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Who just finished cumming?

A Potpourri of Masturbation

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Who just finished cumming?

Postby fuzzyt » Tue Oct 22, 2013 10:59 pm

Haven't seen a thread with this title, or maybe it's further back in time than I'm willing to search, but it seems we need a topic where we can share "How and What" just happened when we don't want to keep pausing or trying to type one handed so we can fit our experience into the "Who's about to or cumming right now" category.

So for those times when you just want to keep a steady rhythm, or maybe you were in a place and your computer was not readily available, this is the place to share those experiences. Let's try and keep the posts centered around "within the last hour" or "as soon after as you can get to your computer."

How about this for a format: Short description of where you were, who you were with if other than yourself, technique/method you (and companion) were using, and of course, the outcome...or should we say "the result" of your efforts!
Lieutenant Libido
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Location: Nevada

Re: Who just finished cumming?

Postby fuzzyt » Tue Oct 22, 2013 11:54 pm

I'll start things off. After all, it was this most recent experience that inspired me to start a new topic!

Around an hour ago I was cruising around this site and catching up on the newest postings. I had just posted under "Who's Masturbating Now" that I had been fondling for awhile and was ready to get down to business. Within a minute of clicking on the Post button, I noticed a message pop-up in my inbox. A member, a female member I might add, was online and sent me a "Hi" message.

Needless to say, my cock increased in firmness a bit, as I thought about the possibilities of having a "live" conversation with a fellow masturbator at the same time I was masturbating. I was hoping it would turn into a mutual masturbation session. After a few exchanges of "pleasantries," the conversation lead itself into the "what are you doing" direction. We both agreed the answer to that question was pretty much a given considering the fact we were PM-ing while logged in at!

It was established that my hand was stroking up and down at a pretty good pace and her fingers were rubbing her clit and probing her cunt. The heightened pleasure I was feeling from my hand rubbing precum up and over the head of my cock drove me to the first edge as she started to beg for an answer to the question, "Are you cumming yet?" Sharing this fact only made it harder for me to keep from losing my load of semen before she could also reach the edge. You see, when making love to a woman, no matter what the fashion, I always try my hardest to either "time our orgasms" to peak at the same time, or, allow her to experience her orgasm to it's fullness before I cum. Today was no exception, the timing was pretty much right on. As my warm love juice started to rise up my shaft, I pulled down to tighten the skin of my penis and gripped hard at the base in hopes of stopping myself from premature ejaculation.

Once I told her that I had let some of my semen escape on my second trip to the edge, even though I hadn't reached orgasm, she pretty much lost it, causing a chain reaction and I lost it too! My cum blasted out of my cock, first hitting the display of my laptop and then running down all over my hand. When I told her that masturbating with her had brought me to the most intense orgasm of the day (third one), and that it had made me so horny that I was licking my hands clean, she almost COMMANDED ME to eat her! I immediately informed her my tongue was covered with my seed and asked her permission to penetrate her depths with my thick white cream; but before she could answer, my virtual tongue slid into her wetness and tickled her cervix. I immediately apologized for my action and promised myself I would try and work on my patience the next time!

After an invitation to "dine again at a later time," to which I gladly RSVP'd, we said our goodbyes and went our separate ways until we meet again here on this forum.
Lieutenant Libido
Posts: 238
Joined: Sun May 05, 2013 11:06 pm
Location: Nevada

Re: Who just finished cumming?

Postby fuzzyt » Sun Nov 17, 2013 1:08 am

Finally...the weekend! No getting up and going to work and having to worry about putting food on the tables of my employees. However, I will miss looking at my admin assistant's sexy legs throughout the day while I fondle my dick under my desk. :twisted: Instead, just a couple of days of relaxation and a lot of masturbation.Just a couple of hours ago, after the brisk morning air had warmed up, and wearing only a zip-up hoody, sweatpants (commando style :) and my walking shoes, I set out for a long walk to get my daily cardio workout. I always take my iPad mini along just in case I find a nice spot to soak up some sun and catch up on some reading. :wink:

About 20 minutes out, and about a mile from home, I came upon a Little League baseball field in the middle of one of the local neighborhood parks. Being off-season, and still early in the day, the place was void of any activity. Usually in the afternoons a few families will come out to the playground at the other end of the park and you might see a Dad giving his son some batting practice on the field, but this morning it was very quiet. The field has a small set of bleachers, about 3 short rows, on either side of home plate. I like to sit on the first base side because it places your back to the houses across the street and looking beyond the left field fence is nothing but greenbelt for as far as the eye can see. To the left, when sitting on the bleachers, is a parking lot (empty this morning) and to the right is the open park with the kid's playground way at the other end, which is about two city blocks away.

