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Prostate-Initiated Orgasm - Check it out!

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Postby t8d2g » Mon Apr 03, 2006 5:52 pm

Last edited by t8d2g on Thu Apr 02, 2009 10:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby bobbyj » Mon Apr 03, 2006 8:29 pm

I just tried this for the first time and didn't get any reults but a sore ass. How long does it take the first time?
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Postby t8d2g » Mon Apr 03, 2006 11:52 pm

Last edited by t8d2g on Thu Apr 02, 2009 10:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby swordfish88 » Tue Apr 04, 2006 2:16 am

how much sucess have you had generating cum with the prostate massage. also how long does it take for you to get results.. Just curious. longest I tried it for is about 20 minutes and getting a little fluid but not much. Does it come out a little at a time or does it flow pretty good once it starts. Thanks for the advise.
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Postby t8d2g » Tue Apr 04, 2006 12:46 pm

Last edited by t8d2g on Thu Apr 02, 2009 10:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby swordfish88 » Thu Apr 06, 2006 1:50 am

Well, last night I was doing some prostate massage for the 4th attempt now with the coat hook method previously recommended in this thread. Ive been educating myself on the site too about their prostate massagers and peoples experiences and was somewhat convinced that some possibilies did exist for this to work. It was 4 days since my last orgasm (penis stimulated). I kept at it rhytmically and steadily for a good 20 minutes or so. My cock was soft the whole time. It felt slightly pleasureable but nothing really great or much different than my other recent attempts. Maybe a little better since I kind of figured out the location where to massage and what movement pattern seemed the best. In previous attempts I did sense that 'need to pee' feeling somewhat, and again this time had a similar feeling, but I would have to say it was a little more consistent level this time which I attribute to my steady rhythm and becoming a little more expereince from my previous attempts in finding "the spot". But still nothing to show for it. I did eventually get start getting a small amount of cum to appear, which was pretty encoraging. I kept at it and then over the course of about a minute or two my cock started to become slightly erect. Maybe about half hard. I was starting to get somewhat aroused at this point but nothing spectacular. I stayed relaxed the whole time. My cock got to about 3/4 of a full erection and then BAM! I had an orgasm with absolutely NO stimulation of the penis. It took be by suprise. Mainly because my arrousal level at the time wasnt that high and didnt really expect it at that time. The orgasm wasnt a really intense one, but was definately an ejaculatory orgasm with about the same amount of cum as I get from a typical penis stimulate orgasm. I think I am on the road to a whole new world here. I am 35 years old, and I feel kind of like I am starting over again from that first orgasm I had when I was 12 years old stroking my cock an not knowing what exactly to expect. I think I am ordering an aneros tonite in search of the super-o. Thanks to all those that post information posted on this site. I look forward to the unexplored pleasures that lie ahead. If you havent tried this, I encourge you to give it a shot. Definately worth trying and dont give up right away like I almost did.
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Postby t8d2g » Thu Apr 06, 2006 2:44 am

Last edited by t8d2g on Thu Apr 02, 2009 10:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby ilikeitalot » Thu Apr 06, 2006 10:13 am

Well, I guess since I started this thread, I should chime in. swordfish, I am impressed. You've got more patience that I have I suppose. I've never cum from prostate stimulation alone. It's interesting that your arousal level was not high when you ejaculated. I figured it would be. I guess you got the prostate to the point that it thought, "Hey, it's time to cum now." Anyway, I'll have to revisit this at some point and shoot for that. Thx for letting us know!

Postby highschooldick » Sat May 13, 2006 1:50 am

I hope people still read this thread.... Does anyone ever get the feeling like they have to poop really badly during anal? I start out not having to go, but once i'm stimulating the prostate I suddenly have to go to the bathroom and it kills my whole experience and I don't want to go back to anal after I cleaned out the pipe :) . Is this the same with anyone?
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Reply to brisjkr from page one...

