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How long since you last had sex?

A Potpourri of Masturbation

Moderators: WaccoMan, BigBob, Alan, Zipgun, Wanker023, nj_stroker2002

How long since you "did the nasty"?

1-5 days
6-10 days
11-15 days
3 weeks
6 weeks+
Total votes : 72

How long since you last had sex?

Postby GherkinJerker » Sat Oct 21, 2006 3:49 am

It's been about 2 months for me. :cry: Luckily I have my trusty friend Jim to help me out.

(Jim is my vibrator, cause he goes jimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm)
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Postby EnvoyRising » Sat Oct 21, 2006 4:15 am

September for me. And arent' you going right now to get you some? Lucky.

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Postby sailblack » Sat Oct 21, 2006 8:16 pm

is that" sex with somebody"?
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Postby GherkinJerker » Sat Oct 21, 2006 8:45 pm

sailblack wrote:is that" sex with somebody"?

Yes, that's with another person.
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Postby DrkSword71 » Sat Oct 21, 2006 9:15 pm

Sorry to you all. It was last night for me. It's looking like we are getting together with anouther couple for tonight. :twisted:

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Postby kelly » Sun Oct 22, 2006 12:59 am

For me it was March or April 2005, and it wasn't very good because I was half-hearted about it :(

The problem is, I've been crazy about the same guy (who I've never been sexually involved with) for a couple or three years and nobody else matches up to him. I don't find it difficult to get dates, and I've had a couple of attempts with other guys, but I was always thinking about the man of my dreams. The last-time-i-had-sex relationship in early 2005 was with a really great guy but I didn't put my soul into the relationship so it was never going to work. In the past few months I've turned down two really lovely guys, both fantastic on paper, fantastic in real life, and both wanted relationships. One of them I had a really great night out with, and he clearly wanted more and he couldn't understand why I'd had such a great time with him but didn't want to kiss him or anything, and he was really sweet about it all and I felt terrible! Sometimes I think I'm a lunatic for holding out for my dream guy, but I really just don't want to be with anyone else.
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Postby BigBob » Sun Oct 22, 2006 1:30 am

Well, it's definitely 6+ for me :) hehehehe
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Postby pilloving » Sun Oct 22, 2006 4:17 am

Well, if you are talking about sex with another person, it was back in the last millennium. But what the heck, I can get all the sex I want from my lovely :oops:pillow:wink: - and the last time was about two days ago. The real blessing of a fetish - and that's probably hard to understand by anyone who doesn't have one - that the fetish can give you all the good feelings and powerful orgasms usually associated to a human partner. Making love to your fetish is really much more fulfilling that just masturbation and actually gives you a surge of endorfines that makes you very happy although exhausted. Thus, a fetish spells satisfaction, and never having to go without.

Tonight I'm going to make love to my pillow again, tender, loving, sensuous, passionate love - and when my pillow finally receives my load I'll once again be one of the luckiest guys in the universe :D .
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Postby LoveThyself! » Sun Oct 22, 2006 1:19 pm

five minutes ago... she just hopped in the shower to get ready for work

Postby Dark Seraph » Mon Oct 23, 2006 9:08 am

I think you should have added months and perhaps years to the questionare LOL. anyways, I'm a very intoverted person. Plus I don't like bars and I feel like I'm bugging a girl if I walk up to her and start hitting on her so I usulay don't. Thus I rarely date. For me it's been about a year. I had an opertunity but the situation was questionable. She had a boyfriend and we had perviously dated. Too much weirdness involved.
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Postby harleyd » Mon Oct 23, 2006 1:36 pm

I have to agree - you should have included months and years! It's been about a year and a half with my husband. Let's leave it at that! LOL
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Postby Niagra » Mon Oct 23, 2006 4:58 pm

Well this is very interesting to me. You don't even want to know how long it has been for me. If I told you , my credibility here as an honest, straight forward person would certainly take a hit for the worse so i will just say its been far too long.

As we can see from some of these examples already its not because we don't get plenty of opportunity (girls) or because we are indesirable, hehe, in fact quite the opposite. However, there are some people that choose to only put thereselves in a sexual situation if they see real possibility for continued meaningful relationship. My personal reasons have more to do with provideing a safe healthy environment to my child than anything else. But there are 1 or two other things like finding someone in whom I could be attracted to and then hold the attraction once they opened there mouth to speak!!! Sometimes I am literally amazed how we have made it this far in life!

