SAVANNAH wrote:Not being able to afford to move out doesn't help your situation much does it? How about something as simple as a deadbolt lock on your bedroom door? That too simple? Not enough drama in the remedy? Failing that then and the inability of you to persuade your siblings and mother to honor your privacy you must then just learn to accept those personal invasions that most assurdely will occur.
As for your "locked DVD player" situation, a clever change of topics I might add, I suggeest you address it to whatever electronics outlet web sites that exist whereever you happen to be located. Last time I checked this was a masturbation forum rather than a "how to do it" culumn for boys that can't make their "thingees" function correctly.
U've only joined a few days ago and only have 6 posts, bit too early to be directing insults at people hey?
This thread was made long before u joined, if ur not happy with the topic, simply dont reply, thanks