I have these little "novelty" ice cube trays, that I use for dinner parties, that make icecubes shaped like Legos. I regularly squirt my cum into the small silicone trays (one orgasm per Lego).

Then I top that cubicle off with water and freeze it. Repeat that 10 times and I've got a tray full of little cum-laced "cocktail" icecubes! I use them to chill my friend's HOT wife's drinks when they're over for dinner. I've even used them to make a Shirley Temple for their young teenager daughter the couple of times she came over with them! The last time I had them over their daughter was looking "extra" hot in a short little dress. While they were all looking through some of my photo albums from a recent trip, I went into the kitchen to make a white sauce for the chicken dish. When it was time to plate the entrees, I made a "special sauce" for the daughter's plate by jacking off over her chicken thighs. Once I put a couple of spoonfuls of the white wine sauce over the top, she was none the wiser. It was especially hard to keep from pulling my cock out at the dinner table and jacking it, right there in front of the girl and her parents, whenever she complimented me on the dish and said, "This is really good!"