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Finding ur dads porn mags

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Finding ur dads porn mags

Postby Cocknhand77 » Sun Nov 06, 2011 4:32 am

How many found there dads porn??
I did at an early age before hitting puberty.
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Re: Finding ur dads porn mags

Postby ace37 » Fri Jan 13, 2012 9:32 am

I found a Playboy and a Penthouse hidden in my dad's sock drawer when I was 10. I had my first ejaculation looking at nude pics in that Penthouse!
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Re: Finding ur dads porn mags

Postby wobble60 » Wed Apr 11, 2012 12:32 am

never found any of my dads but I did find some of my younger brother's
- he took over my room at home when I moved out and evidently used to stash his jizz mags in exactly the same place as I used to stash mine lol
- he made a nice choice of his wanking material too: I had a happy time jerking off to it during that stay...
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Re: Finding ur dads porn mags

Postby mircsta » Sat Sep 01, 2012 1:44 pm

my older brother had a box full of magazines hidden under his cupboard. i used to "borrow" one or two at a time and stare in amazement. it was before i even knew to jerk off. i'd get so hard it hurt, thinking about how naughty the girls were flashing their tits and pussy.
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Re: Finding ur dads porn mags

Postby loveyanking » Wed Dec 12, 2012 1:26 am

Not my dad's but an uncles playboy, I was about 15 and I found some of my uncles old playboy mags and took one home I had never seen nude women before and I must have used it for months to masturbate until my dad found it and took it away. I was so glad when internet porn came around and I could watch any kind of porn when I wanted.
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Re: Finding ur dads porn mags

Postby Slivers » Fri Dec 14, 2012 12:57 pm

Didn't found any mags, but I did found a old videotape with some really nice porn on it. Watched it a lot and jerked off a lot while watching it.
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Re: Finding ur dads porn mags

Postby fuzzyt » Fri Aug 02, 2013 7:04 am

Not my Dad's, but those of the guy I used to babysit for when I was about 11 years old. At that point I had been masturbating for a couple of years but it had always been to the sears catalog. I hadn't seen any nude pictures until I started babysitting for a secretary from my Dad's work and her husband. It was my first gig as a babysitter and the kid was already in the bed asleep when I got there. After the couple left, I got curious and started snooping around their house. I had heard stories from the other kids at school, about finding their Dad's or brother's stash of porn, so I thought I'd see if I could find this guys library.

It didn't take long to find the treasure. I checked all the places I was already hiding old swimsuit and undergarment catalogs. Under the bed, in-between the mattresses, etc. When I opened up the drawer of the nightstand next to this guy's bed, and lifted up the teeshirts, I discovered a stack of Playboys that he had been saving for several years. I can still remember how my body started to shake in anticipation of seeing my first naked women. I went instantly hard before I could even get the first one open.

I had already graduated from only jacking off in the bathroom, to undressing and sitting around nude while masturbating in different areas of my own home. This was on days that I had faked illness and stayed home from school, alone, while my mom worked. I'd pull out a few catalogs, strip down and beat my young cock until that wonderful feeling of ectasy would flow through my body. There were even a few times I would put on one of my mom's bras, a pair of her panties, a garter belt and a pair of her nylons. Then I would put on one of her skirts, sit on the edge of the bed and fantasize that it was my hand slowing creeping up the leg of a sexy girl and reaching into her panties while pushing the other under her bra and playing with her nipples. And I hadn't even seen nipples at that point! I wasn't producing any semen the first couple of years but by the time I started babysitting, cum was squirting from the end of my cock.

This epic night I didn't waste any time. I pulled out a handful of Playboys, being careful to remember the exact order they were stacked, and carried them into the living room. After spreading them out on the sofa, I checked the kid to make sure he was sound asleep and then took off all my clothes. Then, while naked in front of the sofa, I proceeded to jackoff for the first time while standing. Thank goodness they had hardwood floors because I wasn't prepared for the amount of cum that came squirting out. That wasn't the only thing that happened for the first time that night. I was SO turned on that my adolecent cock didn't shrink after I came. It stayed hard while I stood there looking down at those beautiful bare bodies and my hand started the stroking action again.

I can still remember, after having the second orgasm, how sore the end of my dick was underneath the overhang of my flared-out little circumcised helmet. (I hadn't discovered the secret of lubrication with Vaseline at that point) But it was all healed up by the time I babysat the following weekend. It was a steady, weekly job; so I got to know every one of those Playboys inside out!
Last edited by fuzzyt on Sun Mar 02, 2014 4:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Finding ur dads porn mags

Postby motorcityboy » Wed Aug 07, 2013 5:10 pm

Not my Dad's but his best friend also my godfather's .
My dad would go over to his house often to drink and hang out . At first I hated it , but then , while they would be in the back yard talking and hanging out I would "look" around , I found a HUGE !!! stash ! in his linen closet !
he had the best fucking stash in the world , tons of mags. a lot of Hustlers and penthouse . I would steal them and take them home and jack off to them ! :P . I use to really love the ones with men and women fucking , I still do to this day.
I don't get off on just women in the pic too boring , but when it's a couple and the guy is really hung my dick gets hard right away . :P .
After that I loved going over to his house and would ask my dad all the time , needless to say we went a LOT more :P .
I hoped they knew what I was doing , I love bro's hanging together !
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Re: Finding ur dads porn mags

Postby Blennie » Mon Nov 25, 2013 10:06 am

I remember finding a copy of "Oui" magazine in my Dad's room when I was about 13. Up until that time I masturbated to pictures of topless girls from newspapers so seeing naked women, in colour and showing pubic hair was just mind blowing! I stared at the pictures for a few minutes scarcely able to believe what I was looking at. I no longer had to imagine what was inside those panties, I was actually looking at photos of vaginas. My penis was throbbing inside my pants, begging for attention and when I turned the page and the next model's pussy lips were cleary visible I just couldn't wait any longer. When I finally I took my aching penis into my hand and started wanking I lasted for about ten seconds!
I'll never forget that day. Maybe it's part of the reason I'm still partial to a beautiful full bush to this day.
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Re: Finding ur dads porn mags

Postby mircsta » Fri May 16, 2014 2:22 pm

another thing i remember was a calendar in my grandfather's garage with a picture of a gorgeous blonde slut with her tits out. i used to sneak out and stare at it for ages.
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Re: Finding ur dads porn mags

Postby Much2Fun » Mon Dec 03, 2018 6:54 am

I was house sitting for a neighbor and snooped around. I found their porn. As I was watching one the video flickered and it was my neighbors. First a video of her pussy, then her masturbating then him walking round with a hardon. She was having her period and she didn't want to give him a blow. So he just sat there jacking off. He came on her boobs and then started jacking off again. He came 3x then said he was done. I fast forwarded it and it was just video of him cumming. One hour of cum shots, most with her holding the vhs camcorder. He would say I'm cumming and then shoot. I see this dude cum at least 100x. I later learned she had issues with her vagina and sex hurt. She was a sex addict without a pussy that could take a dick. I seen him finger her asshole too but she didn't like it. She said his dick was too big for anal and told him to jack off.
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Re: Finding ur dads porn mags

Postby SteelyDon » Thu Dec 06, 2018 11:31 pm

I would have been very excited to find that as a teenager - just like now. :D

You don't mention masturbating while watching it. I'd be red raw within the hour!
They said I'd go blind but I'm managing just fine with the spectacles.

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