I had completely forgotten this until a question a little while ago about schooldays on another forum brought it back to mind ... one of those "Summer of 42" flashback-thing lol
... seems to fit in here maybe, as you can put "school" and "wanking" in the same sentence
I was at an all-boys school, but there was a sister girl-school adjoining and the two were separated by a sports-field, football pitches, athletic track, tennis courts, that kind of thing - say a couple of hundred metres apart, not too far but far enough. The schools were completely separate, separate entrances etc., though the same local bus services served both of them from right outside our gates ...
Anyway at the time I am remembering I was in a group of friends and we were just 14 or so, that age when we knew everything and owned the world lol, and also thought farts were the funniest things in the whole universe ... very sophisticated lol ... pretty typical I guess.
Four of us lived in generally the same direction so took the same bus home, and one, Vic, was the cocky, streetwise guy, you know, the "Fonz" of the group ... every group has one, right?
So Vic had just recently made a girlfriend from the girls' school and had been bragging a little to us at times ... not exaggerating, just about how far he had got, that they had kissed (as big deal at 14!), or that he had copped a feel one time but she brushed his hand off, how he was going to try again, you know, all that junior-Fonz stuff ...
So one time we 4 were waiting at the bus stop to go home after school, and Jenny was there to meet Vic and travel together, which was kinda an ego-boost for him in front of us, though of course we soon drifted in to the nudge-nudge wink-wink kinda stuff like you do when you are 14 going on 8 ...
So we had already asked the serious stuff like had he seen her panties yet (yes), had he had her blouse open all the way down (yes), had her bra off (not completely), seen her nipples (no but felt them), been in her panties (kinda - whatever that meant!), had she touched him (no) ....
But at the same time he had announced that he could do anything he wanted however, because "she'd do anything if she thought he loved her" ... which of course was just talking-big though at the time we believed him of course, after all he was Fonzie! lol ...
However it kinda backfired on him that day - well at first it did, but the way it turned round he didn't have much to complain about ...
We'd hung back as different groups of kids took their buses, let one go that we could have taken because it was way-crowded, and most of the crush had gone by the time our next one arrived and we could get seats together. At that time buses were all double-deckers, and of course there was no way Jenny was not going to be going up the stairs first ... yes, all very schoolkid-ish, but hey, that's what we were, giggles and all, hoping to glimpse her panties!
So Jenny took a seat by the window, Vic next to her, Martin and Malc on the seat behind, and I was turned-round in the seat in front ... and we were funning with her a little, what did she think of Vic, was he a good kisser, did he warm his hands, stuff to embarass him ...
.. and it escalated a little of course, though there was still a line not to cross. But that was okay because we were already deciding that we were going to push Vic over that line anyway because when he had earlier been saying about her doing anything if she thought he loved her, he had 'announced' (big mistake! lol) that he was going to ask her to wank him ...
Now, this we had thought might not be entirely true lol, however the way things had escalateds a little it kinda came back to haunt him .. I can't remeber who, but either Malc or Martin remembered that Vic had said this, and said something like "wasn't there something you were going to ask Jenny?" I guess we had all forgotten about that till then, but when he made that remark everyone except Jen instantly knew what he was meaning ... and Vic wished it had remained forgotten lol ...
... But of course, being as merciless as you get at that age we just kept it going lol ... I'm not sure she didn't figure it out anyway from our laughing etc before he finally did have to ask her or lose face big-time, however at the start she certainly didn't know what was being referred to and asked Vic a time or two what he wanted ... which of course made those laughs come even more!
So anyway, came a point where he had painted himself right in to a corner so he had to turn and ask her "will you wank me?" ...
... and after a short pause she said "what's that" lol ... he was just getting in deeper it seemed ...
we were laughing, and he shuffled and blustered a little and said something that ended with "... y'know!", and she was by that time kinda joining in with the teasing ... and then said "well, not here ..."
... which brought instant slience ... wasn't that a yes?!!?? ... coool!!
And there was no way then that this was going to be allowed to wait till another day ...
