You guys gotta give me some tips, it is so unbelievably hard!!
First tip, don't think about "it" being hard
Seriously - it's like avoiding any habit you want to break. Identify the times you feel especially horny and make sure you're doing something else then. When you realize you're horny, change what you're thinking about.
I didn't plan it deliberately but I'm on day 8 of a "break" - my sister's staying with me in my (tiny) apartment. I don't sit down in my boxers at the computer - which immediately takes away the easy access to both dick and porn. Boxers are bad for self-control anyway - too much room to bone up. Tighty-whities to the rescue!
Cold showers and hard exercise help... even after my sister heads home I'm gonna try to cut back some myself. New rule: I can't get off if I haven't exercised in the past 12 hours. That'll either get me to the gym more or killing fewer kittens, or both. It's hard to avoid 'cause you're full of hormones - go channel that into something more productive, take away the easy opportunities and the rest is just a tiny bit of willpower. (Did this in college for a while to try to get wet dreams - it worked after about 2 weeks or so.)