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Sniffing sons girlfriends panties

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have you used sons girlfriends panties to mastubate

Poll ended at Sat Mar 17, 2007 11:41 am

Total votes : 46

Postby bs3145 » Mon Jul 16, 2007 10:50 pm

I think it is safe to say that there are tons of things that fathers and sons share, but you have taken it to the next level. Do you understand how perverse your story sounded, I like to smell my sons girlfriends panties as I look at a slide show of pictures I fabricated of her. Sounds pretty silence of the lambish to me. Not to mention that she is probably underage and the porn you are fabricating is none the less child porn, Frankly that is disgusting. How can you even look at your son with out feeling like the biggest piece of shit on the face of the earth and the day your sons finds out you will be begging for his forgivness and that will never happen.
For every action there is a reaction and I hope you are ready to deal with the consenquences.
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Alan is all about bashing... But Who cares.

Postby dicklion » Tue Jul 17, 2007 6:34 pm

Feel free to bash - enjoy your freedom of speech and have fun here and at home.
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Postby dicklion » Tue Jul 17, 2007 6:35 pm

Why is Alans first thought that it is the Bad option----underage or someother illiegal or immoral action-

Must be a glass is half empty kind of guy.

I assumed a college age son and GF of same age.
masturbate 1-3 times a day ( occasionally I will do it 5+ times)
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Postby bs3145 » Tue Jul 17, 2007 11:02 pm

So you assume college age son and girlfriend, which is ok in the aspec tof age. But what about the boundary that is being crossed. Look at it from the sons point of view, not as an old man trying to get his kicks. It clearly violates a father-son relationship and all respect is lost.
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Postby bs3145 » Tue Jul 17, 2007 11:03 pm

no disrespect dicklion we just have conflicting opinions about the situation at hand.
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Re: Please consider

Postby SavoryIce » Fri Jul 20, 2007 6:49 am

Alan wrote:I am not into post bashing, but here is where I draw the line. I am new to this forum and I really enjoy it, so I hope this post dosn't get me banned from the group. I am more than willing to accept and even play into anyones' sexual fantasy or fetish (male, female, shemale, etc.), as long as it is harmless. As long as the sexual fantasy or fetish dosn't create a "victim", it is all good.

Your post about sniffing your son's girlfriend's panties really upsets me. Aside from the possibility that she is underage, you clearly have no respect for your son or for yourself. If you are unable to set sexual boundries in general, at a mimimum don't let your sexual satisfaction come at the expense of disrespecting and hurting your own children.

I ask that you try to focus on something other than your son's girlfriend.

I concur all over. It's disturbing enough to think how he even got them.

I'd have been terrified to find out that my boyfriend's dad was sniffing my panties and masturbating over them. I'd dial 9-1-1 on the spot. Seriously...Masturbation is a source of pleasure in our lives, but to go to this extent is just ludicrous. It's as if you have no shame, and no respect for you, your son, nor his girlfriend.

I think you should stop this as soon as possible and speak not a word of it to anyone.
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Re: Alan is all about bashing... But Who cares.

Postby Alan » Fri Jul 27, 2007 11:27 am

dicklion wrote:Feel free to bash - enjoy your freedom of speech and have fun here and at home.

Dicklion, this is the last time I will "overlook" your insults and attacks on me, nor am I going to waste my time trying to explain or justify my posts to you.

I have shared myself with the members of this forum, and I have full respect for those members that choose to do the same. I have never bashed anyone in this forum, regardless of how different their sexual preferences are from mine. The exception, however, is topics and posts which refer (either directly or indirectly) to sexual activities and fantasies that create victims and are therefore, by definition, predetor in nature. These kind of posts cause me great anger and concern, however, I have attempted to choose my words carefully so that the significance of my posts are not diluted by words of anger and emotions.

If in fact you truly believe that I am all about bashing, I suggest that you make the effort to analyze which topics (for the last month or two) that I have posted to or, for that matter, even read. Anytime that I note you have started a topic or even posted to a topic, I will not open that topic because I have many significant reasons for keeping myself very distant from you and not associating myself with you at any level. Unfortunately, my attempt to avoid you significantly reduces my involvement in this forum because I entirely avoid any and all topics where I have noted your participation. Had I realized that you posted to this topic, I would not have opened it and I would not be wasting my time with this message. You give yourself far too much credit if you think I have any interest in anything you say, let alone wasting my time bashing you or anyone else. Just so you understand how important it is to me to avoid you, you might want to view a recent topic (last month or so) in the Suggestions forum which focused on blocking certain members' post. From my understanding of the topic, the intent was not to block members from making posts (freedom of speech), but to give members the ability to eliminate their exposure to any and all posts by certain members. I participated in that topic because I was more than interested in finding out if there was a way to prevent your forum posts from showing up on my computer. There are many topics that I am interested in reading and/or participating in, but I avoid them entirely if I note your participation. It would be nice if I had the option to block or hide your posts from showing up on my computer so I could go once again enjoy all of the fun this forum has to offer.

Dickliar, at this point in time my patience has expired with you. To be honest, I am curious to find out if you are actually so fucking stupid that you will "call me out" and insult or attack me (directly or indirectly with your childish sarcasm) one more time. Your game playing is pathetically transparent and I would prefer not to waste my time picking a part your inconsistent lying, sick bullshit. However, I will be god damned before I will tolerate anymore of your insults and attacks. You would be wise to not under estimate your stupidity and let this be the end of our differences. I will continue to refrain from making posts to you or about you, and I am asking that you give me the same respect in return.
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Re: Sniffing sons girlfriends panties

Postby luvatug » Thu May 07, 2009 10:09 am

Each to their own but personally i wouldnt be sniffing my sons GFs panties. I really dont think its normal behaviour for a good dad to be doing.
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Re: Sniffing sons girlfriends panties

Postby tony_108 » Sun May 31, 2009 1:48 pm

I haven't been around here in a while so I realise that my "forum cred" might have dropped a bit, but I have to agree with Alan 100% on this. I believe everyone has the right to carry out whatever sexual fantasies they might have in private as long as there is no victim, but to me this sounds a) like the really are two victims involved here, both the son and his girlfriend, and b) an extremely unhealthy activity.

Honestly, even if he'd said that he fantasizes about doing her I'd have thought "fine, as long as you keep it in your head". But this crosses the line for me.
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