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Tasting own cum ?

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Re: Tasting own cum ?

Postby havingfun » Tue Feb 26, 2013 5:05 am

piper666 wrote:I jack off everyday and I always eat my cum .It is HOT and I like the taste, but also
it is more practical: it is the easiest way to clean up!
Anyone else like to e-mail me.

Too funny, my wifes says the same thing, it's the easiest way to clean up, plus it makes her HOT and drives her WILD! We always have the best sex after one of us has done this, for me its her and for her its me. I have found I can way more anal when I cum in my mouth so I have grown accustomed to it and get plenty of anal these days.
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Re: Tasting own cum ?

Postby wonderdick » Mon Mar 04, 2013 7:33 pm

I like to start to cum and then stop simulating myself so I ejaculate some, but not my whole load, in my hand. Then I love to taste it because I'm still turned on. I also like to put some on my nipples and smear it all over my face. The smell and taste turns me on even more. The second time I "partially" cum the same way, and it's usually thicker, and I do the same things with it. Finally, When I can't stand it anymore I stroke all the way to orgasm. I eat my cum right away, savoring the taste and texture in my mouth as long as possible before swallowing it. Like other people have said, if I wait too long I lose interest which didn't seem possible before I came.
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Re: Tasting own cum ?

Postby fuzzyt » Mon May 06, 2013 4:57 am

I must say, reading through this subject has really worked up my desire to masturbate. In fact, I'm now sitting in my recliner, naked from the waist down. My balls are tied up tight and I have a cock ring in place. I haven't even started pumping yet and the veins in my cock are engorged, the head is swollen and flared, and I only have to touch it lightly to bring those little tingle feelings.

Sorry to bore you, but telling about what I'm doing is all part of what makes me get super horny. It's as if you are watching me at the time. Anyways...let me help you with the dilemma of Tasting Your Own Cum.

I had tried many times to eat my own cum and kept running into the same mental block that so many of you have mentioned. I would immediately "lose interest" as soon as I came. However, I loved to suck my precum off my fingers. In fact, I played for long sessions just to produce lots of precum so I could lick it. (Still do :) ) I just couldn't understand why I loved to eat my precum but had such a hard time with eating my cum after the orgasm.

One day I happened upon a masturbation story, on some site I don't remember, that gave me an idea to get past this barrier. Finally, I was able to eat my own cum and I liked it. I think it works because it allows you to eat your cum while you're worked up and excited before you have your orgasm, or better yet, WHILE you're having an orgasm. In order for this technique to work, you must cum twice and it's not even necessary to cum twice the same day.

1. On the first day, or first orgasm, cum into a zip-lock baggie. Use a cheap one and not one of those thick freezer kinds. If you can cum again relatively soon, then you don't need the next two steps.
2. Store the baggy in the refrigerator until you're ready to have another orgasm.
3. Take the baggy out of the fridge and place it in a bowl with hot water. This will warm the cum that you saved.
4. Do whatever you need to do to get yourself hard and start jacking off.
5. When you reach that point of excitement, perhaps after edging a few times, and you have that desire to eat your own cum, keep pumping your cock and grab the baggy.
6. Hold the baggy so all the cum runs to one corner and hold this above your mouth.
7. Keep stroking and right when you are starting to feel sperm rising in your cock, and just before it squirts out, put the end of the baggy in your mouth, bite it to break the plastic and suck your cum out of the baggy.
8. You now are eating your own cum when you peak and it will make you explode like never before!

TIP: If you like it, try saving more than one load in the baggy. In fact, I sometimes save up 4 or 5 loads so I can get a real mouthful. You won't believe how much more intense your orgasm will be when you're finally bursting that 5 load baggy in your mouth. Try it. I think you'll like it. And, don't worry about saving 4-5 loads. That's usually only a couple of days for most of us! Your sperm will keep for several days when refrigerated. If you want to save it over a longer period of time, you can freeze it. However, don't wait until you're ready to masturbate (and eat) to take it out of the freezer, unless you want to lick a Popsicle! Now that just gave me an idea!! I think I will try saving up and making a small ice-cube-of-cum that I can suck on while I'm beating off!

Glad I could help!
Last edited by fuzzyt on Mon Jul 07, 2014 8:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tasting own cum ?

