Well maybe. Of course we'll have to run the obligatory backround and credit checks on you. Then your name will be submitted to the nomination committee and hopefully you will be seconded at that time.
After that its all downhill. Unlesss we are unable to obtain a quorum of the executive committee. If that happens then the membership will have to act as an ad hoc committee of the whole. That can get a little ugly. Particularily when it comes time to elect officers. There are so many factions dueling for power here that it is often neccessary to have a court appointed mediator handle the binding arbitration. Once thats accomplished things will happen quickly. The resolution of your membership will be decieded yea or nay.
Seldom does this process take mpre than 90 days tops. When approved you will recieve the temporary probationary membership that allows you to use 3 vowels, your choice of course, and 15 of your favorite consanants. This will be expanded and after no more than a year you will be allowed use of the whole alphabet for your posts.
Another year and along comes the key to the executive washroom and a tee time twice a year on our own golf links. So welcome welcome. Glad to see you and of course have a great time.