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first time you ever saw the opposite sexes private parts

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first time you ever saw the opposite sexes private parts

Postby footage » Sun Jun 03, 2007 8:39 pm

When was the first time you saw a womans pussy for the guys and a cock for the girls.Share all first time experiences and what you did while watching and/or afterward. Girls that saw guys cum for the first time what did you think it was? Guys and girls see there own cum and know what it is eventually but they dont get to see each others cum often. Guys hardly ever see girls cum or might not really ever from seeing mags porns or masturbation clips. So when was the first time you saw a womans pussy guys and girls a guys dick with interest or period? If with interest what happened? You have fantasies at night. Did you keep trying to peek at them? Did they try to cover up let you watch or did they even see you at all?
Last edited by footage on Thu Nov 17, 2011 4:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Susie » Sun Jun 03, 2007 10:40 pm

Coming from an all female household and going to an all girls school, I barely knew such things as cocks existed!!

I was 16 and a guy walked me home from a dance. He took his cock out. I really and truly did not know what it was. I thought he kept a furry toy or something down his pants. He said to me 'You are making it grow'. I though 'Me? How on earth am I doing that?'.

He then proceeded to rub it and he came in seconds. I was fascinated by the moans, his body jerking and his cum spraying. I just said 'Wow, do it again'. Shows just how niave I was.

That experience has given me my lifelong fascination with cocks and wanking. The thrill of seeing that has never left me. I still love seeing a guy standing up wanking with his left side to me, the same position as that guy all those years ago.
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Postby footage » Mon Jun 04, 2007 6:15 am

Did h pull it out on the porch or something at your door. Well im glad your facinated by cocks. At a young age I learned what a pussy looked like on the inside but not what it actually looked like. I still cant believe you didnt know what a cock was? Maybe you had no sex ed classes or you hadnt even seen one on a baby. Well I guess the all girl school thing had you to yourselves. Regardless of what school it is your learn about masturbation and sex along the way. I never knew about masturbation until I saw a porno right when I started high school. I didnt even know what it was or how sex looked before then. I just knew how sex was supposed to be done. Needless to say when I saw the porno I didnt know what was happening. Seeing pussy and fucking the same time kids can you say major hard on.How old were you then Susie. I know up to a certain age dont know much other than instructions. Great story. Others respond as well. That story definitely got me going.
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Postby ilikeitalot » Mon Jun 04, 2007 8:01 am

My first view of pussy IRL was when I was 18 or 19 in college in Atlanta. I went with some friends to a strip club. Wow, tits and pussy all over the place... I was in heaven lol. I remember this one girl who, unlike all the others, had beautiful, sexy labia that stuck out noticably and nicely... like a pretty pink flower. Anyway, I kept keeping track of where she was so I could keep looking between her legs lol. I guess that's the moment I developed my never-ending fascination with labia lol.

Postby footage » Mon Jun 04, 2007 5:02 pm

I was at a strip club about that age to. I had already been peeking at times at times but never saw anything other than tits. So when I heard about this strip club party after a club party you know I had to go. I was 19 and never had sex and in college. I saw tits tight revealing outfits and of course some pussy. Now I had seen pussy before then on pornos but real pussy not until freshman year. I about didnt know what to do with myself. I went with my roomate who end up who was a jerk later on but I was there with him that year. All the chairs were in a circle and the some guys were in booths. Well I was in the circle with him and they pulled him out to the middle of the floor. Then the girl took is belt off and started spanking him with it. So when the next chance I had to change seats I did. I sat where he was sitting and the girl pulled me out. Now I already had a slight how in the bottom part of the crotch area in my jeans. This girl laid me out in the middle of the floor and knawed on my nuts inceasing the hole. She did the little tuck and roll thing onto my chest also. Pussy right there at the face. It was to good to be true and I had to keep my facial expression somewhat straight. So I wouldnt look like a first time pussy onlooker. What a night. Then some more came another night and they were using dildos.
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Postby footage » Tue Jun 05, 2007 9:03 pm

Keep the stories going. Feel free to share. I want to hear show and and ill show. Truth or dare. Anything that gave your first look.
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Postby joedancer » Tue Jun 05, 2007 11:54 pm

Easily the first time for me was with my cousin. We were very early teens, maybe 13 at the time and I think we were both curious and exhibitionists of a sort.
Thirteen back then was much younger than 13 today.

It began as a little "tease" game where she would let me see up her skirt and I let her see my underwear by letting my pants be unfastened a bit. I remember taking a walk with her and I think we were going nowhere except to find a reason to continue our little exhibitionisms.

