to catch a glimpse of a bare pussy stacked on top of the sexiest legs in town!

The valet “watched” to make sure my wife was seated and buckled in before SLOWLY shutting the door. He walked around the car and I handed him a generous tip and said, “Thank you, young man.” He promptly said, “NOOO, THANK YOUUU!” I could see him adjusting his junk as he walked back to his stand. Before I even had the car in gear, my wife spread her legs wide, which made her dress slide up her legs, and she said, “Turn it on!”
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