Hi Folks what a subject I love to stroke in an aduly theater you do have to be careful, I wear sweat pants thay are easy to put cock away if the need arises. I also use a vibating cock ring, it is quiet and feels good. If you go to a theater type you can often be seen for quite a distance. I don't use those often, instead I go to the venues that have booths. most have doors, some that lock others have no doors at all. Those are the ones that I go to most of the time. Most of the guys there are guys that know each other and we keep a an eye out for strangers.
I also have a small rubber vagina that I can slip my dick into and give my dick a treat. The vagina wirks real in a theater . You go to the john slip your dick in pull up your pants an kinda squeeze your legs open and close until you cum.