We were about half-way through the journey by then, and coming up shortly was a stretch past some wasteground that backed on to a golf course … overgrown a little, some stands of trees, bushes and more getting thicker close to the glof club boundary, about a quarter-mile long and mostly netween 50-150 feet deep I would say …
So that was where we got off, walked through that spare land like we were taking a short cut, but ducked in to the trees and moved through to just the edge of where it thinned to overlook the golf course - it was a pretty good distance from all the golfing action even if there had been people playing, which we couldn’t see anyway from there ..
And it got kind of quiet and "what-next?" for a second, but then that adolescent-stuff came back to the surface and we all looked at Jenny who looked at Vic just standing there and said "well?", which broke the silence and got the nudge-nudge wink-wink stuff going again …
So he had to unzip and get his cock out .. kinda limp lol … hardly surprising I guess. She stepped closer and reached out, wasn’t really looking at any of us just getting on with it I suppose … took hold and started to wank him, stopped and started a few times, finding how best to hold lol …
Just for the visuals that I know you want, her uniform was blue blazer, white blouse, blue pleated skirt, white socks, tie. She was I guess average height for 14, dark blonde mid-length hair, attractive yes, definitely a curvy figure on the way, certainly adolescent girlfriend-material lol ….
So anyway, he kinda got hard then lost it then got hard again a time or two … at some point his trousers got undone and pushed out of the way then his underpants followed, and she carried on wanking him as he stood there for a while …
… I remember she moved a few times, slipped her other hand round his balls sometimes, was standing/crouching/kneeling at diferent points …
Watching, I think we all felt like we were outside the moment for a while and didn’t want to say anything or even move lol in case we might be intruders somehow …
… but after a while there was just some routine sounds of shuffling and things from us watchers - who were doing just that, watching, nothing more lol
And someone asked her how it felt … she said okay lol - there were some other comments because this loosened things up a little, and they were all directed at her because it was "exciting" to have her say stuff while wanking him, acknowledging that she had his cock in her hand, describing it all lol …
Looking back now I’d say it all lasted maybe 10 minutes, however it wouldn’t surprise me to know that in reality it was half that or even less - seems to me now that under those circumstances a young guy would cum fairly swiftly!!
So she carried on wanking Vic a little more, he’d paused at one time she moved, and backed-up to a tree, and now he was leaning back on to it … and as he was about to cum he kinda went up on his toes and shoved his pelvis forward to push his cock out, and had her hold it out straight from his body and go faster and then he grunted a few times and came as she finished him off kneeling at his side with one hand cradling his balls and the other leading him to paradise lol …
And there’s really not much to tell after that. Today we’d think about working a blow-job in, about wanking while watching, even about getting him his first fuck with her maybe, however back then at that age watching a girl wank a guy - and someone you knew! - was one hell of a big deal, a milestone for you as well as the guy, in this case Vic who of course had also just become almost a God lol
What I remember is that we got ourselves together, Vic got covered up again, we were probably making either a couple of stupid comments or just coming up with small-talk, we walked back to the bus stop chatting, took the next bus along and continued home.
Vic and Jen were boyfriend/girlfriend for a while, needless to say someone opened their mouth and the story got round - I suspect it was Jen who told a friend in confidence in some girly-talk but that didn’t work … no official action though.
We went to a few of the same parties for a while, I ended up going out with her a time or two but just as friends … I think by that time they had split up … she was a really nice girl, we had been at the same junior school and in the same class before moving to this next school at 11, so there was always some common-ground there and we were simply friends, pals I guess.
And right now where I live there's a boarding school and the term is just atarting, so the town is awash with boys and girls just arriving and settling-in, heading out to the shops to get stuff they didn't pack or that their parents didn't bringwhen they all left home, pick up other stuff they realised they need ...
... and boarding-school most definitely cranks-up the opportunity-level for the two sexes to accidentally or otherwise provide the other with masturbation-inspiring moments

... however my guess is that the ones in the best position to take advantage of it will probably be the ones who do least about it until they eventually look back and kick themselves - schoolboys!
Anyone got that time machine yet?