well i was pretty late in getting to a womans pussy for real. Obviously, I'd had a look on the internet out of teenage curiosity, but it neverhit home.
Until that fateful day when my g/f said her parents where out of the country and maybe I should come over to her place to work on our assignment (as we worked together on as many pieces of Uni coursework we could.
October 1999.
Shortly after turning 21.
I'd fondled and rubbed her clit a lot, and she'd stroked my cock as many times, but up to that day, clothing had stayed on out of respect for public deceny laws....
Picutre the scene:
1 horny big bloke, 1 even hornier chinese girl.
An empty house.
1 set of mechanics overalls.
She went to the bathroom after lots ofsemi-naked caressing, and came back in the overalls, half unbuttoned, her breasts out.
I was "invited" to remove the clothing, which I did rather eagerly, to be presented with her total gorgeous nakedness.
I think I must have spent an eternity looking at her pussy.
But the hours that followed had some of the most fantastic foreplay, mutual masturbation and oral ever received and given. Especially the twenty minutes she spent on the phone when her mum called from Hong Kong while I didn't stopped licking her luscious salty labia.
God I miss her.....