by LoveThyself! » Sat Apr 28, 2007 1:23 pm
I suppose this post should have gone into the techniques section, but here we are. OK, so the new case has a whole bunch of new features like I mentioned above, most of which went un-noticed in my one test run. However, two things are really nice and deserve mention. First off, the end cap, the one that goes over the business end of the device, is redone so that it snaps on with a slight twist, instead of having to figure out the threads like on the old model. Big improvement! That cap is also about half again as deep as the old model, so that when you put it on, the surface of your insert isn't smashed up against the inside of the cap (which if you don't wash it out and then expose it to heat (like leave it in your car accidentally on a hot summer day, can deform the surface permanently - doesn't effect the feel inside, but it's a cosmetic thing)
Second improvement, and this is the best in my opinion and one that they don't mention, is how nice it feels in your hand. It is smoother on the surface, (not all ribbed like the old model) and the area where it tapers down from the wide first section of the toy to the more slender tail end section has a nice, smooth curve to it rather than a big step or ledge. It just fits your hand much more nicely, and that's a HUGE consideration that I hadn't even thought of until I held it.
Lastly, and this is just a personal thing... it's glossy black. And against my tan skin, it just looks so much nicer than 'robotic silver'. Didn't have time to take a pic, but I'll do so and switch out the avatar for it next week sometime.
I like it... it's worth the $20 plus shipping... and then you have two toys (hopefully with different linings) so that you can switch back and forth between the two as you edge.