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What Age Did You Start Masturbating?

A Potpourri of Masturbation

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Postby perthm18 » Thu Mar 29, 2007 1:57 pm

I started when i was 11. i pinched my sisters girly magazines for inspiration :lol:
didnt cum till my 12th bday
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Postby Draven » Thu Mar 29, 2007 3:59 pm

I think I started masturbating when I was around 10 and had my first orgasm was whilst standing up in the bathroom (only room in the house with locks) a year later. I remember the waves of pleasure flowing through me and my knees buckling as my parents called me to come down for dinner.... I didn't eat much that day and was back in the bathroom in 20 minutes.
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Postby takeout » Thu Apr 12, 2007 5:03 pm

I started at the age of 12 as best I can remember. That was 60 years ago and porn was not readily available. I had read some medical books and knew what masturbation was and when I found some books by Thorne Smith in the town library I was really stimulated by the drawings of the sexy ghosts in the "Topper" series. That got me started. One day when some friends and I were fishing in a remote area, we spotted a naked old man walking thru the pasture playing with himself. That gave me an idea. The next day I went back, stripped naked and began playing with myself, hoping the old man would come by. That never came topass, but I did get hooked on outdoor masturbation. My first cum was out in the piney woods of New Hampshire. As I mentioned earlier, porn was not easy to find, but the "True Detective" magazines of the day containd pictures of scantily clad female crime victims and I sure dropped many a load gazing at them. Now I buy "Velvet" and "Gallery" for visual stimulation.
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Postby photoman67 » Thu Apr 12, 2007 9:35 pm

I'd say I started around the age of 13 or 14, been doing it ever since. :D
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Postby novadude » Thu Jun 21, 2007 2:04 pm

o247o wrote:I know that I first ejaculated at age 19...which was a year ago.

I can't remember the first time I started masturbating. I remember being fascinated by how I was able to make my penis go hard whenever I want during my early and middle teen years, but no rubbing or anything like that involved...


Did you hit puberty late? I think most guys can cum (and ejaculate sperm) around 14 or so; Iknow I was jacking off like a fiend - and spurting 7-8 shots per cum - long before could even drive!

That first cum at 19 must have been HUGE!
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Postby cyrushkcurtis » Thu Jun 21, 2007 5:58 pm

I may have first done it when I was eleven, but I began regular masturbation at age 12.
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Postby bigbreastedteacherfan » Tue Sep 25, 2007 11:34 pm

I remember first masturbating when I was 12, at which time I just knew it felt good. A couple of years later, my hormones hit me and suddenly I had a reason for doing it... :twisted:
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Postby Bellend » Sun Sep 30, 2007 1:45 am

Depends on your definition of masturbating.

when i was about 11 or 12 i used to lay in the shower and aim the water at my cock and kind of get off. i dont know if its possible, but i think i was having orgasms before puberty, just without the blow.
I vaguely remember about 5 or 6 months after i started doing this id notice sticky stuff on my stomach after i was done. It didnt really click what was happening for a long time, kinda naive i guess, and because i was laying under a stream of water, id have my eyes closed.

It was probably a year or more untill i actually saw myself spurt, and started properly masturbating by hand.
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Postby latinmusclepapi » Sun Sep 30, 2007 8:21 am

I started masturbating around 10 years old, rubbing my hand against the front of my briefs while I was on my stomach on my bed. I didn't start cumming until I was 12 years old. I remember laying on my stomach on my bed and getting excited while I thought about men's bare chests when I was about 5 or 6 years old.
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Postby Leatherargento » Wed Oct 03, 2007 11:02 am

I can't really recall, but I think I was about 4 or 4 and a half. I have always been extremely sexual. I remember in high school I had to cum with squirting (though I was unaware that it was female ejaculation -- I used a tissue to masturbate for reasons to complicated for this time of morning -- I thought it was sweat from my labia majora running onto the tissue, tee hee. what a silly girl ;) at least three times at a sitting (okay, lying-down) before I could face dinner with my family. All that male flesh burned into my head, and I was saving myself. I love God, but certain events in my life make me certain that God doesn't give a shit which girls have successfully saved themselves and which haven't (too much unpleasantness in these events to share on such a hot, fun forum). Suffice it to say, I am glad I was penetrated, but the how and the who and the why of it piss me off. Nothing like it. Just closing my eyes, pinching my nipples, and intense-imagining that I am being truly, deeply fucked makes me cum like God knows what.
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Postby jennybi » Sun Oct 07, 2007 12:03 am

i was 13 when i started masturbating, and never stopped lol
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Postby jocelyn.secret » Sun Oct 07, 2007 9:41 am

Leatherargento wrote:I can't really recall, but I think I was about 4 or 4 and a half. I have always been extremely sexual. I remember in high school I had to cum with squirting (though I was unaware that it was female ejaculation -- I used a tissue to masturbate for reasons to complicated for this time of morning -- I thought it was sweat from my labia majora running onto the tissue, tee hee. what a silly girl ;) at least three times at a sitting (okay, lying-down) before I could face dinner with my family. All that male flesh burned into my head, and I was saving myself. I love God, but certain events in my life make me certain that God doesn't give a shit which girls have successfully saved themselves and which haven't (too much unpleasantness in these events to share on such a hot, fun forum). Suffice it to say, I am glad I was penetrated, but the how and the who and the why of it piss me off. Nothing like it. Just closing my eyes, pinching my nipples, and intense-imagining that I am being truly, deeply fucked makes me cum like God knows what.

What hidden sadness. Stand up and make that final leap - the evideince is there is no caring god and scant evidence for any god as described in all the holy books. Realise the world is a wonderful place just because it is wonderful. Your morals are you own to decide not those of some sexist, racist bronze age tribes in a desert. Celibrate life and live for now.

Wow that was heavy for a Sunday morning - which is quite beautiful here today.
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Postby jerkingjack » Mon Oct 08, 2007 4:07 pm

I remember as a kid (about 4) showing the neighbour girl my trick of wiggly it to make it grow!! That felt good, and then i convinced her to suck it like a lollipop. That felt real good and then suddenly..What the hell was that? after that I made it grow by myself, once in a while. Then before I reached puberty, I started to masturbate regularly. I know that because I remember jerking off at a friends house and ejaculating for the first time. I had never needed to clean up before. Lol, that was embarrassing. After that, it was once a day at least, many time 2or 3 times. I remember when i was around 16 i masturbated 24 times in a day. LOL Once for every hour. The first 15 or so were easy, but after that I had to give me some time between sessions. I was pretty raw the next day.
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Postby strk88 » Mon Oct 08, 2007 6:50 pm

When I was pretty young (around 4) I was always touching myself. Always had mainly female friends growing up, was more the artist type than the jock type, didn't really hang around with guys that much growing up. The first time I actually masturbated to orgasm was probably around age 13 for a girlfriend.
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Postby tonic » Sat Oct 13, 2007 9:48 am

I'm pretty sure I was 11. I was so stoked.
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