Postby Solo Trucker » Sat May 13, 2006 12:02 pm

You said you achieved the same results just playing with the outside of your ass. Not trying to discredit you, but you did not even come close to how it feels with internal stimulation. Playing with the outside of your ass and the spot between your nut sack and ass hole is cool and feels great. But you have never had an PIO unless you get inside and massage and spend a bit of time. I found it is a lot easier to achieve the PIO if someone else has their finger or toy in your ass. I think it is a bit like trying to tickle yourself, which is hard to do. I am into the PIO but have a hard time doing it myself. Much better if someone else is doing the internal massage. If someone else do this for you, and knows what they are doing, dude you will have the BEST orgasm you have ever had. You will be hooked on it!
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Postby Solo Trucker » Sat May 13, 2006 12:10 pm

I forgot to mention this to you all. I was chatting with my doctor about this and he said it is best to do with a full bladder as a full bladder puts pressure on the prostrate. If you have ever seen a diagram of your internal parts, it will make sense to you. I have tried it both ways, and much prefer prostrate stimulation before I pee, the sensation is so much better. I have never actually pissed while playing, although you feel like you will. When I have done this with an empty bladder, I was never able to achieve orgasm or even get any cum to actually come ooze out. Give it a try with a full bladder and let me know if any of you also agree with me on this.
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Postby Zipgun » Mon May 15, 2006 3:09 pm

Intresting, gonna have to try that one.
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Postby ilikeitalot » Wed Jun 21, 2006 9:05 am

OK... it's been awhile. I haven't done much prostate stuff in the last 4-5 months. But I think due to all my g-spot research, I got interested again. I'm looking for the ultimate "whole-body" orgasm... and I think the prostate is the key. Today, I went to the local Hustler Hollywood store. Boy do they have a lot of toys lol. I ended up buying three g-spot dildo/vibrators. Couldn't find pics of all of em, but one of them is shown below.

Since that one is the "smallest" and I'm not really used to "big" things in that part of my body, I tried it out first. Lemme tell ya, it was great. Much better than any of my "homemade" devices. After a bit of rubbing and vibrating, I think my prostate must've swelled up... cuz I could feel the point of the vibe hitting it. I had to push with a little force to get it to move over the "hump" of my prostate.

It was getting rather intense... my legs were feeling weak and I had that feeling like I might lose consciousness lol. I had lots of cum oozing out... and almost felt like I was gonna have an orgasm without touching my cock. Finally, I couldn't control myself and I used all that cum to stroke my cock with. After a few seconds of that, my prostate started spasming. It wasn't a normal ejaculation/orgasm... it was all centered in the prostate... but there was plenty of cum. Afterwards, I had no loss of interest... I was still horny. (In fact, embarrassed to admit this... but I tasted my cum. It wasn't too bad.)

Well, that's my PIO update. I'll post more after I try my other two toys.

Postby sticky » Tue Jul 18, 2006 1:52 am

I've bought an Aneros, and started to use it few weeks ago.

The first session takes more than 2 hours. For the first half an hour I get used and confortable to the massager.
Then started to contract sphincter and thigh muscles. My cock growns hard almost immediatly. Then it come and go: soft, hard, soft, hard.
The moment was hard it was a strange feeling, like I was nearer to cum, and like my cock was "larger" so to say.
It took me more an hour to start to feel edging an orgasm. It drives me almost crazy. I ooze so much precum I've never had. A part of my belly was soaked.
I feel nearer and nearer and start to bounce on the bed to get the prostate stimulated. At last I came, cumming with my cock soft, as Ilikeitalot said.

The most difficult part was take the massager out of the ass. No way to relax completely the sphincter. It was quite uneasy.
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Postby ilikeitalot » Tue Jul 18, 2006 7:02 am

sticky, I wish I had your patience. I could never make it past an hour (and usually not even 30 minutes) without being able to "help" things along with my hand. I have gotten to the "edge of orgasm" and the "driving me crazy" feeling. But I just couldn't take it further than that. I bet if I could hold out a little longer, I'd get there. Bad thing is, I usually only have a limited amount of "alone" time here in my house... and that makes it hard to completely relax and concetrate on the experience.

I did try leaving it in while sleeping a few times. I've heard of some people waking up in the middle of the night with a fantastic orgasm. Never happened with me though.

Have you ever had an orgasm with the aneros without ejaculating? That's one thing I'd like to experience too.

Agree with you on it being difficult to take the aneros out. It's just really hard to relax those muscles down there lol.


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