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Who likes to edge without orgasming?

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Re: Who likes to edge without orgasming?

Postby fuzzyt » Fri Jan 10, 2014 4:14 am

It's one of my favorite things to do! Sure, there's those times when you just have to stroke it as hard and as fast as you can, so you can blow a load that caught on fire because of something you saw or something that happened. Then there's those times where you tell yourself you're going to edge, and then when you get to that point it just feels so good that you can't stop your motion and you make yourself cum. But most of the time, at least for me, I can control myself long enough to walk the edge a time or two or nine or ten!

Sometimes, one or two times is all I have time for. Take for instance, this past weekend when my wife and I went to the movie to see one of the new releases. We usually always fuck at some point on "date night" so I like to cum an hour or so before that so my "staying power" is greater when I'm inside her tight pussy. The best time on movie night, if it's a movie she's interested in, and I figure I'm not gonna get a HJ in the theater, is when the action grinds to a halt and there's a lot of that character building and emotional bonding stuff on screen. I will excuse myself to go pee, and then while I'm in the men's room, I will stand at one of the urinals and stroke myself. If someone comes in, I stop stroking and just stand there and hold my hard cock. If some guy happens to use the urinal next to me, and sneaks a peak, oh well! I've been known to start stroking again if they look for too long; that usually gets them done and gone in a hurry, but not always. You'd be surprised at how many guys will stand there and hold there dick while they watch you cum!

Last saturday night, a guy came in and went to a urinal two spots over. I didn't even stop stroking. I just glanced over and gave him one of those "Waz-up dude" head nods and went back to my business. There's no way he didn't know what I was doing, but he just finished his business and left. I jacked pretty fast, because I didn't want to miss too much of the film, and got to the edge in short order. But, because I came up so fast, I got just a wee bit to close and while I was fighting off the urge to let my load blow, I let a little of my semen escape. I LOVE IT WHEN THAT HAPPENS! When it does, I don't wait but a a few seconds before I start stroking again because I can usually squirt a little stream a second time.

Everything went as planned because I came to the edge, rather quickly and tempted it several times. With fast, short strokes I can keep myself just below the edge (where you have to either stop or let it blow) and drive myself CRAZY a few times before I actually hang my toes over the cliff. When I couldn't stand the sensation any longer, I took myself to the point that my asshole started to "contract and release" while at the same time clamping down on my cock just below the flared edges of my glans. I didn't climax, but that little "thinned-down" stream I mentioned, squirted from my cock and hit the back of the urinal. That was all I could take at that point. I barely moved my cock up and down and that wonderful feeling of pure bliss washed over my body and I started ejaculating hard as I tried my best to contain my moans of pleasure. Once the sensations subsided, and my cock started to shrink, I shook the sperm from the end of my cock, the best I could, and put him away wet. You see, I know how things will go after that and I know one of the things my wife enjoys is to reach into my pants and find a wet cock.

After zipping up and washing my hands, I headed back into the theater just in time for the next car chase. After I sat down and settled into the seat, my wife...never taking her eyes from the screen...reached over, put her hand on my crotch, and gave me a double squeeze. She's no dummy! She knows EXACTLY what I do when I take those mid-movie breaks. I probably don't have to tell you everything that happened after that movie. I will tell you that when I came for the second time that night, there was no edging involved. She wanted it from behind, as hard and as fast as I could go. When my semen started up my shaft, I did NOTHING to slow it down. I let the first half of my spurts go deep inside her womb and then I pulled out and finished by jacking my cock while it sprayed cum all over her ass and the small of her back.

Now, as for tonight, I'm going to edge for as long as I possible can. I'll try my best to let a couple of squirts leak out without cumming, but, if you're able to pull that off, you know how horny it makes you when it happens. Every cell in your body is screaming CUM, CUM, CUM and it's rare to be able to do that more than a couple of times before losing all control and stroking uncontrollably while semen flies in all directions! goes!!
Last edited by fuzzyt on Tue Jun 17, 2014 9:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Who likes to edge without orgasming?

Postby harcos2007 » Sun Jan 12, 2014 9:55 pm

Like everyone else here, I love edging. It took years for me to perfect the technique and the patience to make edging work for me without cumming within a few minutes - but a couple of especially stimulating B&D porn sites taught me how to hold off. I don't often get the opportunity to masturbate for more than 15 minutes or so - but when I have some real "alone time" I often edge for a couple of hours. I think two hours is the longest I stay completely hard, but there are times when I can masturbate off and on for 4 hours, letting myself go at least partly soft for a little while and then allowing cock stimulation again to bring me quickly hard. Each time I let myself go partly soft and then resume masturbating I can take a little more intense stimulation, and the sexual excitement is more intense than the time before - each peak higher than the last one. I can never go more than 4 hours before I just can't stand it and I have to cum. As everyone else has said, the very long masturbation sessions bring the best, most intense, more satisfying ejaculations - those with the largest amount of semen, and those where the semen shoots the furthest, with the most number of spurts, as many as seven spurts with the best cums. Now I've made myself hard by writing this but I can't masturbate because there are other people around. Tomorrow I'll have some real "alone time". I've been looking forward to a nice long session of porn watching and jacking off. I'd love to get PMs from people who are masturbating.
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Re: Who likes to edge without orgasming?

