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Hotel Affairs or Affairs in General

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Hotel Affairs or Affairs in General

Postby fuzzyt » Sun Jul 27, 2014 10:15 am

Right now I'm just sitting out on the Lanai (deck) of my 4th floor hotel room, overlooking the Pacific coast and the hotel pool below. I'm stone-cold naked and sitting right next to the railing, so anyone at the pool who looks up can easily see me; and what I'm doing! It's one of those railings made of glass, which gives a clear unobstructed view. If anyone was looking up within the last hour they would have seen me eating out my honey and my honey giving me a hand-job. Now they can watch me masturbate some more, while she’s in the shower! And if you’re asking why I’m feeling the need to masturbate so soon after receiving a great hand-job, well it’s because I’ve been composing a personal message to a friend here a MaturbationPage and it’s got me all hard again and wanting more! But that makes for a boring story, if I just let it go at that, and that’s not going to be enough to give anyone a good time! So let me back up and give you a little more detail about what happened earlier, and what led up to it!

My honey and I flew out here a few days ago, because I had to attend a seminar. It finally ended a couple of hours ago. When I got back to the room, I saw my honey laying out here on the deck. She was sunbathing in the nude, which is not allowed at the pool below. I'm referring to her as "my honey" because even though I love my wife, and we have a great “open” sex life together, I'm not with my wife on this trip!

Barb is "an acquaintance" of mine (my wife doesn't know about Barb). We've known each other for years and have carried on a "casual" no-strings-attached relationship for the last two years, ever since she divorced her “sorry excuse” for a husband. She's actually a sales rep to one of the companies that my company purchases equipment from. Anytime she’s in town, and we can pull it off, we hook up. Usually it’s at her hotel, but we’ve been known to just find a quiet parking lot (or not so quiet) after a business lunch, strip off all of our clothes and go at it in the back seat. We’ve even masturbated for each other, a few times, right in my office. She just pulls her “always short” skirt up and rubs her clit through her panties while I stay seated behind my desk; just in case my assistant walks in without warning. There’s plenty for Barb to see once my cock stands straight up; and there’s no question as to what’s happening when she sees thick white ropes of semen squirting up and landing on the top of my desk!

This trip worked out great. Barb was going to be in town, making sales contacts, and then heading out next to the same city I was headed to for a conference. We talk (phone sex) a lot and so when we discovered we were heading to the same place on the same dates, we booked seats next to each other and met at the airport. I had a legitimate excuse for my wife, and Barb doesn't answer to anyone. So after my wife dropped me off at the airport, I proceeded to the gate to meet up with Barb.

It's only a short one hour flight, from home to the coast, so we didn't have much time for in-air fun. But we’ve flown together before and we know how to prepare. When we travel together, in the warmer times of the year, she always wears a sundress with a short loose skirt, and never wears any panties. I always wear a pair of baggy cargo shorts, commando style, when I fly; with or without Barb. This way I don’t wrinkle my suit and it allows me to fondle my cock under the cover of the tray table.

As soon as I spotted Barb at the gate, standing there in her pink high-heels and showing off her tanned, shapely legs, I wanted to take her to the closest “family” restroom and ram my cock in between her thighs. And that’s just what I did! Her floral, bare-backed sundress, with only a strap tied around her neck, made it obvious that she wasn’t wearing a bra; and it also made it really easy for me to bare her titties in that restroom. My “one-size-to-big” shorts slid to my ankles on their own, as soon as I unfastened the button and unzipped the zipper. My cock was primed and ready and sprung out like a jack-in-the-box when my shorts cleared it. Barb grabbed it at the same time I pulled the bow out of the neck strap on her dress. She steered my cock right to the entrance of her pussy, in perfect sync with me lifting her one leg and backing her up against the wall. She moved my cock up and down her slit until the end of it got good and slippery from the juices she was excreting. It slid in to her “like butter” when I pressed my hips up and towards her.

