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Guys Having Multiple Orgasm?

A Potpourri of Masturbation

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How Many Guys Are Having Multiple Orgasms?

One Orgasm
Two Orgasms
Three Orgasms
Four Orgasms
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Guys Having Multiple Orgasm?

Postby stellarBATE » Fri Sep 28, 2007 5:36 pm

It may sound unbelievable but the thread on "Masturbation In Your 40's" (as though there is a downside), made me think of it.

I just turned 55 and five years ago, & I discovered I could have multiple orgasms not just when masturbating (more common) but also during sex.

I want to know how many other men on the form are able to do this?

I don't mean the "after shocks", I mean full on orgasms. I don't get additional ejaculations but I almost always have two orgasms now, and when I have two often a third orgasm is not far behind. I have had a many as six. This is not a lie. I can make a few suggestions but I don't know if it would work for everyone. My wife loved it. (12 years younger than me -- died from cancer 18 mos. ago).
Her eyes would light up when the onset of another orgasm would come, "Are you going to cum for me again?" And she would gleefully enjoy my autonomic bucking and humping and throes of passion.

It is possible guys. Want some real masturbation fun? Go for the multi-"O's"
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Postby johnblob » Fri Sep 28, 2007 7:07 pm

I can edge just right, stopping short of ejaculation, but having an orgasm, as long as I like really. They feel amazing, perhaps moreso than a regular one, as my muscles are tensed trying to stop myself from ejaculating, it takes practise, but is worth it.
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Postby fourstrokes » Fri Sep 28, 2007 7:12 pm

I'm afraid I lack that ability. :(
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Postby Susie » Fri Sep 28, 2007 7:53 pm

Me, me!!! I can have lots. :D
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Postby Rothgar » Fri Sep 28, 2007 11:36 pm

Every once in a while, I've had two successive orgasms. Just as the first one is dying down another one cums on as I continue stroking. I doesn't happen very often at all, in fact it's quite a rarity. I wish I could make it happen more often. It's quite a thrill. It seems that the few occassions it's happened it's been following a long spell of abstaining. Even though there's no additional ejaculation on the second orgasm, it feels great!
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Postby T_2K_69 » Sat Sep 29, 2007 1:48 am

I hvae been able to have multiples many times during sex. I don't ejaculate, but have the intense feelings of an orgasm. It started right around age 40 (maybe a year or two before then, kinda lost track). It doesn't happen all the time, but often enough!
It's the coolest thing to happen since I learned how to masturbate :)
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Postby Tazz41 » Sun Sep 30, 2007 4:21 pm

I have, but really haf to try. When it happens its worth the effort. When im really horned up I can have several orgasms in a day, if a multible happens im spent for awhile.
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Postby ohkelly » Sun Sep 30, 2007 10:36 pm

Yes, I can have multiple orgasms. Fully-ejaculatory orgasms, one right after another, same hardon. I'm not talking about going to the edge and letting some semen flow while holding back the main load. I mean going all the way over the edge for a full, spurty, spasming orgasm, and then another, and another, sometimes only 30 seconds from the end of one to the beginning of the next one.
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Postby ohkelly » Sun Sep 30, 2007 10:37 pm

It takes intense concentration, but it's worth it. Of course, with each orgasm, the amount of semen diminishes. After three or four, there's usually just a little drop or two. So far, ten in a row is the most I've had.

Wanna watch?

I'm 40, straight, and just discovered this ability. Before, the most I'd had was two in a row, which I did pretty often.
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Postby MRBLOBBYOFCO » Sun Sep 30, 2007 11:07 pm

All sounds fantastic but I only cum once. Mind you I'm not complaining as that's usually gut-wrenching enough!

Happy cumming however many times in one session

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Postby raincoaster » Mon Oct 01, 2007 5:34 pm

Just a single orgasm for me, but it still feels good for some time afterward to do things like gently tugging on or squeezing my scrotum, and squeezing the head of my cock. I sometimes masturbate with a friend, and he really showed me about this scrotum squeezing after you cum. He has a really long sack that sags way down (probably 6 inches or more of very thin skin), and I first noticed him tugging on his nuts after cumming. I started doing it and really enjoy it. Both of us just cum (with ejaculate) the one time, but spend lots of time afterward keeping the good feelings going by playing with our own (and each other's) cock and balls. We haven't jacked each other off yet, but do explore each other both before and after jacking off. Its all part of it.
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multiple orgasms

Postby shady41 » Mon Oct 01, 2007 7:01 pm

Occasionally I find I am capable of this. Once I had four separate, distinct orgasms in one masturbatory session over about an hour and a half and ejaculated profusely with each one. It was one of the most incredible solo sex sessions I've ever enjoyed.
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