Niagra wrote:
As we can see from some of these examples already its not because we don't get plenty of opportunity (girls) or because we are indesirable, hehe, in fact quite the opposite. However, there are some people that choose to only put thereselves in a sexual situation if they see real possibility for continued meaningful relationship.
Kelly, your situation really fasinates me and I can understand where your coming from completely. What is holding you back from your dream man? Why are you not with this man? I would like to hear.
Wow, I couldn't have put it better myself. I definitely fit into that category, and have no intention to become sexually involved outside a meaningful (if not lasting) relationship.
Since you asked... the man of my dreams is 12 years older than me, and is intelligent, funny, interesting, and extremely handsome. He has a great job, and the two of us get on well. His drawback is that he's shy with women. A genuine heterosexual 40 year old virgin. Over the years I've known him he's revealed that he's inexperienced, but that his dream is to have a wife. But he's never even asked a girl out. I've made a move on him three times (once a year on average, lol) and the result has made me feel terrible, because instead of lapping it up like a normal man, or fobbing me off in some way, he turns from an incredibly sweet, friendly guy into a panicking, blithering mess. He looks at the floor, gets his words tangled up, blushes a nice shade of beetroot, and becomes unable to say anything spontanously. So I've stopped chatting him up, and I just treat him as a friend and let him know I think he's great.
Aside from the shyness he really is close to being the perfect man. I hope one day he bites the bullet and gets over it, because I know fine well he's interested in me - he becomes slightly flirty after a few drinks, and recently he's started to pay me compliments. I also noticed he had a semi while we were chatting the other day, but that could just have been a coincidence

I sometimes just want to touch him, but I know it'd frighten the wits out of him, so I have to restrain myself. But I think - if he could cope with his worries about the whole thing and hand over a bit of trust - it would be wonderful.