With the air warm and calm, and the sky clear and blue, I decided this would be a good place to stop for a breather. Climbing onto the middle row of the bleachers I sat down, leaned back against the one row above me and put my feet up on the row below me. Tapping the home button on my iPad brought it out of sleep mode and I commenced to look for some proper "reading" material. Since I have the cellular model I'm able to connect to the internet just about anywhere I find myself! Within a couple of seconds the browser opened and I clicked on one of my favorite sites,, and typed in a search for stories about masturbating in public places. Opening a second browser tab I was able to open one of my galleries of favorite videos and chose one of a guy getting a hand job by two very cute teenagers with small developing titties. Pulling the window alongside the story I had found of a young girl masturbating at her workplace, I clicked on play and commenced to read while glancing at the video and enjoying the soundtrack. My hand had already found its way inside of my sweatpants and was spreading the leaking precum all around the head of my cock. There was no sense in wasting time so I sat my iPad on the seat beside me and used the now free hand to untie the strings at the waistband of my sweats and pull them open while my "busy" hand lifted my balls and pulled them, and my cock, out into the fresh morning air.

I have a cool little case for my iPad mini that has a "kickstand" feature built into it when you fold it back. I moved the iPad to the seat below me and stood it up between my feet so I could use both hands for other activities! After a quick glance to check the status of the surrounding conditions, I commenced to stroke with one hand while fondling my balls with the other. But, that position didn't last for long because as the tingly feelings began to increase in the area of my groin, so also did the desire for more exposure and risk. Lowering my feet from the seat in front of me to the footrest of my row, I slightly raised my ass off the seat and used both hands to pull my sweats below my ass before sitting back down. My stiffness immediately increased along with the thrill of having my ass exposed in the public. I gave my cock a few nice strokes and cupped my balls with a little more aggression which produced a nice leakage of precum. Rubbing that precum all over my shaft and around the flared edges of my penis glans took my mental state to the next level. Pulling my pants over my ass wasn't anything new because that happens every time I'm masturbating in public, I always want more excitement and with that usually always comes more exposure! If you're into public masturbation then you know exactly what I'm talking about; you NEED to pull your pants down just a "little bit more!" I had quickly reached that point so I hooked both my thumbs on my sweatpants and pushed them to just above my knees and wasted no time in returning to my previous action.

With my cock now pointing straight up to the sky, and long enough to be seen from a distance, I continued stroking. However, my balls were calling my name and asking to be set free for some full-on wrestling. You see, even though my sweats were down to my knees, I was unable to spread my legs apart far enough to allow my balls to hang loose and be freely grappled. It was time to go to the next phase, which is inevitable, because as all "Public Masturbators" know, eventually we reach the stage of "I don't care if I go to jail" and our pants end up around our ankles. That's exactly where mine ended up this morning! As soon as I had my sweats pushed all the way down I lifted my feet back to the seat in front of me and straddled my iPad. Now, with the ability to spread my knees as far apart as I needed to, I had one more thing to do before I could really get serious. Unzipping my hoody, I gave myself and all the wildlife in the greenbelt an unobstructed view of my nakedness from my chest down to my ankles. Having this POV only made me harder and hornier. But even that wasn't enough! You see...I've been doing this sort of thing for a LONG time and I've reached a point of what a lot of folks would call EXTREME!

While always keeping a watchful eye, this morning was no different than many others. My shoes were next, besides, that made it easier to pull my sweats completely off. I made sure to keep a firm grip on them as I reached down and pulled them over my feet so I wouldn't drop them and then have to stand up and walk around to the back side of the bleachers to retrieve them. It was still "sort of" safe, being nestled down in the center row of seats. At least that top row helped to obscure part of the view of my backside from the houses across the street behind me; so as long as I stayed within that "minimal" cover there was a bit of protection from curious eyes. However, walking out into the open with my dick swinging back and forth could have been detrimental to my efforts.

I laid my sweatpants on the seat next to me just in case someone was to drive into the parking lot. At least I could pull them into my lap and cover my cock. A couple of decades ago this wasn't a problem because everyone didn't drive around with a high definition camera in their hands! It's not that I would mind if they captured a little porn video to use for their own satisfaction, but those cameras also have the ability to dial 911 and announce that they not only can GPS my location, but they have the evidence to lock me away. But you know what...I didn't care about any of that this morning, especially after I looked down and watched another seepage of precum string its way all the way to the footrest below me! In fact, the sexual charge that came with that caused me to toss all caution to the wind and I pulled my hoodie off and set it on top of my sweat pants. Now, sitting COMPLETELY naked, I could only hope that from a distance I just looked like a guy who was sitting on the bleachers, with his shirt off, while taking in a little sun to keep up on his tan throughout the winter. Even from the playground, which was still empty BTW, I was hoping anyone looking in my direction would assume I was wearing shorts and that was why they could see my legs. NOW...if anyone had a pair of binoculars, or a camera with a zoom lens, they would probably be able to easily see the huge pole sticking up from my lap. But I didn't even care about that either! I was too busy stroking up and down with one hand while wiping the continual stream of precum onto my fingers and licking them off with my tongue.