Postby loveyanking » Fri Jun 07, 2013 1:36 pm

I have succeeded in eating my cum after orgasm a couple of times now and I really like it. A couple of posts on here really helped, both of them were eating cum during masturbation one getting cum while edging the other saving cum and eating it later during masturbation, both are really exciting to do and I love it. I really want to end up eating all of my cum because I think of it as completing my act of masturbation.
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Re: Tasting own cum ?

Postby Tazz41 » Sun Jun 09, 2013 2:43 pm

Precum is the easiest to do because of the horniness factor, but if I am going to eat my load I have to do it without hesitation like being on my back, cock above my face and try to shoot it in my mouth, or shoot into a shot glass or something with alcohol in it and knock it back. Very rare that I scoop it off my chest and lick it up. Not to say I have not done that.
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Re: Tasting own cum ?

Postby lesscord » Wed Jul 17, 2013 4:12 pm

I think that cum is the best taste could drink a glass full of anyone's cum. I like to freeze it and have it later. I taste my own cum every day now i want to taste someone else's cum stop by some time and we will swat cum.
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Re: Tasting own cum ?

Postby petewhim69 » Wed Feb 12, 2014 6:17 am

I love to taste my cum. Glad to read the long email on how to store it ! Wikipedia did not go into details, so "Yanks" is the answer...when i visit I get excited, so i shower ,shave and then get to taste my cum...I eat a nice diet, so it tastes very good....a little creamy and lightly salty...mmmm..
By the way, Yanks is the best site to go to to get the best answers and get hot ! Oh, I use Baby Oil, but I have tried Olive Oil and Cooking oil..Like Canola, it is good for you. Have you tried Corn Oil cooking oil ? I just tried Wesson Canola Cooking oil. I did not cum, just got hard and tried the lubricity ( sp ? )
..and with enough, it is better than Baby oil. However, we'll try it to cum and see if it stays to completion and no dry out
Stay smooth, stay hard, and taste your cum... :D
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Re: Tasting own cum ?

Postby fuzzyt » Sat Feb 15, 2014 12:42 am

Just a few words from a chef & nutritionist's perspective in regards to using cooking oils as lubrication. My recommendation is against using a corn, vegetable or canola based oil. These oils, regardless of what the food industry tells us, are not healthy. They are "processed," which means they are man-made and filtered through petroleum based products. If ingesting them, or food prepared with them, is not good for your health, why would you want to rub it on your "most prized possession?" Besides, these oils can add an unpleasant taste to your semen if you like to taste or swallow it.

A better health choice is to use extra-virgin-olive-oil or coconut oil for both cooking and stroking. I personally prefer coconut oil because olive oil has a distinct taste, which some people don't like, and it's more messy because it's liquid. Coconut oil has a pleasant taste and is in a solid form until it warms up. It's easy to scoop some from the jar with a couple of fingers and then as you begin to rub it over your cock it will begin to soften into a very nice slipperyness. Coconut oil is also excellent to use as a body oil on face, arms, and legs. It will leave the skin smooth and soft with a nice healthy glow. Your cocks, clits and pussy lips will love it! And don't worry, it will only make the skin on your cock soft, it won't have any effect on the hardness factor. In fact, I think it makes me harder because it feels SO GOOD!

(Tip: When using coconut oil to cook, I use it all the time, don't use on high heat. Maximum should be medium high so it doesn't smoke. Most people cook things on too hot of a heat anyways!)
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cum eating encouragement

Postby harcos2007 » Wed Mar 12, 2014 3:35 pm

This might help someone who's interested in eating their own. It's a very hot video showing several women swallowing large loads, while a voice over directs you to masturbate, tells you how hard to stroke, tells you to hold off your cum, and finally tells you to eat it. I don't normally look for such vids but I found this while looking for something else, watched it all the way through, found it a powerful stim.....didn't allow myself to cum while watching, but I can see that for some people it might be impossible not to go all the way.

For the habitual eaters, the freezing of several loads, up to 10 or 20, in a single container and then rewarming in warm water and drinking all at one time is one of the most powerful stimuli. Just thinking about it -

If anyone enjoys the video, PM me
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