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Excessive Masturbation?????

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Excessive Masturbation?????

Postby Bill9661 » Thu Jul 12, 2007 7:55 pm

I was killing time the other day and went to and typed in "excessive masturbation" and hit the search. What came back really surprised me, memory loss, lack of attention, tired after sleeping all night, and the list went on and on..... I found that a lot of the "symptoms" basically fit me. With that in mind I have cut back to every other day and find that I actually do have more concentration........ Try it yourself and see if any of the descriptions might fit you.....
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Postby Mani » Thu Jul 12, 2007 8:28 pm

In traditional Chinese medicine (such as acupuncture) this is called "chi depletion" and is linked to a number of ailments. It is not uncommon for acupuncturists to tell their patients to refrain from sexual activity during treatment.

Postby NightShadow » Sat Jul 14, 2007 12:00 pm

well I imagine if you got at it back to back for mre than at lest 2 ties.. you body andd mind will be depleted.. buthat is because your body gives off alot of energy when orgasming and your mind wold be effected by the loss of energy aka fatigue. I have experianced it much in my youth and even in my later years. you just have to relsie when enoug is enough and not do it so much so soon. spread out.. I never have a problem.
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Postby brisjkr » Sat Jul 14, 2007 11:22 pm

Those sites that come up when you do a search on excessive masturbation are just trying to scare you into paying for whatever it is they are selling that will supposedly cure you of your addiction. Don't fall for the bullshit!
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Postby SavoryIce » Fri Jul 20, 2007 6:29 am

fobbiefoe wrote:don't all those things happen if you concentrate on one thing for long periods of time? if you look at sex all day you're not going ot remember much other than sex. if you read a book all day chances are you're going ot remember the book fairly well while ignoring other things and be a bit more tired. i'm not saying that excessive masturbation does not pose any threats, but this seems like one of dressed up common sense statements. i jack off seriously for what seems like entires days back to back week after week. i know that it is excessive, but i rarely experience what they say. and if i do, it's something that i can experience in anything that causes fatigue.

I agree. What goes on in your mind is usually just a consistent pattern in your focus. If you masturbate every day, you think about masturbation a lot. Some things aren't "forgotten"...Your mind just pays less attention to it because it's not being used, and so it leaves more active space open for new activities.
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Postby dicklion » Sat Jul 21, 2007 9:06 pm

I masturbate or have sex 3 times a day every day. :D
If I am with my nGF or another partenr I may only masturbate once and have 2-4 sex sessions but someotimes will have onbe sex sussion and jackoff thwice. :cry:

Other times may be on road alone and jack off 6-7 times on a weekend day..... :wink:
masturbate 1-3 times a day ( occasionally I will do it 5+ times)
Have relationships and have regualr frequent sex and this makes me jackoff more.
write to : [email protected]
Love to jackoff in front of a group of ladies, outside anywhere
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How much is excessive??

Postby JackDeFacto » Sun Jul 22, 2007 1:50 am

New here, and this topic really caught my eye. I jack off a couple of times a day, irregardless of whatever sex I'm having with the GF at the time. To me this is normal, but I could see how it could be excessive to others.

My personal opinion is that it depends on what your body can handle. If you sit at your desk all day thinking of nothing but jacking off and do it every chance you get to the point of chafing and lost relationships maybe your brain and body do need a rest. If, like me, you do have a relatively normal life and also a high sex drive, maybe "excessive" whacking is just what the doctor ordered. I guess the only way to know for sure is to stop and see if you feel better...or worse! Me, I don't plan to stop long enough to find out.

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Postby goforitMark » Sun Jul 22, 2007 9:40 am

I masturbate around 3 times a day and I can't say it's stopped me from doing anything I would otherwise have done.
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Postby easyjack » Wed Jul 25, 2007 7:56 pm

I don't believe there is excessive masturbation, your body really tells you when to stop. If you cock is sore and have exceeded your capacity. I need at least 3 shots per day....prefer 5 or 6 when I can get them. I believe in rotating my stock....whether it goes inside my gf or off in space. Letting juice build up in your body too much is a prime suspect for causing prostate cancer. I am following that advice and keeping my inventory low. If I know there will be sex with the gf I lay off a little because she likes to get nice big loads, and enjoys commenting about each one. I want her to be happy.
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