It was totally exhilarating being completely naked and pretty much unprotected in a public place. The veins in my shaft were protruding about as much as they could without bursting. I had leaked so much precum that it wasn't even drying up anymore because the outer skin of my cock had been saturated with it. The slickness from that natural lubrication was beginning to drive me a little bit wild. Goosebumps were popping up all over my thighs as the cool air would breathe across my precum covered ball sack. My respirations were short and shallow as I began to make a soft moaning sound in rhythm with my stroking. As my semen started to climb the flagpole in my lap, my eyes closed for a second as I let out an elongated moan. Reaching the edge, I stopped my stroking action and held my breath. With a sigh of relief, that I had been able to hold off the building orgasm, I raised my head slightly and looked out across left field. In my peripheral vision, I saw a shape off to my right behind the centerfield fence. Shifting my gaze more directly in that direction, I was shocked to see a young woman standing on the walking path directly behind the fence. Her dog was sitting quietly by her side and looking into the field beyond. However, the young ladies attention was focused directly at me! She wasn't holding a phone or making any effort to avert her gaze or make a getaway. I just held my pose for 30 seconds to see what she was going to do. What was a little surprising was that my cock also held its pose; it didn't try to shrink away even though my inner voice had just shouted, "OH SHIT!"

When the young lady didn't move, and kept her eyes tuned in on my naked body, I decided to give a little test stroke to see if she was waiting to confirm my actions before reaching for her phone. However, after the first stroke she made no movement. Feeling a bit of confidence, I took my cock for another three or four up-and-down strokes before the young woman broke her stance. I thought, "Crap...this is it!" I froze in position and watched to see what she was going to do. But instead of reaching in her pocket, she took a couple of steps towards the field and leaned against the fence; she was getting more comfortable so she could watch me! Slowly I started jacking my cock again but it didn't take long before I was at the edge a second time. I stopped and moaned again; this time a little louder but I wasn't sure she could hear me or not. Here I was, naked as a jay bird, right out in the open, jacking off while a woman watched me. I didn't want this to ever end, but my semen was really starting to push against my will.

Settling on the idea that this gal was only there for the entertainment, and nothing more, I turned my hand upside-down and began rotating it around the head of my cock. That's a hard technique to overcome, when the edge is lurking. However, I was able to stop for the third time and made sure I did so with a moan which was loud enough for her to hear. Turning my torso slightly to the right, I lowered my right foot to the footrest below, in order to give her a better view and gripped just under the head of my cock with my thumb and forefinger. Using a technique I like to call "Fast Vibrations," I started a series of very, very short and rapid strokes; almost more of a vibration than a stroke. This brought me to number four and barely short of orgasm. I squeezed my thumb and forefinger together in an effort to hold back. I use this method all the time when I want to ejaculate a couple of times before I actually have an orgasm. It worked this time and some thick white semen oozed past the lips of the tiny mouth of my cock, which I caught in my other hand and promptly rubbed it over my right nipple. I looked directly at the young woman and repeated the technique a second time with the same result. This time I rubbed the pool of semen on my left nipple. Having had all I could stand, and after priming the pump twice, it was time to let this lady see what I'm sure she was hoping for as much as I was.

Taking a solid yet soft grip, between two fingers and my thumb, I started stroking the full-length of my swollen-up seven inches at a moderately fast pace. I wanted her to be able to see the over exaggerated motion, but this is also how I'm able to obtain my most powerful spurts. With that feeling, which there really is no words to describe, climbing all the way from my knees and through my balls, I knew I was at the point of no return. Tightening every muscle in my core, I clinched hard and did my best to hold off the orgasm until it was unbearable. With an "AHHH," a bit louder than necessary but enough to make sure she heard, I let go of three thick ropes of cum which shot into the air for a good one or two feet before the remainder oozed out and dripped all over the steel walkway below my legs. For my closing act, I looped my finger around the head of my cock and wiped up a hefty portion of my glistening sperm and then sucked it off my finger while looking directly at my one person audience. The young woman raised her arm into the air and gave me a big thumbs-up and then tugged on her dogs leash and continued their walk.

I sat there for a couple of minutes to allow what had just happened to sink into my "forever" memory and then pulled my clothes on and tied my shoes. During the walk back to my house, the remnants of my orgasm drained from my cock and ran down my leg. I made no effort to cover up the fact that I was walking with one hand inside of my sweats. By the time I reached home, my batteries were recharging and my stiffness factor was once again on the rise. As I've been sitting here, telling of my morning adventure, there has been a steady leakage of precum and my desires for a second orgasm are at Defcon 5. So...I'm going to post this installment and then put all of my efforts (both hands that is) into continuing my weekend in the most enjoyable activity that I know... masturbating!! Hope you find time for a little pleasure in your weekend!
Lieutenant Libido
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Re: Who just finished cumming?

Postby loveyanking » Tue Jan 21, 2014 3:58 pm

I'm home alone for a couple of weeks so I've been masturbating continually, when and where I want, it's great, one rainy day I just played with myself and masturbated all day. I woke up this morning with a really hard erection, it feels so sweat when that happens, and I have to stroke it right to orgasm or I loose that sweet feeling and it feels so great, sometimes it only takes ten min. other times it takes longer. I'm getting another erection right now and it's great to know that I can just stroke it and feel good any time I want cause there is no one here!!!
Lieutenant Libido
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