My first full thrust into her coincided with an announcement over the intercom; they were giving the “last boarding call” to our flight! It wasn’t pretty, but it felt pretty damn good as I banged Barb as hard and as fast as I could. It was also a little “self-serving” as we didn’t have time for anything more other than for me to explode inside of her!

With cum still covering my cock, and a mess all over her pussy, I quickly pulled my shorts back up while she pulled her dress back over her breasts and tied her neck strap. We walked through the restroom door, while I was helping her pull her skirt down over her ass, and hurried to the gate. We were like newlyweds as we walked down the plank towards the plane. Holding hands and kissing the entire way.

It was one of the smaller commuter jets, with only two seats on each side of the aisle, so at least we didn’t have to contend with a seatmate! It was such a short flight, especially by the time you factor in the ascent, descent, and the beverage service; we didn’t have a lot of time once we were finally allowed to lower our seat trays. I didn’t let that stop me though. From the get go, my hand was wrapped around Barb’s leg; pushing her skirt up even higher than it already was. The inside of her thigh was wet and slippery from my semen, which had leaked from her pussy and started to run down her leg while we were running to the gate and boarding the plane. My fingers were pretty wet by the time the stewardess started to lock down the overheads. (It’s always fun to see the expression on the stewardesses’ face when they walk by on their pre-takeoff check and look into your lap to make sure you’re buckled up. There’s always “some kind of” reaction!)

As soon as the captain turned off the seatbelt sign, our tray tables both came down (to provide cover) and the fun began. The time constraint didn’t allow for a whole lot, but there were plenty of opportunities to finger Barb’s panty-less clit and penetrate her cum-soaked pussy a few times during the flight. I managed to pull the leg of my shorts up until my cock, and both of my balls were exposed. Barb didn’t really have time to “slow-stroke” me to orgasm, but she was able to get me good and hard again as she rubbed my leaking precum around and mixed it with the semen that didn’t manage to get wiped clean from my cock as it slid from her pussy lips just minutes before.

By the time that flight ended, we were chomping at the bit, and we never stopped eating for the next two days and three nights. I’ve finger fucked her in every restaurant we’ve eaten in, fucked her in the rental car TWICE (which included making her cum with my tongue), and worked her pussy and made her scream so much at night that it’s a wonder security hasn’t knocked on the door to make sure somebody wasn’t getting murdered or something! That brings the story up-to-date, well at least to within an hour or so ago; when I walked into our hotel room, after the seminar FINALLY ended, and saw Barb lying out on the deck…naked!

We’re on our last afternoon and night before I fly back to my home and Barb flies on to her next sales stop; so I wanted to make the most of it. She was lying on her back with these little eye shields over her eyes. They protect her eyes from the sun yet don’t leave big white circles on her face or across her nose like sunglasses do. Only big drawback, for her anyways, is that she can’t see through them. Knowing that I had a little bit of an advantage, I stripped off all my clothes and quietly tiptoed out onto the deck; practically frightening her to death when I touched her knees and pushed them apart.

As she yielded to my touch and let her legs spread apart, I wasn’t too surprised to find her pussy glistening with her own juices and her clit all red-hot-pink and swollen. Barb likes to masturbate just as much as I do, and we don't hide that fact from each other. Besides, it was pretty obvious that she had probably just finished rubbing herself to orgasm; and knowing her, she was two steps ahead of me and had planned on me finding her with a pussy already warmed up for further action.

By the time I stepped onto the lanai, my cock had already grown to more than seventy-five percent of its potential. But when I saw Barb’s recently diddled love button, all swollen and nestled in-between her swollen labia, it went to ninety percent and started to dance up and down on its own. However, when I noticed the red streaks all around her puffy areolas, and figured out they were there because she had been pinching and pulling at her nipples, my cock grew the rest of the way to its maximum length and girth.

