I would be down for this also. Would prefer an even number there (men to women), or more women, just as long as there are enough to visually stimulate me while I manually stimulate myself.
I, sometime ago, did try and put together a jack/jill party here in the DC area (more like VA), but some who attended had other ideas (3 men, 3 women). It was still a decent time because I got to watch my then road partner (bi-sexual woman) turn out a 'straight' woman who thought she was above most of us there. Although the event took away from my main goal (which was made clear in the beginning) it was still not bad.
Its VERY hard to get women interested, sorry, you're already interested or you wouldn't be a member of this site, right?

What I mean is feeling comfortable enough to want to join in on something like this. A meet and greet is crucial to this happening and I would suggest it happening a couple of times, if nothing else to ensure that the women who REALLY, I mean REALLY want to attend will do so willingly. The more comfortable and safe they feel, the more they will do to and for themselves. Personally, it doesn't matter to me whether or not I get to 'touch' the women, as long as I can be near them when they cum, ESPECIALLY if you're a squirter, then it may be hard to get me away from you...lol. I've experienced squirters and to be drenched by them is my fantasy.... again.
I am an old member who finally came back and hope to be more active. I went and posted stories and some pics under the ID of mrmac2. Just check the archives.