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Jacking off in public

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Jacking off in public

Postby jimoflouisiana » Tue Aug 09, 2005 2:03 am

I like to hear about places to jack off in public,such as Mcdonalds,B king,store parking lot,driving,bathroom stall.but what about urinal???Anybody ever jack it on bus? Did they see you or almost see? tell me...its hot....Jim
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Postby mistr8dude » Tue Aug 09, 2005 6:21 am

Did it in the stall in a McDonald's once, when I got desperate. My brother did it once in the parking lot of a grocery store, just reached into his briefs... broad daylight, too. Almost got caught when mom came back, oops.

I've done it a couple times while driving, that was pretty cool.... it's a good way to pass the time on long drives cross-country. Once I was driving along at like 2 in the morning, out in the middle of nowhere.... stopped to pull off my pants, so I was driving along in my boxers, jacking off for an hour or so (I love edging). Pulled over and stopped in an open field near an overpass or something, dropped my boxers and lay down in the middle of it to finish up. Planted some nice seed for that farmer :)

Urinals are overrated, unless they're clean... been there, done that too.

On a bus? Once, back in college.... going off to visit relatives for the holidays. I was a little too chicken to pull it out, so I rubbed it through my pants (got to a good bit of the book I was reading). There was another guy in the seat across the aisle, I'm pretty sure he caught me... kept smirking at me the rest of the trip, asked "good ride?" when I got off (the bus, that is).
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Postby jimoflouisiana » Wed Aug 10, 2005 8:22 pm

I pulled my pants to my knees in my car right in front of McDonalds one morning early. The girls were taking a break at the tables but not right at the window portion,about one booth back. Too bad cuz if they were closer they would have seen me at least pumping my cock or at least be able to tell what I was up to. I was hoping to see one or two come outside to smoke and then they would have gotten a view. It would have been to late to try and pull my pants up and all. I just kept right on jacking looking in their direction til I cum real nice and took my time cleaning up....Hope maybe the next time it will be better....later Jim
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jacking on bus

Postby jackoffnow » Sat Sep 03, 2005 2:57 am

i've jacked on a bus before,i was all the way in the back of the bus,and it was late at night, i pulled my cock out in full view and began jacking,when i cum,i shot it on back of the seat in front of me!!!!
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Postby penisboy » Sun Sep 04, 2005 10:25 pm

There have been several times...ive been back in my woods at night completely naked, i did it in a stall at target yesterday, i did it in my pool a few days ago, i did it at sears a few months a bit of an exhibitionist

Postby alwayshard » Mon Sep 05, 2005 3:15 pm

I think I'm going to get my honey off in Wal-Mart. Her body is so sensitive I can touch so many spots without anyone giving us a second look, and she'll cum while I do it! Maybe sitting on a bench at the mall...
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Postby stokeit9 » Mon Sep 05, 2005 5:50 pm


Postby stokeit9 » Mon Sep 05, 2005 5:53 pm

i was on a speedboat in the middle of the lake with my friend once, and we decided to skinny dip. and while he went in, i found out i was rock hard. so i decided to start crankin it, wide out in the middle of the lake. it felt great.

Postby Zipgun » Tue Sep 06, 2005 2:09 am

You know if you do a little pocket pool, you could do it almost anywhere if your careful enough.
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Postby penisboy » Tue Sep 06, 2005 8:38 pm

a few days ago, i was horny,so i went to this field by my house, and just stripped naked, layed on the ground, and jacked off. it was awesome

Postby dickhardy » Wed Sep 07, 2005 1:31 am

I've jacked off in a numbe of public places. Several times a friend and me were at the beach near Galveston, Tx. We would wade out into the water deep enough to cover everything. Then we would jack each other off. There would be people all around which made it a little extra exciting. I have always been a loud groaner when I cum, so I had to try to keep quite.
I can't even count the number of times I have jacked off in an adult theater - in wide open view of anyone who wanted to look.
Can't remember a bus or train, but in a car many times. One time I remember well, I was driving through an area that had prostitutes who would come out to the car. I had my dick out jacking on it. This black girl came up and asked what I wanted. I could not stop the cum from shooting out. I said, well nothing now, I've already taken care of it.
I jacked off in a storage room of a store I was working in one time and the manager's wife walked in just as I was shooting my load of cum. She had to see, but pretended she didn't. She just turned around and left. I figured I would lose my job, but nothing was ever said.
I've done it in public restrooms many times.
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Postby brisjkr » Wed Sep 07, 2005 7:26 am

dickhardy wrote: This black girl came up and asked what I wanted. I could not stop the cum from shooting out. I said, well nothing now, I've already taken care of it.

I'm guessing she wasn't too pleased with you!

Anyone jack off in a sex shop where the girl at the counter could see you? A plumper with huge tits worked at the sex shop I used to go to and I had fantasies of her seeing me wanking in her shop but I never had the balls to do it.
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Postby pussy lover » Thu Sep 08, 2005 7:20 am

not a j/o but my wife and I go skinny dipping in md. ni te river and the last time I sat on the swim platform of the boat and she gave me an incredible blow job with water slaping my ass I shot an incredible load down her throat she loves sucking my dick esspecially when I am going down on her 69 is her favorite
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Postby Guest » Thu Sep 08, 2005 8:45 am

:twisted: umm can you tell me how to masterbate?[/u][/quote]

Postby str8jakdude » Fri Sep 09, 2005 4:21 am

i was doing construction, we were remodeling a store and when dinner time came everyone left, i stayed there and decided i needed to toss one off. i dropped my pants and sat perched on a 5 foot stepladder and jerked off and tossed my load on the floor, just as i finished and zipped up people started to return...close call! one other time i went out west with a friend, we were on our way home and it was like 3 in the morning and he was driving, i had a blanket over me and he assumed i was sleeping but actually i was jerking off right next to him under the was quite a rush. one other time i stopped at a rest stop along the highway and went into the bathroom, i sat in the stall with shirt off and pants around my ankles strokin' hard, ...then someone walked in, the partition was short, i just sat there like i was takin a dump but i beleive he new what was happening, i never looked at him but i saw him peek over the partition, ...i could go on, but i'm too tired! lol
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