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Who taught you how to masturbate?

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Postby jtenc2000 » Sat Oct 21, 2006 3:47 am

Started about 9 or so, way before I knew it was anything sexual. i just knew if i stroked long enough I'd get that "sensation" no cum yet of course. When I found out what I was doing though, just made it more fun and I did it more often!!
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who taught us how to masyurbate

Postby jackoffnow » Thu Oct 26, 2006 5:30 pm

i never posted to this topic,but read niagras reply that nobody said that they were taught by their parents how good their bodies could feel,well,mine did,when i was maybe 9 yrs old,both parents were very explicit in telling me about masturbation!! when the conversation was over,i had no doubts what it was or how to do it!! and to them i'm eternally thankful!!! so here's one who didn't find it out by theirselves,or was shown how by a stranger!!
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Postby jimbo67 » Fri Oct 27, 2006 11:58 pm

Well, I went around to one of my freinds house's for the first time, and then we were kind of just messing about in his bedroom, playing games and stuff. And then he started showing me how to masturbate, at the time I didnt have a clue what he was on about but then I had a go and really like it (and still am). Also that day, we went out into his garden shed, and tried sucking each other, it was one of those things were (quite) young kids were like experimenting. in reality the only thing I can wish is that we had been older, then I would have been able to enjoy it more... (and taste his cum) lol :D :oops: :P
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Postby Dark Seraph » Sat Oct 28, 2006 1:40 am

my left hand an a book on clasical painings. :D
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Postby jac_koff » Sat Oct 28, 2006 7:40 pm

When i was 14 i think.... I was off school sick one day and so i put on a wrestling tape and it had a bikini contest on it and i got such a hard-on looking at these beautiful women in really skimpy bikinis that i just started rubbing my cock, i noticed it felt really good and just started rubbing faster and next thing i new i felt the best sensation i had ever felt (upto that point in life lol) and i had my first orgasm and covered my bed sheets in cum.

Needless to say i still enjoy a good wank even though my girlfriend is willing to please me in that way lol
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Postby BigBoy80 » Mon Oct 30, 2006 9:18 pm

I learned it all by myself :)
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Postby Mani » Mon Oct 30, 2006 10:23 pm

Claudia Jennings, Miss October 1969 inspired my first exploratory rubbings that blossomed into a cumming.

It was all downhill from there!!!

Postby LoveThyself! » Tue Oct 31, 2006 6:38 pm

Ahhh, the playmates.... I feel like I know them all so well!

Postby bm4_99 » Fri Nov 03, 2006 2:25 pm

When I was like 8 or 9 years old I got a book from my doctor when I went to a physical. It was called "What ever 8-13 year old should know" or something like that. It had a chapter in there on masturbation and it said you could reach orgasm by rubbing the penis. I didn't actually try anything until i was 11, but by then i could get myself hard and rub myself so it felt good. I tried the rubbing as stated in the book but couldn't orgasm and I ended up frustrated. I actually cut a hole in this throw pillow I had and started thrusting into it. I eventually had my first orgasm (dry orgasm) that way. I kept masturbating that way until I had my first ejaculation, after that I had to throw the pillow away.
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Re: who taught us how to masyurbate

Postby alibaba » Fri Nov 03, 2006 3:09 pm

jackoffnow wrote:i never posted to this topic,but read niagras reply that nobody said that they were taught by their parents how good their bodies could feel,well,mine did,when i was maybe 9 yrs old,both parents were very explicit in telling me about masturbation!! when the conversation was over,i had no doubts what it was or how to do it!! and to them i'm eternally thankful!!! so here's one who didn't find it out by theirselves,or was shown how by a stranger!!

Hi to all

Having a girl of 7 and a boy of 9 I was interested in what you said. Could you tell me more how your parents approached the topic and how did you feel about it? Did you try after or you were confused? they provided details (how to do) o not?

I think that masturbation is very important and should be discussed with sons and daughters before reaching puberty and experimenting with others or maybe damaging themselves by trying things (yes when I was a boy, I remember a friend of my ended in trouble). However I am not sure if to speak to them or not and how. What do you think guys? Mabey we can open a topic for debate.

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Learned from a friend

Postby horny33 » Sun Nov 05, 2006 1:42 am

Back when I was about 13 (I have no idea how my parents let us do this), me, like 6 guys, and 5 girls stayed at our house for the night. Kinda like a sleepover type thing.

I saw one of my friends sheet at night going up and down, up and down around his dick area. I asked him what the heck he was doing. He was like "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so gooooooood"....... then he like was breathing all hard and stuff and now i know that he blew his load...

Then he showed me how to jack off and i blew a was the best feeling ever :D (had better feelings since then though :) ) BUT that wasn't even the beginning...
All the girls were up in the other roon and they walked in on us jerking (all of us) and then they sucked us off and we licked their pussies...awesome sleepova :D
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Postby sportsterowner » Sun Nov 12, 2006 2:48 am

my cousin taught me. i was 12 and she was 16. she jacked me so good i think i passed out
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Postby onaprilthird » Sat Dec 02, 2006 11:55 am

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Postby R&B » Sat Dec 02, 2006 12:56 pm

Myself, it was something that I knew from as far as I can remember from shortly after I was liberated from my crib, I enjoyed self stimulation, I didn't know why,I didn"t know exatctally how but I managed to satisfy myself..Whenever I got the urge I would (dothedo) of course I kept the deed under the radar but eventually I got called on it I was 4 yrs old when I got my sit down talk (you know, masturbation is bad mmmk, little boy's dont normally do that mmmk, you know.) All I have to say is masturbation is a natural activity,some start sooner than others mmmKay? :lol: .
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who taught me?

Postby palmers22334411 » Fri Dec 08, 2006 1:20 am

well i was at home one day and climbing around on the swing set pole i found it felt good so i kept rubbing up and down until i came boy it felt good i was 13 at the time today i lay in the bed and lube up and stroke off.
i am a single 39 year old male who masturbates at least 2 times a day i am 6 in when fully erect. and bi.
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