Vada wrote:When I asked my husband why we didn't have sex more often he said that it was his age and he just didn't have the sex drive, but over the months I've realized that he actually masturbates quite a bit. ...
So how am I supposed to react to that? I can't help but feel that he prefers masturbating to making love to me. He denies this, but what other explanation is there?
My husband says he doesn't masterbate at all. (and I've never seen evidence otherwise.) He's just not very interested in sex, although he does make the effort to be more interested for me and he's a wonderful lover when we're doing it.
Whenever I have confided in people about my husband's lack of sex drive, I get the same response: I should do more to try to turn him on. I should dress sexier, seduce him more, read erotica or watch porno with him. But I've done all those things, and it doesn't work. Also it's not my job to make him want sex. He is responsible for his own sexual drive and impulses.
Vada, I completely understand and relate to what you're saying. I've felt the same say. It has literally taken me years to come to the point where I understand to the core of my being that it's in no way my fault that my husband has lost his sex drive. It's not really his fault either - he's just that way and I can't change him anymore than someone could change my favorite flavor from chocolate to licorice.
You can't change your husband, nor can you really even force him to see whatever truth he insists on denying. If after he's presented with your side of the case in easy to understand language, in a sincere and earnest manner, and he still doesn't take it upon himself to make changes for your sake or the sake of the marriage, you just have to decide if you can love him as he is, can you find peace and happiness with him as he is, or will you have to make your future without him in order to find peace and happiness.
Most of all, Vada, realize that it isn't your fault. He's responsible for his own feelings and actions. Just like your feelings and actions are all yours. You have value and beauty whether or not he ever has sex with you again. And that's the truth.