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How do i climax faster

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How do i climax faster

Postby titis nor » Tue Apr 30, 2013 3:23 am

I like to masturbate first thing in the morning but it takes 30 plus minutes to finish. I need a technique to finish faster. I am always in a rush to get to work. My day is off if I don't rub one out please help?
titis nor
Posts: 5
Joined: Tue Apr 30, 2013 3:02 am

Re: How do i climax faster

Postby fuzzyt » Thu May 23, 2013 12:40 am

I have run into the same problem on ocassion. I never have a problem with longer sessions, you know, when you have lots of time. But there are times when the urge comes over you and time is of the essence. Maybe you have an appointment to get to, or in your case "titis nor" it's all about getting to work on time.

It seems like these are the times that ole' Mr. Peter doesn't want to cooperate. He may not want to stay hard, or even get hard for that matter. Or, he may be hard as ever but you just can't get your spunk to come to a boil. I have found that it usually has to do with a phenomenon of the body. At times, our bodies will become nonresponsive to things that are continually repeated in the same fashion. For instance, let's say you're on a diet and things are going well until all of a sudden you reach a plateau and the weight loss stops. Another example is at the gym. You're putting on muscle mass at a steady rate and then all of sudden you work out for weeks and there's no change. In the case of this subject, your head is already fighting against you because you go into the "quickie" already thinking it's going to be a challenge because of the time. Then, when you do the same thing as every other morning, your body is bored by it and IT rolls over and goes back to sleep! This is when it is time to SHOCK the body out of it's routine by changing things up.

Eat different foods at different times of the day to jump start your metabolism and you'll start losing weight again. Change your exercise routine by doing sets in a different order and your body will respond. To get things started faster in the morning, switch things up. Switch up your grip! Turn your hand upside down or use the opposite hand. Try both; opposite hand and upside down. Create a new fantasy story to think about while you're stroking. Try this, it works for me: While still in the bed, grab your top sheet with your "less dominant" hand and pull it up toward your head, making it taut. Now, move ole' Mr. Peter back and forth and just lightly brush the tip of his head against the tight sheet. I guarantee this will produce a shock. He'll be like, "What's that? I wasn't expecting that! I'm supposed to be moving up and down, not back and forth! And what's that brushing across my mouth? Ooooo, I kind of like that!"

Another shock could be a change in location. Are you always in the same spot when you try to get one off in a hurry? Instead of lying in the bed or sitting down, open your curtains and stand naked in front of your window! Go outside in only your boxers and sit down at the patio table. Grab on with that new reverse grip and see what happens. Leave your car parked on the street the night before. Next morning, open your garage door and stand in the middle of your garage, naked of course, and beat it. Or, instead of fighting the clock and trying to finish before you have to leave for work, use that same time and leave early for work. Before you get in your car, pull your pants down to your knees and sit on your bare ass. Now you have extra time so you can drive a little slower in the right lane. There's no better way to pass the time while sitting in traffic than to stroke one off. Be sure though to have some tissues handy, otherwise you will make a mess on your pants and your coworkers will know what you've been up to!

Everyone needs a little variation in their life in order to keep things fresh and exciting!
Lieutenant Libido
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