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The scent of Cock

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The scent of Cock

Postby T_2K_69 » Thu Oct 04, 2007 3:18 am

Anyone else like the scent of their own cock while stroking? It is such a trun on for me to take a wiff of my hand that I use to stroke my cock to take in that wonderful scent. It drives me over the edge!
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Postby stellarBATE » Fri Oct 05, 2007 2:01 am

Yes, I like it. Scent is a powerful thing. Never mind that no one else answered. More than 20 ears ago, I had a breakdown. Noting was the same for a long time. My energy level, stamina in many things, and it left me impotent -- for three years. For three years, I could not even masturbate. Near the end of that period when my virility began to return, I began having nocturnal emissions at the age of 35. The very last thing to come back was the ability to appreciate the scent of sex, especially my own sex. This took another ten years for this to straighten out. So, hold onto it. Pray you never have a nervous breakdown as bad as I did because you could lose it.
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Postby T_2K_69 » Fri Oct 05, 2007 3:09 am

Sorry to hear about that, but glad to hear that you've made it through. It doesn't bother me that no one else has responded, they just don't know what they're missing out on. Like you said, scent is a very powerful thing, and I'm not talking about stench, just the aroma that is given off during a sexual experience. Thank you for your post, hope all is well for you.
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Postby ohkelly » Sat Oct 06, 2007 9:44 pm

I love my scent. Sometimes it's powerfully arousing and adds to the sex. Sometimes I just catch a whiff and it brings a smile to my face, like when I turn over in bed during the night and a little bit wafts up from under the sheets. It's especially powerful and sexy-smelling when I've been aroused for a while. Sometimes, I'll use a finger to rub my scent onto my moustache. I find that the scent that comes from the crease between my scrotum and thigh is distinct from the scent of my perineum. (No, I'm not talking about the smell of my asshole.) Both are wonderful to me, but not as sexy as the scent of the same areas on a woman.
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