Kelly, your situation really fasinates me and I can understand where your coming from completely. What is holding you back from your dream man? Why are you not with this man? I would like to hear. The men here absolutely love you and adore you sexually so I know you must be lovely too. Very curious.

HarleyD- That husband of yours needs a lil sparring. PM me if your interested ...I have a plan in mind just for you. I come with refrenses. See Ilikeitalot... he can vouche for the effectiveness of plans by Niagra. Someone that is looking like you with the mind that you have ... having a husband should absolutely never be without sex a week much less an entire year or more. nuff said.

I think the biggest thing this thread has taught me is there are far morepeople than I realized living life without sex for extended periods of time. Gherkin we need a new thread to include more specifics so if you don't mind I think I will move this to a new one and iinclude some more periods of time in the poll. I will wait for your choice though.

Postby dicklion » Mon Oct 23, 2006 5:24 pm

My Gf and I have alucky and open relationship- we do each other and play alot as well

yesterday afternoon we fucked an sucked 3 times( first time for that in a while

last time I fucked her was 2 weeks ago when we had a 3 some with her recently divorced college roommate. I licked the old roommate and fucked my gf- also licke gf later and fiucked old roomies...

8) :wink:
masturbate 1-3 times a day ( occasionally I will do it 5+ times)
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Postby kelly » Mon Oct 23, 2006 6:02 pm

Niagra wrote:
As we can see from some of these examples already its not because we don't get plenty of opportunity (girls) or because we are indesirable, hehe, in fact quite the opposite. However, there are some people that choose to only put thereselves in a sexual situation if they see real possibility for continued meaningful relationship.

Kelly, your situation really fasinates me and I can understand where your coming from completely. What is holding you back from your dream man? Why are you not with this man? I would like to hear.

Wow, I couldn't have put it better myself. I definitely fit into that category, and have no intention to become sexually involved outside a meaningful (if not lasting) relationship.

Since you asked... the man of my dreams is 12 years older than me, and is intelligent, funny, interesting, and extremely handsome. He has a great job, and the two of us get on well. His drawback is that he's shy with women. A genuine heterosexual 40 year old virgin. Over the years I've known him he's revealed that he's inexperienced, but that his dream is to have a wife. But he's never even asked a girl out. I've made a move on him three times (once a year on average, lol) and the result has made me feel terrible, because instead of lapping it up like a normal man, or fobbing me off in some way, he turns from an incredibly sweet, friendly guy into a panicking, blithering mess. He looks at the floor, gets his words tangled up, blushes a nice shade of beetroot, and becomes unable to say anything spontanously. So I've stopped chatting him up, and I just treat him as a friend and let him know I think he's great.

Aside from the shyness he really is close to being the perfect man. I hope one day he bites the bullet and gets over it, because I know fine well he's interested in me - he becomes slightly flirty after a few drinks, and recently he's started to pay me compliments. I also noticed he had a semi while we were chatting the other day, but that could just have been a coincidence ;) I sometimes just want to touch him, but I know it'd frighten the wits out of him, so I have to restrain myself. But I think - if he could cope with his worries about the whole thing and hand over a bit of trust - it would be wonderful.
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Postby Niagra » Tue Oct 24, 2006 3:12 am

Kelly, I am sure you have given this alot of thought. But I have known people like your dream man, and from personal experience I can assure you that he is quite frankly unable to do what you need him to do. If he is the way you describe he suffers much distress over his inability to overcome his fears with you. Please take him out of his misery and go to him and look him dead in the eyes and say to him "look ... I have cared about you for 3 years now... I want us to be more than friends but I can't wait for you forever!! You must overcome this and you must ask me out if you want to. If you don't I will not ask again. But if you do its important to me and to you that you ask me... I'm not going to say no. " Then march out of the area and wait. He will ask you. But if you don't push him he just never will. He's good looking and a 40 year old virgin ... that tells you right there that he is desperately afraid of the entire concept. I am sure woman have asked him to go and he can't even do that. So if you do truly want him .... the road will be far more difficult ahead, this is only the beginning of the things that lie ahead. I think he's probably worth it... Go put him out of his misery... I want an invite to the wedding if I'm right. Even if I'm wrong... can it be harmful to be honest?


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