It didn't improve so much. If I had the internet (as it is today) when I was 14-15, I think sure it would. I had the internet at 16 (and as I already said I was one of the first to have it at home in Italy), and the contents were far from todays (less porn, less chats, almost no dating services), and the price was HUGE for a 16yo boy with passion for computers. I loved to watch porn! But it was pirate VHS tapes, and it was a good adventure to find them

I remember myself finding a good porn movie with some buddies, watching it and, when already horny as hell, retiring in different rooms to have fun

My school buddies were not for group masturbation at all
Now sure I like to look porn on the internet, from there I can get some good movies (that I still like most of all), and sure when wife and daughter are away (usually for some vacation at wife's parents) I can have more fun than if there was not computer and inet