Postby uncut7in » Tue Jun 17, 2014 2:45 pm

I masturbate most of the timer I'm online, so have become something of an edging expert as a session can last several hours. Sometimes I slip over the edge by mistake and my thong gets very sticky.
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Re: Who likes to edge without orgasming?

Postby fuzzyt » Tue Jun 17, 2014 10:56 pm

Up until about half-way through my career, as a chronic masturbator, there were times I would jack-off until I reached the edge and then I would tuck my cock away and go about my business. Then, maybe several hours later, I would find another opportunity and jack-off again, bringing myself only to the edge before stopping and once again putting my cock away. This would go on sometimes for several days and once even for two weeks! There were even times during these "marathons' that I would tell my 1st wife what I was doing and I would actually fuck her until I was on the edge and then pull out and let myself go soft. She didn't mind though because she liked playing the game with me, as well as seeing me in "near agony." Besides, she was making herself cum with her Hitachi Magic Wand each time, so she always walked away with a smile on her face! One time I even reentered her two additional times and stopped short for a total of three edges in her pussy in one night. Eventually though, I reached the point I was striving for; where every cell in my body was craving ejaculation. Sometimes I would enjoy that moment by myself, in some public location. Other times I would let go inside of a tight warm pussy; but not always belonging to my wife. The rest of the time I would finally let myself reach orgasm during a mutual masturbation session; once again not necessarily with my wife!

However, as the years moved on, so did my ability to function in-between those extended periods of "waiting" between each trip to the edge. My desire to feel the rush of a full-on ejaculation kept growing as each year passed. My love for orgasms has grown to the point now that I pretty much can't think about anything else once I start touching my cock. Sure, it's fun sometimes. I may bring myself to the edge before I leave the house, and then go out to run errands. But all I can think about is cumming, and having the feeling of semen squirting from my cock, so most of the time I will forget to do something I was supposed to do because I'm preoccupied with my cock!

Sometimes I will "play the game" with my current wife when she has a day off. For instance, she will pull my cock out of my PJ bottoms during breakfast, stroke me to the edge, and then walk away. Then, after I get out of the shower and I'm standing in front of the lavatories with nothing on but my bath robe, she will reach in the robe, stroke me to the edge and then walk away. After we're both dressed and are on our way out of the house, she will stop me after I open the front door, unfasten my pants, pull my cock out, and stroke me again to the edge (for anyone that may be walking or driving by) while we're standing in front of the glass storm door. I'm usually begging her at this point but she will just drop my cock and walk out of the door. When we're playing this game we will either go to see a matinee, where she will take my cock out of my pants and finally stroke me to an orgasm. Or, we will go to a department store where we will go into the dressing rooms together (sometimes the men's and sometimes the women's). At that point I will either take off all my clothes and she will stroke me and make me cum, or, we will both undress and I will fuck her from behind, until I cum, while she bends over and holds onto the bench inside the cubicle made up of short partitions! Kohl's is great for this and sometimes we don't even bother taking in any clothes to give the impression that we're there to try on clothes. They don't have an attendant and the short walls allow our "sex" sounds (her ass slapping against my legs, squishing sounds after things get wet, her little grunts each time I slam into her, and the orgasmic moaning) to be heard throughout the entire room. I also like the fact that the partitions are also short at the bottom so other people can bend down and see our naked legs and bare feet, mine behind hers.

It's rare though for me to enter a two or three day marathon because I've come to the conclusion that cumming just feels to damned good! So why put it off and torture yourself all day long because one orgasm at the end of the day may be a little more intense. I'm all about quantity now. I would rather cum 3 or 4 times a day than just one. You know that's 6-8 times in two days and 9-12 times in three days. Let's see...12 regular double load. Easy least for me!
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Re: Who likes to edge without orgasming?

Postby hard-curve » Fri Jul 04, 2014 3:20 am

Dragonfly1088 wrote:It's lovely to feel as though you're about to cum but you don't. :D

Yes, definitely! You can give yourself multiple pre-orgasms this way. I like to take it to that point where the pleasure spreads from my cock and surges through the rest of my body, and I become truly absorbed in it. Then I let go of my cock and surf on the wave until my cock subsides a bit. Then I'll start over again. It's just feels so good.

I do edge for a couple of days sometimes, usually for an hour or two per day, sometimes much longer. I just let the last pleasure wave recede. As long as I stop an hour or so before I go to bed, all is good. Other wise I'll toss and turn until I have to finish myself. If I'm able to save it for another day, i go into a session intending to orgasm. The anticipation is exciting. When I'm right into it, the excitement can take me a little further than I usually go, and may involve playing and cumming with toys and/or mirrors!
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Re: Who likes to edge without orgasming?

Postby cock o the north » Thu Jun 14, 2018 9:24 pm

Been at it for two hours now, precum flowing steadily making things nice and slippy. When it blows....... :)
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