We were walking through a grassy/field area behind a building and she stood behind me as I faced away. Right after that we sat down on some benches and she raised her leg and I had a full view of her pussy. She kept asking, "can you see me?"

To repay her, I sat next to her and she unzipped my pants and pulled my underwear away, giving her a first view of my cock.

This developed into some future "show and don't tell" activity and some touching, but no more. It became a special relationship, one of trust between us, one of exhibitionism and one of a "near" (but not quite) sexual nature.
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Postby footage » Wed Jun 06, 2007 3:30 am

Thats what I like to hear. I wish my cousins lived closer or were like that. I have an aunt that was complimenting me about how handsome I was around 13 and on up to a few years ago. I think see wouldnt mind seeing me half naked. She would keep asking if I had a girlfriend and asked my parents one time why didnt I. She would always feel on me like my arms and pat me some times.Plus she has big tits which I wouldnt mind getting a better look at.Everyone has a first experience some how. Feel free to share. My first time was peeking at my mom under the bathroom door in elementary school. I saw her tits in the tub. I used to do the voyeur thing alot. I still would if I had a good view. Well now im basically getting back into porns and get on websites for cams using up to much money. Hormones will get you.
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Postby tuffjacker » Wed Jun 06, 2007 9:18 am

I saw my first pussy at a fairly young age, definitely under 10 yo. It was my childhood sweetheart's and I still remember her to this day. I knew that there was some difference between girls and boys but it wasn't until she agreed to strip off for me as a dare that I saw her for the first time in all her beauty. I was facinated. Unfortuately I wasn't able to touch but a savoured that moment for many years. These of course were in the days before sex education and one learnt what one could with girl & boy friends.
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Postby footage » Wed Jun 06, 2007 12:22 pm

I was like 10 when I peeked underneath the bathroom door at my mom. Around 12 like peeked at a girl on the beach in a window and 1 or 2 girls in that range. But since I was stuck in the house I am now I never saw anything more than until I was done with school. I would still look as Ive said before if I had the chance and a good chance of not being caught. If someone were to catch me in the act of getting of or changing that works for me just not so much peeking at others. You never know their reaction.
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Postby dicklion » Tue Jun 12, 2007 3:08 pm

I saw my moms and sisters when i was younger but no INterest sexually yet but at 13 saw my cousins and showed mine and we masturbated.
Laterthat summer went skinnydipping with a tomboy girl friend of mine and as she stripped I got hard in the waist deep water and showed her and we masturbated. 8)

2 summers later I was at cousins house peeking on naked cousins and jacking when I got cauhgt my aunt- she made me jack off in the living room in front of all 3 of them..... :o :x

I saw her pussy about a year later.... :wink: :roll:
masturbate 1-3 times a day ( occasionally I will do it 5+ times)
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Postby perthm18 » Tue Jun 12, 2007 3:26 pm

interesting story dicklion .... :roll:

i grew up in a nudist environment so i saw my mum's and sister's private parts at an early age ....
althogh they started to cover up once i hit puberty as you would imagine lol
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Postby footage » Sat Jun 16, 2007 6:48 pm

I bet they did start to cover up being you were developing and growing lol. So I can see them eyeing your dick like normal but then they cant hide it well because they see you growing up and the hormones hit them. There eyes get as big as you as the rate of growth on your dick and they ran to there room to release there juices and trying to play it off.
I love hearing everyones stories. Im really getting in to them and out of my clothes.
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Postby athruun » Sat Jun 16, 2007 9:24 pm

my first time was when I was 14, I had just seen my first digital pussy about 3 months before and by then was pretty "fluent" with my cock. My mom had one of her friends over who's daughter was about my age, and later I found out was just as horny. We were in my tree house when we started to play truth or dare, and I dared her to get naked, and she dared me as well. We were both standing there naked, and it was her dare, so she said, "Truth. Do you know how to have sex?" I answered yes. Then I asked here if she had ever masturbated before, she said yes. Then She dared me to stick my penis into her vagina. And then I dared her to keep going, then she dared me to cum on her belly. I finished her off giving her what I think to this day was an orgasm. Then we redressed and went off to play again. We played truth or dare all the time after that.

Postby footage » Sun Jun 17, 2007 7:11 am

Wonderful way to find out. I wish I had the priveledge to play truth or dare but the opportunity never came. No girls in the neighborhood like that and I never really dated or had girls come over to the house. Sounds lame but I never had female friends or moms friends daughters stop by. All the girls were older than me when I was a young kid.
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