Standing up tall and turning sideways towards the pool below, I gave anyone who might be looking my way, a good profile view of my manhood. Barb, curious as to why she hadn’t felt something of mine touching her pussy, removed the eye cups from her eyes to find me standing next to the rail tugging on my cock. She reminded me of how naughty I was, to which I pointed out that I was only doing what she had obviously just finished doing. She did point out though that she was lying down on the lounger, which wasn’t quite as obvious as standing up next to the rail!

Having teased her, and the sunbathers below, with my masturbation antics, I moved to the foot of her deck chair and dropped to my knees. With one hand still stroking up and down on my cock, I proceeded to touch her delicate clit with just the tip of my tongue. The nerve endings in her clit were still so sensitive that every little brush of my tongue made her body twitch. Finally though, I was able to ease my mouth onto her until I was giving her clit a suck every time I licked her from her asshole to her belly button.

Within the first two minutes of that stimulation, her heart rate had increased substantially and her respirations were much closer together and more labored. My hand, having never left the service of my cock, was steadily pulling up and down as I savored the taste of Barb’s cunt. About six or seven minutes into my feast, her body started to tremble and then quickly moved into spastic motions as she soared into a rather “noisy” and intense orgasm. I’m pretty sure her squeals were easily audible from four levels below; and more than likely, a few curious eyes had looked up to see a side-view of a perked up nipple and a naked guy going down on his honey!

After Barb’s body began to relax and settle down, from what was definitely a powerful orgasm, I stood up and moved to her side; into a position that would be comfortable for her hand to take over the task that was in my hand. Standing tall, and with the side of my hip practically up against the clear railing, it would have been easy for the curious eyes below to see how hard I was; and how good Barb’s hand was making me feel. Closing my eyes, I started to thrust my hips forwards and backwards, fucking Barb’s hand while she stroked my shaft and rolled the head of my cock around in her palm as if it were a gigantic nipple. Within only two or three minutes I was quickly approaching orgasm and had no intention of prolonging my cumming pleasure. When Barb said, “Oh my, somebody’s gonna cum!” I started spraying semen out all over the deck floor.

So here I am, sitting on the deck and answering personal messages while Barb is taking a shower and doing her makeup. It will take her about an hour and then I’ll be in and out and dressed within 10 minutes! In the meantime, there’s plenty of time for me to rub out a second load, especially since I’m already hard again. All I have to do is think about what’s to come on our last night together, at least on this trip. We’ll go out for a nice dinner, but there’s no guarantee I won’t fuck Barb before we ever eat one bite; because usually when I see her in her little black club dress and four-inch black strappy heels, I end up pushing her skirt up above her ass and fucking her panty-less twat, whether it’s here in the room, in the elevator, or in the ladies room at the restaurant! Then I’ll finger her every chance I get while we’re at the dance club, and diddle-her clit the entire taxi ride back to the room. After a few more orgasms on her part, and a couple more seed-deposits into her pussy, we’ll get some sleep before we give it one last go in the morning before heading out to the airport.

I started this message because I got hard while replying to a personal message; and now I’ve already been to the edge a few times while writing about my adventures with Barb. So now it’s time to set the laptop to the side and let the folks below watch me spill one more load; so when I walk back into the room, with a cock covered in white cream, Barb will have no problem figuring out what I’ve been up to…again!
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Re: Hotel Affairs or Affairs in General

Postby Tazz41 » Mon Jul 28, 2014 2:41 pm

That is soooooo hot! I can only imagine, but imagine I am with a full hard cock n hand leaking huge amounts of precum.
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Re: Hotel Affairs or Affairs in General

Postby fuzzyt » Tue Jul 29, 2014 12:17 am

I'm imagining Tazz...believe me...I'm imagining! Just thinking about you running your fingers up and down your cock, all slippery with precum and while reading my story, has me wiping precum from the swollen head of my own cock and licking it from my fingers as I imagine I'm actually wiping it from the tiny mouth at the end of your hardness and tasting your flavor! Yummy!
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