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what tools do you use during wanking?

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Postby T_2K_69 » Fri Sep 21, 2007 2:44 am

loves2suck wrote:Porn(all kinds)
My hands
An Ejaculating Buttplug
and a Fleshlight

Could you provide a little more info on the ejaculating buttplug?
Sounds quite interesting. I may have to try that one, if I could find one.
Lieutenant Libido
Posts: 103
Joined: Sun Apr 22, 2007 4:08 am

Postby bballguy21 » Sat Sep 22, 2007 9:55 am

nugget wrote:Another thing. Being the eternal teacher, i figure it is my civic duty to assist with the corrections in this piece of writing
and place our new friend in a fine position in their quest toward mastering the english language, which is in fact the
hardest language in the world to master.
Ok.Here goes. A simple typo im sure, but a plam sounds more like a thing you would find in the ocean.I think you meant palm."a more real sense of wet and warm" can be worded better as wetness and warmth, and just like the cock was REALLY in the pussy. not the other way around.
Next,"it feels so better and still do it like that until now", i would write this as "It felt so much better and i still did it like that until now."
Next,"after i tired of that i developed a new approach that i made ...."you should place a full stop after the word approach and begin a new sentence and remove the word "that".
Next, another typo, eary should be easy..but you knew that.
Next, "today still it is my primary method to have a self..." I would write this as "To this day, it is still my primary method of having self pleasure/of giving myself pleasure."

Just a few other pointers. When you write, always begin a sentence with a capital letter.You know that anyway and posting here is ok, but when you write something,ALWAYS begin with a capital.Also, you will gradually develop a greater understanding of the use of commas and other punctuation.Dont worry about that too much as most people dont know the correct place to put them anyway.
Your writing in paragraphs and thats excellent, and the way you put sentences together is fine for the most part.You get your ideas across easily.
OK.I'm done. Im not taking the piss out of you, i was just doing what you asked, and if youre taking the piss out of me, thats ok as I felt like being a teacher for 5 minutes.
Good work.English is hard for everyone, so well done.
doc. :wink:

fair enough :shock: :shock:
Posts: 7
Joined: Fri Sep 21, 2007 12:56 pm


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